When Jesus overheard what was said, he told the synagogue leader, “Don’t be afraid. Only believe.”
Mark 5:36 CSB
Every month of 2020, we’re featuring the Love Over All theme verse on the first Sunday of the month. We love everything about Love Over All (read more about it here) and can’t wait to share these amazing verses and ways to live them out with you!
September’s theme is Love Believes.
As this year continues on, it’s impossible to look away from the pain that keeps throbbing — in our nation, in our communities, in our homes and hearts. The chasm between people seems to be widening as disparities become more apparent and injustices keep happening with no end. Many of us are experiencing the loss of loved ones, jobs, and businesses and the stress that comes from working from home and helping our kids do school at home.
And in these times, how we view the world and others and God says a lot about where our faith really lies. Do we believe God is in control? Do we believe He is bigger than the problems we see and experience and that He knows when and how they will end? Do we believe He has the answers and can guide us through each struggle and controversy and loss?
Our heads may nod yes, but deep down inside, what we may need to pray is this: Jesus, make my heart believe.
This month, let’s practice putting our trust back into God’s hands over and over again. Let’s remind ourselves what Jesus said to the synagogue leader: “Don’t be afraid.” And let’s choose to believe — because Love Believes.
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Roughly 30% of the Bible is prophetic scripture. Much of what has been prophesied has already come true which definitely makes the Bible – the Word of God, believable. God’s word promises us that God is in control and that in the end, Jesus ultimately triumphs over evil. Jesus has the last word over the enemy of our souls. Knowing this gives me hope and comfort – even amidst everything that is happening in our world. It also gives me a choice – will I choose to believe that Christ is my Savior and will I accept His merciful gift of salvation? I believe we are at a tipping point in history, and I choose to believe that I am more than a conqueror through Christ who strenthens me.
Sunday blessings,
Bev xx
Your reading reminds me of a kids song I think I’d good for us all. I think you get it on YouTube too. It is “Praise him Praise him all ye little Children God is Love”. Yes God is Love his love rains over all. We are his Children no matter what age we are big or small. Adult or Child. We are God’s Children. He loves us all. Sure John 3 verse 16 say that God sent his only Jesus to die for us. Who else would do that. The verse goes. “For God So Loved The Whole That He Gave His Only Son So That Everyone Who Believes In Him Will Not Perish But Have Eternal Life. Now how good is that to know. How good was God love for him to do that for us. Like the kids song we as his Children are to praise him for that love. Thank you again incourage for another excellent reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little. XXX
Just listened to a song with the words,”Oh, I believe what you say of me…” Yes, Jesus, I believe.
In Courage,
These days it can be hard to sense God at work. Everything around us seems to be in chaos/crisis mode. It seems we are busier than ever. That being said we must make time daily, even if only 5-10 minutes, to be with God in quiet. It may seem impossible to sit in tranquility & not be afraid of all that’s happening. One way to conquer fear is to journal ALL the trials/temptations God has seen you through. Add to that ALL the blessings He’s provided. Reading over those lists will remind us that God only is in control of this spinning planet. He can & will get us through this dark valley as He’s done before countless times for many in the Bible. Psalm 23:5 “Yea though I walk Through the valley of shadow of death I will fear NO evil for thou art with me. Thy rod & staff they comfort me.” Even King David knew God would always be there walking beside Him working on his behalf. Let’s journal the greatness of God & re read it often to remind ourselves of His blessings to us.
Blessings 🙂
I like this idea. I’ll give it a try. May you be blessed, Beth!
I am sure we are all in some form or another concerned, fearful, troubled, and many other things regarding the condition of our
Nation today. Its like the Israelites as they walked through the Red Sea, Walls of water surrounding them an army behind them trying to kill them. Having left their homes, family, neighbors and homes to find themselves in the middle of the most terrifying situation ever. Yet they kept their eyes on Moses as he led them by the power of Almighty God. They had fear, yet they had to trust and go forward. Trusting God and that is where we find ourselves today. Living in a nightmare the entire year, seeing what we have known as our way of life being torn apart, we have had to keep our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our Faith.
We have no choice we have to move forward trusting the Father is there preparing our way, asking the Holy Spirit to guide us and remembering Jesus is our Savior and Lord. Give it all to him and Fear Not.