The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.
Exodus 14:14 (NIV)
Here’s the promise for us today: God will fight for me when I just can’t anymore.
As the social distancing continues, we’re becoming more weary. We were made for human connection through presence, and the lack of it has caused grief and anxiety and anger for the loss of what was supposed to be this year. We pray and plead this will all be over soon, and exhausted, we crawl into bed only to start the same day again in the morning.
The road ahead is long, and when we just can’t anymore, God will fight for us. When we are at the end of our strength, when our prayers come out in groans and tears, when we wonder if we can even make it to the next day, He will sustain us. He will hear our feeble prayers, our angry prayers, our desperate prayers, and He will provide what we need for the day, like manna in the desert.
It’s okay if you just can’t anymore today. There is grace abundant for you, and He WILL fight for you.
[bctt tweet=”Here’s the promise for us today: God will fight for me when I just can’t anymore.” username=”incourage”]
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Thank you this message came when mostly i need it please pray for me. I have to go back to my country my story is long . may the LORD keep you all safe.
I hear your pain. Praying God will carry you on your journey. Don’t give up. Hugs.
Praying for safety for you as well.
And so thankful that you have connected here in this loving community.
May the Lord Bless you and keep. May you find joy and peace in your country
Praying you feel God’s presence as you journey back home. May He guide & sustain you with His love & peace. Prayers for strength to endure this part of the journey. Know this: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you & not harm you. To give you a hope & a future.” Jeremiah 29:11–cling to those thoughts!
Blessings 🙂
I desperately needed to be reminded of this promise today. Thank you so much for sharing and meeting me in my pandemic pit of a myriad of feelings that sometimes hits me all at once. I’m clinging to His grace today in one hand and hold the white surrender flag in the other. Praying you and all readers and families continue to stay well and safe.
I love your post clinging to His hand and with your other surrendering flag of your heart. That’s what we all , the whole world needs to do . Humble ourselves and Praise . Holy is the Lord our God of mercy and grace .
May your faith and trust be rewarded dear sister .
Thank you Cheryl. Praying you and loved ones stay well and safe.
Our family is trying to sell a home place. Because of one family members’ outstanding debts, the abstract office will not give us a clear title to the property. We have had a buyer for the property for 5 months; but due to a lack of a clear title, everything has come to a stand still. Please pray that God will make a way for this place to change hands.
Barbara, Praying that you will experience God’s mighty hand of favor and mercy in this and in every other affair you have to deal with. All to the glory of God. Amen.
Father God,
Help Barbara & family with a miracle. They need a clear title to the home so they can sell it. You alone know all the detail. They’ve had a buyer for a long time & can sell it quickly. Lord please end this trial for them.
Asking your will be done.
Blessings 🙂
What a good reminder that we don’t always have to put on a brave face, or I guess I should say, we can’t put on a brave face without God. Thank you Lord for your strength that upholds me with your right hand.
Exactly what I needed this morning.. God’s perfect timing. realizing things are hard and so hard on all of us . here’s hope and knowing God’s still in this…
Thank you and God Bless Everyone.
I was given a wonderful gift by this message. I also want to gift you by wisdom i was also gifted by a wise pastor.
Don’t tell God how big your problems are, but tell your problems how big your God is. Blessings to you all.
Love this!❤️✝️
Proverbs 3 v 5 comes to mind as well to do with todah reading. TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL THINE HEART AND LEAN NOT UNTO THINE OWN UNDERSTANDING. XXX
I’m so glad that when I can’t, God CAN and WILL. I listened to a devotional this morning that talked about this very verse in Exodus. My part is to be STILL and let God fight for me. It’s so great when truth is reinforced for us from various sources at the very same time.
I understand all the feelings that any difficulty can bring but please let us all keep in mind that we are only given one day at a time. Focus on the time you have since yesterday cannot be changed and tomorrow is not promised. Our hope is in the Lord. Anything else is settling for seconds at best.
My suggestion for each of us is to find a verse or two that reflects our feelings, wasn’t and needs and use it all day long to keep us focused on His promises that are new each and every day. Remember that the children of Israel received a day’s portion of manna every morning after they left Egypt and no more until the next day. Everything we experience in life should keep us dependent on Him and not on ourselves or anyone else.
His word will always endure along with His love, mercy, and forgiveness. Rejoice always and again I say rejoice. Bless you all and keep ourselves focused on what is ahead of us.
Loretta what you said is very true the Children of Isreal enough for each day. So true God did see the Children of Isreal in those days without and he not see us his Children today without. If as you say we keep his Children keep his promise and as you wrote which is so true. That are new each day. I love everything else you wrote. We serve a big mighty God. Who loves us all. Iove Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
I meant to say that excuse my typing error Loretta meant to say God didn’t see the Children of Isreal without and he not his Children today with out please forgive my mistake. Dawn Ferguson-Little xxx
I got you Dawn, thank you for your encouragement. Blessings to you my sister
“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
So good! Yet so not always easy! 🙂
God bless you all my dear sisters in Christ….let this verse be our confidence today: ” Be still….and know that I am GOD.” Yes indeed…HE is our God who fights our battles.
This is so very relevant and excellent! Thank you for this post!
In Courage,
Most people have had their lives changed dramatically. Children are home all day & can’t go out for much. Parents have to become school teachers, while working from home. No one gets much time alone to think. It can be daunting & get on your nerves. For me the hardest thing is going to work & not seeing any visitors in patients rooms. Friends go to the doctor & family has to wait in car for hours. We have to realize that God’s got this!! He will redeem what we have lost. One thing I’ve learned is that some lost things needed to go. We needed to get back to God. This country was in desperate need of a revival. The family unit seemed to be going by wayside. Now people have time actually reconnect with each other face to face. Praying for everyone during this tumultuous time.
Blessings 🙂