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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. Thanks Denise! These are words of hope for someone who has been intimately acquainted with grief many times this past year.. and many hardships over a lifetime.. I also look forward to seeing that beautiful park one day!! Gorgeous picture.. praise Him \0/ asking for prayers for my family as the hearts are broken and the minds are broken in a few also. This unfortunately breaks some relationships.. I know my God is in control
    Blessings today and always

  2. A much needed post in a time where we find our world most of it in isolation. Fear of the unknown before us. Your post resonates to our situation today where we are faced with the threat of Covid19. We are in complete shutdown in New Zealand for the next month and maybe longer. May we seek God, his protection and love and come out on the other side stronger In our faith and relationship with the almighty!

  3. Denise,
    I’m so thankful for God’s Word (the double yellow lines) that keep me safely on the road through the dark tunnels of life. Right now, the news, tv, video games and other distractions can take us down even further. This is the time to think on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy. The only thing that fits that bill is the Bible. We might not be able to meet for coffee, but we can pick up the phone and call family, friends, neighbors, shut-ins. Is there someone who can’t get out to whom we could deliver a meal? I know that helping others when I’m struggling, improves my outlook. Awesome post for these times we are in…
    Bev xx

  4. Denise, immediately the words of Psalm 23:4-5 came to mind…Even when walking through the darkest valley, I have nothing to be afraid of. The Lord is walking close beside me, guarding, guiding all the way.
    When I reach the end, there is a banquet of deliciousness—for body, mind and soul—right there waiting me at the end of the darkness. Blessings overflowing!

    The visual of the dark tunnel, yellow lines to follow, and vision of pure delight at the end gives us encouragement and hope for this day. What a God we have to remind us wherever we are that He is with us everywhere!!

  5. Thank you for this reminder! Yes, the road is long and hard (very hard at times), and too often all we can see is the darkness, but God’s love is guiding us toward a beautiful ending!
    M @ In Beautiful Chaos

  6. Praise God for all the ways he bolsters our hope! Thank you, Denise, for reminding us of his continual affirmation: we can trust him–even in the dark–his goodness is assured.

  7. Well, after 28 1/2 years of marriage, 17 of them with my husband being in adultery multiple times, he is officially leaving April 1. It has been years of forgiving, rebuilding, forgiving, rebuilding, although I realize now I was the one doing all the forgiving and rebuilding alone. He is going to be with his “Christian” girlfriend. Satan will have a hayday, but my God is mighty and powerful and has full authority over my life. Please pray for me and my children, to have a loving, faithfilled support system and that God WILL have victory in a way only He sees and knows at this time. All prayers will be apprciated. It has been a long, hard journey.

    • Wow! Well I can’t say I know what you’re going through but I can pray for you. Kia Kaha (means be or stay strong in Maori). God sees you he knows your inner most thoughts, hurts, feelings. He knows how many hairs you have on your head…

      That verse comes to mind about the birds and how God feeds them… aren’t we more precious to him then the birds and won’t he provide for us… Sorry it’s either flowers or birds but the point is He is the Creator, he never promised we wouldn’t have hurts or trials but He did promise to walk through them with us and be by our side.

      You are his masterpiece..trust in him and he will carry you through, your family and all. You tried. Your husband is the one who lied and is losing here. Although I’m sure it’s completely heartbreaking you know deep down you deserve better than the way you have been treated.

  8. Denise,

    We don’t take the time to appreciate God’s beauty. We often just rush from one thing to the next trying to get everything done. Maybe it’s one crisis after another. Always seem to be in a tizzy hurry to get somewhere. It’s time we slowed down & take a look around us. In dark times of trials & tribulations I run to community. Seeking out a few close friends who I can bear my burdens with me. Also prayer is a biggie for me. Asking God what to do next & when. In all circumstances I have hope. A hope that doesn’t disappoint. This virus pandemic isn’t a surprise to God. He may have let it happen to get our attention. Causing us to slow down, take time to be with Him. Get into His word more. Instead of giving into fear & trepidation, anchor your soul to Jesus & let Him carry you through the storm. You may be surprised what’s on the other side.

    Blessings 🙂