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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. In Courage,

    I heard on radio yesterday that Marcos Pizza in Texas was robbed. The owners looked at video & saw some young people & realized they only got $20.00. Instead of prosecuting them they said “if anyone needs a meal just call us & we will give it to you free.” They realized that we are in dire times & people act differently in such times. They are truly showing God’s love to their community. This world could use more people like that. Now more than ever we have a great opportunity to show Christ’s love to this sin darkened world. It is a unique situation to get more people to come to Christ. The Bible states that Christ will come back like a thief in the night & no one knows the time. Let’s use this time & show as much love as possible to this weary soul worn world.

    Blessings 🙂

  2. Do you know I love you people in Incourage so much even though I live the other side of the world in Enniskillen in Co. Fermanagh N.Ireland. What you guys have taught me and said through this Coronavarious. Is just so amazing. I Pray for you all when saying my Prayers. I might not get to see you guys this side of earth. But I will see you Beautiful Guys one day in Glory with Jesus. Just how amazing that will be. May God bless the work you all do for him and the way you show his Love through this wonderful work you all do for him. We are the Church the Church is the hands and feet too the world. That is why in theses days we are to show Gods Love if we can to God people. No matter who they are. If we are well enough like pick up the phone ask a neighbour do they need anything in town we are getting food shopping for ourselves. Me I cook meals for my Dad at this this time. He not saved. Pray for him. Tell my Sister-In-law I am praying for her and her Family who some are married have kids other across the water. Plus I pray for people who have Cancer and their Families. Theses things mean a lot to people like this as some of their families not saved. My Dad he just shakes the head if I say I praying for him. But I know God can still use my Prayers in his life to one day make him see the light in me and see his need to get saved. Which I know he will get saved. Jesus in the Bible wanted to be with people no one else wanted to be with or have nothing else too do with. We the Church are too the same. Love them no matter what like Jesus did. Not do what the people in Bible did. Say what Jesus doing with them. If Jesus wants he could say the same about us. But he doesn’t. Because he Love Me and YOU TOO MUCH. The Kingdom of God could be nearer than we think. So it is up to us Followers of Jesus to be the Church of God. The Hand and Feet. Watch we say not Gossip about people or talk about them and say but I only saying. It still Gossip in Gods eyes and it wrong. Instead if nothing Good to say Pray. If can Help someone Do. Be the Real Church Hand and Feet the Church that shows Love in everything we do. Then the unsaved. Then might say what is about You. Your Different. You can tell them. Jesus lives in you. Everything you do is about JESUS. You Read his word the Bible Your Pray to Jesus. You Live and Breath JESUS EVERY DAY. Hope fully they will want the same XXX

  3. this is true.. human nature and mixed with fear either prompts people to 1st and taller and do better or be miserable with selfish intent.
    I was saddened in my city to see a email sent out by our local bookstore. in it the owner made snarky comments and was overall angry she had to ” follow the rules of the land” and reopen her store soon. she went onto tell people to keep her safe and on and on. while I understand and hear her fears I also think she had an huge chance to reach people and bring inspiration. instead thinking of herself she failed at her chance to shine.
    examining ones heart before we chose our actions is the route to take..