In this season of social distancing, self-quarantining, and the silencing of our schedules, maybe the very thing we’ve desired — to hear God speak — is being given to each of us in a manner none of us preferred or saw coming.
One of the things every believer longs for is to hear God’s voice clearly. Is that true of you as it is for me? I struggle with the typical distractions to hear God clearly, but now most of those seem to be muted by a pandemic.
Did you ever hope and pray God would speak to you? Is there a prayer you’ve been praying for a long time and it seems as though God has been silent? Do you wish He would make Himself clear in a certain area of your life?
If we believe God really does work all things together for our good because we love Him, then we can believe God is working through the forced silence of our busy lives.
It’s hard for me to let go of plans, travel, schedules, and times with family and friends. But we have the opportunity to experience the things we’ve longed for and couldn’t figure out how to fit in before.
We can hear God’s voice more clearly because the noises of our daily lives have been silenced.
We have space to think of others besides ourselves. No longer is our excuse of being too busy to help fitting. We can fill up our time with binge watching, or we can use this awkward but precious time to listen to the voice of God.
In our silence, we can be like Samuel and ask God to speak, and then have the capacity to listen.
The silence will not feel normal or even right at first because we are used to loud and distracted lives. For some of us that is all we have ever known. But the silence of entire cities, neighborhoods, and homes is a gift where our prayers to hear from God can finally be answered if we let it.
Let’s not confuse the solitude of our surroundings with the silence of God. God is not silent in the pandemic or our personal situations. What we are facing every day and the impact it has on our lives can be overwhelming to each of us in unique and challenging ways.
But God can use the silencing of our schedules so we can hear Him clearly in our lives. We also now have the space to watch Him move and provide on our behalf.
God has allowed this silence in our lives for a brief season. We have a decision to make as His people: either look for the good in a very difficult situation and listen for His voice wholeheartedly, or try to fill up the silence with what feels most comfortable — the busy noise of the world that does not lead to a close relationship with Jesus.
When this pandemic is over and we are on the other side, I pray we all experience a revived faith and live in the words God speaks to us over the new few weeks and months.
Your silenced schedule can enable your heart to listen and make your life with Jesus better than before.
God, thank you for the silence and the interrupted schedule so we can listen to Your voice. Thank you for getting our attention and bringing our gaze back to You. God, we ask for Your forgiveness for allowing busyness and distraction to get in the way of hearing Your voice in our lives. We are listening now and want to be obedient to whoever You tell us to love. Please stop this pandemic and speak to us. Let us each pay close attention to Your words. Revive our hearts and create worldwide revival through Your words to us. Let us obey You now and once life resumes to a more normal health and pace. We wait for our hope is only in You.
[bctt tweet=”Let’s not confuse the solitude of our surroundings with the silence of God. God is not silent in the pandemic or our personal situations. -Stephanie Bryant:” username=”incourage”]
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I absolutely love your writings and glean so much from them and especially your podcast. I’m still working fulltime from home, home schooling and we are at level 4 complete lockdown in NZ. I’m going to in the silent times wait to hear from God.
I am still waiting for his plan for my life. But I still have seen his movements of provision with this job. It is NOT peace building or does not look like what I thought He wanted for me. He after all continuously blessed me with AMAZING blessings and pushed me through my Masters.
I am not an amazing Christian but I found my way back to Christ. I still even so am not amazing at being what I think a good Christian should be…
However if God had not provided this purchasing job at our local University I would not be working now See? He still has provided for me and my family.
I ask for prayers for me to be able to hear God. Whether it’s through his word, an incourage blog, your podcast or other Christian ones I listen too, I just want to hear him and know it is Him!
To feel him fear is a big thing for me. God is always there for me when I need him. I want to help Him in return, to serve Him and work for Him!
Amen Stephanie – asking for blessings over your family and our incourage sisters here for good health and for an end to CoVID. In Jesus name Ai ask these things, Amen!
I meant #to feel God near is a big thing for me.
With my oldest not in school, my life is actually a little busier and more chaotic than usual. However, I really am in a good position weathering this mess because I was already a stay-at-home mama, so we knew my children would be with me as usual, and my husband has an essential job working on a chicken farm, so we haven’t lost income. The added boredom and stress from the lack of in-person community is hard to deal with, but all things considered, I have so much to be grateful for.
I agree…I think so many of us wore the “Badge of Busy” on our vests like something to be proud of. Now that our “busy” has been removed, what do we have to show for ourselves? Maybe we are to learn that our worth isn’t in our “doing” but simply in our “being” in relationship with God. God loves us just as much when we’re plopped on the sofa as when we are doing all sorts of “righteous acts.” I also think it’s taken our focus off ourselves. As some of us sit with full fridges and stocked pantries, our eyes can’t help but see those who are hungry and starving. Maybe not being able to busy ourselves gives us the time to help others. I do pray that we will take these lessons of being still with us once the pandemic lifts and that in this time we would seek first God and His kingdom. Awesome post!
Bev xx
I agree Bev. In fact, I would like to ask the Incourage community to consider making a donation to your foundation in Pakistan to help feed and care for the children that attend the school you started there. Those kids can’t go to school right now because of COVID19 and that is where most got their daily food. Check out Bev’s foundation called Redeemer Christian Foundation. Bev has been under spiritual attack by a person trying to stop sponsorship to this outstanding foundation and they are in need of our financial support. Pray about blessing these innocent children. Thanks! My family has food and toilet paper so we are blessed. Let’s reach across the world and let these children know that they are loved. God bless you.
wonderfully written. I thought that when all of a sudden the world slowed..maybe now we all can use this time to connect on the phone with pray and listen. there’s been many blessings in my life during this horrible time and I see God’s hand in my life. I’m blessed to be able to slow down and listen to others..
it’s a time of self growth & a time to reach others who need love…
This is so timely. I am a song writer and the current song I am working on is called “Why are you so quiet?”
Knowing that God is never quiet, there are so many out there that feel He is. i am convinced He allowed this to happen so that many of us will just slow down and listen. Seek Him, and the very needed time with Him.
Thanks for this!
Thank you for your words of wisdom and encouragement. I have seen God’s provision like never before during this time. I know and believe He is always faithful to provide for His children. I am a firm believer in silence and being quiet before the Lord to hear from Him, but can you help me out with trying to do this when I have a child with special needs that requires so much time and attention, and wakes when I do every time, then I’m too exhausted at night.
Read an article that should be passed on to everyone: Stay – Forever by Greg Morse through Desiring God (John Piper) website. An eye opener/ reflection read, especially at this time of uncertainty! Hope you consider reading it. Thank you.
God uses many ways to get our attention. We have been a “busy, doing our own thing” nation for to long now. It’s time we had a revival. I can sense a lot more Christianity on the web these days. Now is the time for families to reconnect face to face. Time to talk about your future & pray with each other. Let’s use this time wisely. Don’t waste it binge watching TV or surfing internet. Use this time to really hear from God. Pray & have family Bible studies. Do something for others if possible.
Blessings 🙂