Scared and alone, I entered the hospital.
While doctor’s appointments and tests have become a standard part of my life since receiving a rare disease diagnosis, this day was different. I’d grown accustomed — and unquestionably taken for granted — the ability to have a family member or friend by my side. With the pandemic continuing to press on, my only option was to brave the appointment alone as I faced the added fear of being exposed to a disease that didn’t play nice with weakened immune systems.
In the twenty-four hours leading up to the appointment, my emotions ran the full gamut. Every potential scenario played out in my mind: Would I be exposed to COVID? Was my immune system strong enough to handle it if I was? Would this visit counteract the stay-at-home orders I had so rigorously followed?
Fear and uncertainty weighed heavily on my heart as I longed for a different reality.
As I rummaged through the house to create a make-shift mask, my emotions continued to escalate. In a last-ditch attempt not to have to deal with the appointment alone, I asked my husband to drive me to the hospital and wait in the parking lot. As luck would have it, our schedules didn’t coincide. I had to undertake this alone — or so I thought.
You can do hard things, I reminded myself as I drove to the hospital. After enduring a year and a half of chemotherapy, undergoing routine bloodwork should have felt like a walk in the park, but I couldn’t deny the fear and uncertainty that had welled up inside of me. Throughout the years, I’d learned that bravery isn’t so much a choice as it is the willingness to do the hard things even when we are scared.
After I parked the car, I got out, and my feet began to propel me closer and closer to the hospital doors. I took several deep breaths, in and out. Stepping through the automatic sliding doors, peace slowly began to replace my panic, though at first, I couldn’t pinpoint why. COVID prescreen, check. Registration, a breeze. Bloodwork, done in record time.
In less than fifteen minutes, my feet were back on the parking lot pavement making their way to the car. As a sigh of relief escaped my lips, a slow realization dawned on me: I hadn’t been alone. God had been present.
The Bible reminds us that, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1 ESV).
Life often requires us to do things scared, to take steps forward in faith. How quick I am to forget that God goes with me through the trials and burdens of this life both big and small!
Isaiah 41:10 tells us, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Fear reminds me that it is okay if I don’t feel equipped because my weakness can be a place for God’s strength to shine through. On my own, fear can be a powerful deterrent, but with God, fear does not get the final say.
I won’t always have a family member or friend by my side as I walk through the burdens of this life, but I can take one courageous step after the next knowing that God’s presence is in my midst (1 Corinthians 3:16 ESV). While I cannot eliminate fear from my life, I can cast all of my anxiety on God because He cares for me (1 Peter 5:7 NIV). There is no burden too great or too small for God to bear.
How has God’s presence been a comfort to you in this season?
[bctt tweet=”Bravery isn’t so much a choice as it is the willingness to do the hard things even when we are scared. -MaryBeth Eiler:” username=”incourage”]
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MaryBeth, thank for sharing this encouraging post. Can you please pray for my friend? She is young and has a chronic illness then caught covid. She is currently in the hospital fighting for her life. She has peace, but I am praying if it is God’s will that he will heal her. Thank you
J, that is so hard. I am lifting up a prayer for your friend that she feels God’s presence in her difficult circumstances. I pray you too feel God’s peace + presence amid all the uncertainty that surrounds you right now. My heart goes out to you. I will continue to pray for healing and restoration.
Yes! A million times… yes
Love Karen
Mom of cancer survivor ❤️
Glad this resonated with you! ❤️
Thanks for sharing your story of facing your fear in God’s strength. Sometimes, I believe God orchestrates events so that we must go into them one on One with God. It’s only then that we realize and appreciate our God is the God who stays and who gives us His peace that passes understanding.
Bev xx
That has certainly been my experience, Bev! My dependence on Him has certainly grown within my discomfort. Glad these words encouraged you today!
