“Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives.
Don’t let your hearts be troubled or fearful.”
John 14:27 (CSB)
It seems that every commercial on TV has switched over to the message of being “in this together.” It’s heartwarming when everyone feels disconnected and alone, but still at the end of every commercial, their hope is for us to buy their product, watch their news channel, turn to their services. Marketing isn’t bad. Business isn’t bad. But if this is message most of us are hearing these days when we’re feeling vulnerable and fearful, is this the kind of peace the world offers?
As chaos continues in this world with the pandemic, with unchecked injustice, with hunger and abuse, we can take heart that God doesn’t give us the kind of peace the world does. His peace is one that stays with us when the world has turned upside down. It is accessible and available and offered to us freely through Christ. His peace leaves us with real peace instead of a gaping need for more. It keeps us grounded and steady within the chaos of the storm, and it carries us no matter how long the storm goes.
So, let’s take deep breaths and hold on to this promise today: When the world is in chaos, Christ’s peace is with me.
[bctt tweet=”Let’s take deep breaths and hold on to this promise today: When the world is in chaos, Christ’s peace is with me. #promiseoverpanic” username=”incourage”]
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Amen to peace. There’s nothing better than the internal peace, the spiritual peace of Jesus and our Creator, God!
I am grateful for the peace that can only be given by God.
Yes peace is with us when we have Jesus. But we still get scared at times but look at who holds the whole world in his hands. Just like the song I was taught at Sunday School. He Got The Whole World In His Hands. How true that is. The song goes He Got Me And You Sister In His Hands. Then it Goes His Got The Tiny Little Baby In His Hands. So on it might not be in the right order the way I am typing the song out. It Goes then He Got You and Me Brother In His Hands. You get it properly on youtube. It tell us that song we have real peace we don’t need to worry when all the Chaos is going on around up if even to do with the way the world is today. To do with the Coronavarius and all the adds on tv and the internet are all about. Even if you go Grocery shoping and over the loud speak it is talking about it as well. All the adds say keep safte stay home as much as possible and wash your hands. Every shop is spraying your basket or trolly. You have to stand two feet apart. But we if we keep trusting God. Applying the words of that song. He Got The Whole World In His Hands. We his followers if saved we have nothing to fear. Especially if we stand on the Promises of Gods Word the Bible and Prayer. Then apply the blood over our lives plus psalm 91 and the Armor God Every day in Ephesians 6. We have a great peace and nothing to Worry about. Because God will look after us. That what I do. Yes I listen to the news but don’t let about the Coronavarius get to me. As I trust God to look after me. The one who has the Whole World In His Hands. As He God made it. Love the reading. Xx
In Courage,
Through all this pandemic people have feared. Mostly my life was left unchanged. That was until a few weeks ago. My hubby got furloughed. He took it hard as he’s never gone through anything like this in 31+ years of working for the same company. He was upset & scared. I looked at the bright side of this. More time together. I was the strong one telling him to trust God. All things would work out for our good. Finally he saw where he would receive Covid money. That eased his fears tremendously. Peace is now in our household. My parting thoughts to hubby was see just trust in Almighty God. He will get us through all trials. He’s done it before & He will continue to do so. Run to God during this time. Lean hard on Him & His peace will surround your family!
Blessings 🙂