As I wait for my flight, I watch the parade of people (this is before COVID-19 and quarantine). Disgruntled teenagers with caps pulled down over their eyes trail behind determined parents. Bright-eyed couples hold hands with the honeymoon sun still on their faces. A group of grey-headed ladies in pink matching t-shirts laugh and exchange stories while they sip coffee.
I wonder about all of them. Where have they come from? Where are they going?
I realize all over again in that moment God knows the answers. He sees every detail of our lives. He’s been with us in every step we’ve ever taken. This reassures me because no human knows what’s ahead. There are certain to be blessings and moments of happiness. There will also be hard days and tears shed. Some parts of our lives will stay much the same, and others, like it or not, will inevitably change.
A blond, little girl in pigtails walks by with a stuffed brown bear in her arms. Seeing her reminds me of the first time I flew by myself. I was only five years old when I marched up to the ticket counter with a little red suitcase in hand to tell the amused airline employee the plane needed to come so I could go see my grandma. My parents observed from close by and made sure every bit of the trip was in order.
These days, I carry a leopard print laptop bag, and I’ve flown away from my comfort zone many times. But on the inside, that younger self and I still have much in common. We want to know we’re safe, we’re loved, and we’re going to be okay. That’s what gives us the courage to pick up our bag and go.
Psalm 121:8 says, “The Lord will protect your coming and going both now and forever.” This is mysterious to me because difficult things happen, people get sick, and life doesn’t always work out the way I planned. But even if I don’t understand them fully, these words offer hope because whatever may transpire God is still taking caring of me.
Three hundred and sixty thousand people will arrive on this earth today. Some will depart. The other seven billion of us will go about our business — catching flights, rocking babies, showing up for work, and eating birthday cake.
And God will watch over it all. Every coming and going. Every beginning and end. Every dream come true and heartbreak. He has done this for all of history. He is doing so today. He will continue to do so every day of your life.
Here are three things you need to know about your future:
1) God will be there.
2) You will be loved.
3) Nothing will be too much for you and Jesus to overcome together.
You may not know exactly what’s ahead of you, but you can be absolutely certain of Who is with you. You are not a random passenger, nameless and unknown in the crowd of humanity. And the One who travels with you isn’t afraid of your tears, overwhelmed by your struggles or hesitant about entering into your happiness and celebrations.
We are beloved children of the God who breathed life into our lungs and who numbers every hair on our heads. So let’s go boldly into the next moment with the confidence that all things are possible and in the end all will be made right.
What a reassuring post! I’m so thankful that I worship the God who stays! Humans are fickle and if given the opportunity, they will desert us. God is the only One who will NEVER leave nor forsake us. When I look back over my past and see His faithfulness to see me through the valleys, it gives me hope and courage that I can face whatever the future holds if I face it with Him – holding onto His righteous right hand.
Bev xx
Amen \0/
Holly I am glad too be saved. I have God with me. My family all of them are not Saved. I am the only one saved Cousin Aunt’s Sister’s Dad Nephews and Nieces etc none of them saved. Apart from my Husband he is saved. I wish they see how important it is to be saved. What lovely things they are all loosing out on. That the God who made this world has for them. Plus how much God loves him. They don’t know what is ahead of them. But God does. Like my Aunt my late Mum’s sister who didn’t expect this 20 years ago. Here Husband went for a lie down and never woke up again. So that makes me all the more important and glad too be saved. As from the minute you get up in the morning you never know if you will see the next day. Only God knows that. I can’t tell any of my family they need to get saved or a row go up. They say don’t preach or keep your religion too yourself. So all I can do is pray for them and live my life as follower of Jesus in front of them. Hope they see Jesus in me. Want what I have that is Jesus for themselves. My Dad is 80 in February the best present he could ever give me or leave me when his time up on earth is that he got saved before he left earth. No better present could be give me his Daughter. My late Mum used to say to me. Were did I get you Dawn. You go to Church read your Bible and say your prayers. I said as I could not preach to her or tell her she needed to get saved. She hardly ever went to Church. But both my parents set me and my two sisters to Sunday School when small. At the time not found of. But thank full to them that they did. As I do remember a lot of the Children Bible songs today. A lot of them very good for us today as Adults. Do apply for us as Adults. Like Jesus loves all the Children of the world red and yellow black and white. We as Adults are to do the same. Plus Jesus hands were kind hands doing good to all. Another good song. I learnt at Sunday School that is even good for us as Adults to do today. But this what I told my Mum when she said about me going to Church and reading my Bible and saying my Prayers. I never preached to her as row go up. I just said God has me here for a reason. So God had. See I am thankful my parents even though not saved sent us to Sunday School. I got to learn stories Jesus as well. That I can apply to my life today as Adult. I know God hold my future. Like the song. He God the whole world in his hands and in his hands he’s got me and you brother. How true that is. So we don’t need to worry no matter what. I found this saying I don’t know we’re. Don’t worry about tomorrow God is all ready There. How true that is too. We serve a big big mighty God. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Xx
Boy did I ever need to see this today…..feeling overwhelmed as we’ve just moved to a new place(military) and most likely moving again in a month or two (same area though) I’m trying to focus on the fact that He is with me in all this
I want to recommend to you a group of military wives who meet and read the book ‘After the Boxes are Unpacked’ by Susan Miller. I just finished up with my group via zoom. I met some great women who, like me and you moved lots of times. It’s a wonderful Christian group. Very supportive. They totally understand how difficult this is. Please look into this. You will love it. Thanks for sharing. Dee
You always have the right words to calm weary souls. Life is tough at times & this year has been exceptionally so. But God is in the midst of it all caring for each of us. The Psalmist said it best in Psalm 23:4-5 “Yea thou I walk through the valley of shadow of death I will fear no evil. For thou art with me. Thy rod & staff they comfort me.” No matter what comes your way-job loss, illness, marriage upheaval, etc. He will guide your steps. He knows you intimately & won’t leave you wandering in the desert. Unlike the human disciples who deserted Jesus when times got tough He won’t forsake us ever. Take heart fellow Christians-Jesus is your overcomer. You & Him make a great team!
Blessings 🙂