I really needed to read your words today. I have MS and need to go to the lab to have bloodwork done as well. It’s just routine, but I also fear being exposed to COVID -19. It’s just like you said…all those questions and fears running through my head. Thank you for the reminder that God is always with us! You have eased my mind and I am thankful for your help. It’s still scary, but now I know I won’t be alone! God bless you!
Glad these words encouraged you. ❤️ Praying you continue to feel God’s peace + presence as you complete your bloodwork. God is certainly with you.
Thank you for this reminder….I needed to hear this today! Bless you on your journey – you are an inspiration.
Thank you, Mary-Frances. Grateful these words touched you.
Mary Beth,
I am grateful for your encouraging reminder this morning,, thank you so much for sharing with us.
Blessings to all,
Thank you, Penny! Glad this resonated with you!
You are brave you are beautiful Marybeth. Marybeth you are so right God was with through your Hospital appointment. You did it got took you through it. Yes you panic all the things went through your head that we all would think. We are human. Will I going to this appointment catch Covid 19. See you came out ok. God was with you. The old Devil wants us to think the worst. God does say in his word I will never leave you not forsake you. God never does. He was with you the whole time during your Hospital appointment. In no time it was all over you were back in car with your Husband. So you were very brave. I during this time of lockdown got the picture of Jesus and the story of him feeding the 5000 plus people why I say plus people as there could have been kids there that day as well as. Jesus fed them on 5 loaves and 2 fish. What God showed me from that story that we his followers can all learn from it. Is the people that day didn’t care about gems. Who had this cold or this illness or if they washed their hands or not that day. They didn’t care about the insects on the grass when Jesus asked the disciples to get them to sit on the grass. They all came to here the King of world speak who was Jesus. They all would have been sitting very close together not 2 meters apart like we have today in shops etc. As they knew Jesus the king of world would look after them and let nothing happen too them. When the baskets of food with the loaves and fish went round they didn’t care if the person beside them had washed their hands before taking the food and eating it. They knew they be ok. Nothing would happen to them. We have to as followers of Jesus have the same faith in Jesus as they had that day. Keep our eyes fixed on him. Keep Praying keeping trusting him. Keep reading his word the Bible. When we go to places like Hospital appointments or to visit people who not been well. Or in an Nursing home etc. Know we have a king call Jesus and trust him. If we keep to rules to do with Covid 19. Will project us let nothing happen to us. We have nothing to be scared of. We can be big and brave. Like the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 plus people that day that probably didn’t worry about gems or catching anything they didn’t probably even think of them. They had a mighty big saviour that was called Jesus that they knew who wouldn’t let anything happen too them. So we can all go through the same hard times and hard things in life knowing Jesus is with us no matter what. That is so good to know. You Marybeth were brave and Jesus took you through it too. I been through things in life and without Jesus by my side I would have been lost. I look back today say now I know Jesus was there with me in that. As I can smile as he threw his Holy Spirit told me what to do and helped me get through it. No matter how hard it was. Thank you for today reading Love Daw Ferguson-Little xxx
Thank you, Dawn. Glad you connected with so much in this post! Thank you for sharing your heart.
Thank you MaryBeth for this today. I am currently in a 2-week self-isolation with my family as I wait to go into hospital next week for surgery for recurrence of cancer after almost 5 years post initial surgery and treatment.
This is a beautiful reminder to me that God has been with me. He was with me 5 years ago when I was first diagnosed and He was with me when I spent 3.5 months in hospital very ill after surgery. He brought me out and was with me through 6 cycles of chemotherapy. He never left my side. Even now as I face the next few weeks of going into hospital alone without any visit from my loved ones and thereafter, I know He is still with me.
Just this morning, I was meditating on Isaiah 43:1-4 (NIV)
1 But now, this is what the Lord says—
he who created you, Jacob,
he who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
2 When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
3 For I am the Lord your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
I give Egypt for your ransom,
Cush and Seba in your stead.
4 Since you are precious and honored in my sight,
and because I love you,
I will give people in exchange for you,
nations in exchange for your life.
