Aren’t two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s consent. But even the hairs of your head have all been counted. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31 (CSB)
Today, we’re holding on to this promise: I can trust God because He cares for my every worry.
What if I lose my job?
What if my parents get sick?
What if my kids get hurt and we have to go to the hospital right now?
What if I can’t handle my work and my child’s education?
What if I get worse in my mental health and I can’t reach out for help?
What if what we have in the bank can’t carry us through this time?
Each of these worries is real and painful. We don’t have to pretend that we’re not worried or act like trusting in God means living nonchalantly. But we can trust Him because He cares for every single one of our worries. You are not insignificant in His eyes or overlooked by Him. He, who has counted every single hair on your head, cares about your well-being and your life. Let’s turn our worries into whispered confessions and ask for help to trust in Him.
[bctt tweet=”Today, we’re holding on to this promise: I can trust God because He cares for my every worry. #promiseoverpanic” username=”incourage”]
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When I get to thinking of the dreaded “What if’s” my mind turns to Joseph. He had every possible, worst case, what if happen – sold into slavery was just the beginning and things went off the rails from there. But, still, NOTHING could thwart the sovereign will of God. He can redeem EVERY situation. I cling to the fact that God is in control and can work even the worst “what if’s” together for good. What the world and others mean for evil, God can and will use for good. I know…hard to cling to when you’re hanging on by a thread…but what is the alternative? Keep clinging sisters. He will not let the waters sweep over you. That’s a promise!
Bev xx
Such wise words!
Wise and true words for today!!
Thank you!!
Thank you so much for acknowledging our worries and not making us feel guilty when we do have them. God’s love is so unconditional and I know in my heart He does not condemn me for it. Yes, we can trust Him because He cares about our worries! Love and blessings of hope, peace, and safety to you all and your loved ones!
I can’t thank you enough for make me see I am not the only one in pain in this times. In my country we can go out to shop one time a week and only one person per family. If you need to go out other day you must ask for a permit. No walks, no going to the grocery more than once a week or pharmacies in case of emergency. Kids can only go out to the patio, if they see a child out of their houses it is a year of salary u pay and one parent go to jail. Not even 10 metres from our house! I have a girl of 6 and a boy of almost 3. It is so hard! It is so estrict here, more than any other country where people go shopping when they need, or go for walks with kids in their neighbourhood or go on their cars around. I wish I could do that. My grandma is severe depressed since this started, a few days ago she fell and after that pain and not being able to go to the hospital or have any of us taking care of her all night (we ask permission for that and they said no) she was crying saying she wanted to die. The sadness and desperation I felt was so hard I had a panick attack. I am feeling so anxious since then, I cant handle the day, I can’t even have hope right now. It takes so much effort… I just pray God show me the way in this. I am feeling so lost!
Praying for you and your family, Your children, your grandma, So sad that you could not help her in her time of need.
And having to keep watch that your dear lilttle children do not stray, or suffer such extreme consequences.
I cannot begin to understand what it must be like in such strict circumstances.
Please know that God hears and understands, and weeps with you. We pray that you will feel His comforting arms about you,
God bless, dear one.
What part of the world are you from so I can send youbprayers.
In Courage,
I’ve been through some rough trials before. They have taught me to trust in God readily & in every situation. Last week my hubby was put on furlough from hospital. His boss said he would call him back when things picked up. Trouble is hubby has never in 31+ years had to rely on government assistance. Now he is fearing the worst. Never call me back or I’ll get a different shift, etc. He talks about moving just to find a job for himself. That would not allow him to get any government assistance. He would be low man on totem pole. I’ve done my best to try & get him to trust God. We both get paid this week. & then we will see how it goes. Prayerfully he will get the link to sign up for assistance & that will ease a few fears Having him watch our pastor on computer & read devotionals with him. Maybe I can get him to calm down enough to trust in Almighty God. That is all we have right now. We need to show this world how our God works on our behalf.
Blessings 🙂
Why we are so worried about things when God has the control of all. Thank for your meditation.