This summer will be different. It already is, isn’t it? Parks and pools and beaches are closed. We may be distancing from our most vulnerable friends and family members. Our kids finished school at home, and now many of their summer camps and programs are cancelled. The world is still in tender turmoil. We’ve never had a season like this before, and many of us are looking for solid comfort, truth we can cling to, and reminders of peace and hope.
With that in mind, we can’t think of a better place to camp out this summer than in the book of Psalms.
The psalms are known as fertile ground for connecting deeply with the heart of God. They are beautiful examples of what raw, honest, transparent communication with God looks like — hopes and fears poured out, hearts surrendered, lives transformed. Through the psalms, we see God’s love and compassion and unshakable commitment to His people. We see God’s nearness, God’s with-ness.
We also discover we are not alone. We join with other sojourners in this life of faith as we learn the language of both praise and lament. When we’re tempted to think that no one else could possibly understand what we’re going through, let’s open the book of Psalms, because it’s there we are sure to find a friend.
So, join us as we journey through reading forty psalms this summer!
All you need is a copy of our Summer (in) the Psalms 40-Day Devotional Journal. This beautiful 127-page journal is just $7.99, only available on Amazon, and includes a 40-day reading plan with selections from Psalms, daily reflection questions with lined pages for journaling, and twenty corresponding devotions from the (in)courage Devotional Bible printed in full. (You do not need an (in)courage Devotional Bible to participate; the journal includes the full devotions.) For less than $8, this journal is all you need for an impactful summer Bible study.
Here’s how we will read through Psalms this summer:
- We will be reading five days a week for eight weeks. That feels more do-able to us than forty days straight. We’ll start reading next week, and you can definitely go at your own pace — no pressure or judgment!
- On Sundays, we will share a select psalm from the week right here on the blog, so tune in for those posts.
- On Thursdays, join Community Manager Becky Keife and other (in)courage contributors for video conversations as they discuss what they’re learning in that weeks’ selected Psalms! You’ll be able to watch on our (in)courage IGTV and Facebook pages, and the closed caption versions will air on YouTube. Links will also be added to this page as videos go live. Dates and contributors subject to change. We hope you’ll share what you’re learning from the Psalms too — use hashtag #inPsalms2020, and see what others are bringing to the conversation.
That’s it! Relaxed, no pressure, and still deeply impactful. Gather a group of friends together (safely distanced of course, or even on a video call!) and spend the Summer (in) the Psalms together. Let’s not add more tasks to our to-do list. Rather, let’s make space for the ones that matter most, bring us closer to the One who created us, and spend time reflecting on His heart. Join us for a Summer (in) the Psalms!
Get your Summer (in) the Psalms 40-Day Devotional Journal
and join us today!
[bctt tweet=”Want to join me for a summer Bible study? Let’s walk through the Psalms this summer with @incourage! Get the details here:” via=”no”]
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I’ve been reading through the Bible again and right now I’m in the minor prophets. What they are writing about sounds much like what is going on in our world today…it’s heavy reading. Maybe a summer in the Psalms is the calm and reassurance this weary heart needs. Going to check it out on Amazon! Thanks!
Bev xx
Yay Bev! I’m really looking forward to camping out in the Psalms this summer for those very reasons.
I just ordered mine and I look forward to an uplifting time in the Psalms.
Blessings and have a good weekend,
Bev xx
Bev –
Let me know what you think of it when it arrives. I can’t decide.
I’ll be sure to let you know. I don’t have Amazon Prime, so it may be several days before I get it 🙂
Bev xx
Thank you for providing this option! I think I’ll check it out. My kids chose to read through Psalms this summer so this speaks to me! And a group of friends are considering what we should study after our Bible study is over…not adding to the to-do list speaks to me, too. Thanks again.
Ooh Pearl, like you said, this could be just the right thing!
Thanks for the reminder! I did this last year with you guys, and loved it. Can’t wait to do it again!
Hooray! So glad you’ll be joining in again, Elaine.
I have the bible. Can you send me the plan, please? Or it’s the self plan like last year?
Best wishes
IN Courage,
I’m reading through the Bible. Just finishing up with the Psalms. So much wisdom there. David laments & praises God at the same time. We could learn so much. Can’t wait!
Blessings 🙂
I’d like to do this study with my sister overseas. Unfortunately, she can’t order the book from Amazon. Is there a way she can access last year’s study format so she doesn’t have to have order the book? Thanks for the help!