Thank you for your words of confirmation. May the Lord continue to be with you, keep you and use you.
Susannah x x
Thank you for sharing this with me today. What a journey you have been on and continue to walk! Lifting you up in prayer as you navigate an unknown future. May you feel God’s presence in the coming days, weeks, and months ahead as you heal. ❤️
Susannah, I’m not sure if this link will attach, but I’ll try. It’s a song by a Canadian artist, based on Isaiah 43, that has been powerful to me in times of retreat and prayer this past year or so. It’s simplicity, but mostly that it is parts of Isaiah 43, are what have made it such a special gift to me. Perhaps it will bless you too. I hope so.
So it looks like the song I tried to share will only lead you to a ‘preview’ snippet of it. I’ll give you the details: it’s called “Chosen” on the Album “Hold Still” by Sheree Plett. Perhaps you can find it and listen to the whole song.
Thank you Margo, I found it on Spotify. Beautiful song. Thanks x x
You’re welcome! xx
“Throughout the years, I’d learned that bravery isn’t so much a choice as it is the willingness to do the hard things even when we are scared.”
Really loved this.
Glad this connected with you, Annye!
Knowing that he is in charge. That this pandemic is no surprise to him. That he knows the end of this all.
Being hit with heightened levels of anxiety (the kind that require attention), within a culture of conflict over almost everything (including mental health), I’ve felt as though I’m walking alone much of the time recently. Not without God, but not tightly connected to a ‘tribe’ or safe space. However, I’ve been graced by God so many times, through written words, Scripture, a ‘random’ text of encouragement, in ways that God allows me to see that I am seen and known. He is compassionate, often through others. We’ve experienced up close and personal the stigma that apparently is alive in the church regarding those struggling with their mental wellness; but God has also delivered right into our lap various resources and people who show us that compassionate help is available. As I seek Him, He is found, and His character and grace are transformative in inspiring hope, trust, perseverance. This too shall pass, and we are not alone.
I can absolutely relate to the struggle of feeling alone and disconnected, Margo, but also to what you share related to what you seek, you find. That was my lifeline amid the hardest days of my rare disease battle and continues to be during these uncertain and trying times. So glad you’ve experienced God’s grace in the moments you’ve felt weak. For me personally, it’s those moments of weakness that remind me that it’s God’s strength and not my own that will get me through. What a gift God’s provision always proves to be – no matter how big or how small – in those moments.
Yes, indeed. Thank you!
We can all do “hard” things because God is always with us. We are never doing anything alone. If He gives us a task He will equip us for it. I remember a few years ago in church I was doing signs to songs in my seat. Music leader asked if I would do sign language to songs for special music. I said yes but was scared to get in front of people. First off I don’t know sign language-I simply look up signs to songs I want to do. Each time I got up to do a song I was shaking like a leaf. Now I feel more comfortable doing it. This year for the first time I help Relay for Life by doing a small video clip as to why I relay. Having had speech problems my whole life I don’t like to hear myself recorded. I took the leap of faith & decided to help out & do my best. Life is full of fearful things we must endure. The only way to do that is through prayer & being brave knowing God will assist you in the facilitation of any “hard thing”.
Blessings 🙂
What beautiful stories, Beth! I too have found that when I step out in faith, God always makes a way. And as much as I don’t enjoy discomfort, I’m learning that places of discomfort are where my faith is grown and stretched the farthest. Thank you for sharing how God has helped you move through hard things!
I am a cancer survivor too. Every time I have an appointment either for a scan or with my oncologist,I get anxious. I spend those anxious moments casting all my cares onto Him.
Martha, as much as it seems like it should get easier with each passing scan, I too am learning that it doesn’t always play out that way. For those hard days, I wrote a prayer that I could turn to to lift up to God – especially when I didn’t feel like I had the right words to lift up. I’ll put the link here in case it would be helpful to you too.
Thank you very much!!