As I sat in the waiting room of the emergency department that mid-December evening, I tried not to give in to the scary thoughts swirling through my mind. Hours later, as I laid still for the CT scan to check for abnormalities in the blood vessels of my brain, I was too anxious to pray. All the Scripture verses I knew fled my mind as I tried not to imagine the worst. Instead, I dredged up my faith and repeatedly chanted to myself, “Thank You, God. Everything is okay.”
It wasn’t a stroke, but the diagnosis didn’t really sink in until the next morning when I was brushing my teeth. I couldn’t spit out the toothpaste but sort of dribbled instead.
Bell’s palsy.
Unilateral facial paralysis.
I couldn’t eat or drink without embarrassing myself. My smile had become a mockery of its former self; only the right side of my face moved. My left eye streamed pretty much non-stop. I couldn’t raise my left eyebrow, and my hearing on that side sounded strangely muffled.
I took an extended sick leave from work. The days stretched out before me, punctuated only by sleep and the frequent beeps of my phone’s alarm reminding me to take my medication. My parents had kindly taken my kids until Christmas so I could have time to rest.
In the early days, I offered up desperate prayers and pleas to God for a quick and full healing despite knowing that recovery could take up to a year.
I was so sure that my case would be different. But when the days turned into weeks and I didn’t recover as quickly as I expected, I flatlined spiritually. I had no motivation or inclination to pray or read my Bible. I felt numb and alone.
January arrived and for the first time in years, I started a new year without any personal, business, or career goals. I had only one burning desire: full medical recovery.
I’m blessed to have a job where I can work from home, so after six weeks off, I was able to resume work. I was not recovered but no longer “unwell.” During this time, I began to see tiny improvements. For example, I could roll my upper lip, which also meant that I could use a straw. This was progress!
Then the pandemic hit. The government announced a lockdown and schools closed. My husband is a frontline worker, and my parents were out of the country. I felt distraught. How would I cope with working and looking after two children singlehandedly while also trying to recover? The doctors had stressed the importance of resting and taking things easy. How was that going to happen with two energetic children underfoot?
I felt as if I’d been journeying slowly through a dark valley but had suddenly became stuck with no way out.
It wasn’t until halfway through June, six months into my recovery and still in the middle of lockdown, that I came to a startling realization: despite having many days when I felt harried by all that was expected of me, I was somehow coping. Despite my spiritual numbness, God’s presence had been with me through the dark times, though I didn’t always feel it.
The road to recovery is taking longer than I ever expected, but each day I see His hand perform a new miracle, in the twitch of an eyelid or in a smile that’s slowly starting to tilt the right way, and I’m encouraged.
One of my favorite verses from Scripture says, “I will never [under any circumstances] desert you [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], nor will I forsake or let you down or relax My hold on you [assuredly not]!” (Hebrews 13:5 AMP)
Through this scary and overwhelming year, there were times when I wondered if God was still listening. But looking back, I see that I couldn’t have made it this far if He had let go.
I was never alone.
This season has given a new depth to my faith. Each day is a deliberate act of trusting and leaning into God’s rest. Despite the raging storms that cause my heart to shake, I know that “I’m in the shadow of the Almighty whose power no enemy can withstand” (Psalm 91:2 AMP). What great comfort to dwell in His secret place and have Him as my refuge.
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Thank you for sharing, and for reminding me that each day we do experience His blessing and love, even if we don’t “feel” it. This has been a difficult year for many, some more than others. I needed to read the verse Hebrew 13:5, thank you for sharing it. Sending best wishes and prayers your way.
Thank you for reading Shreya and for your prayers. That’s often the challenge isn’t it? Trusting that God is with us and that “all is well” even when it doesn’t “feel” or “look” like it.
I am encouraged by your story that even in the mist of our trouble God has a handle on everything
Thank you for reading Cecelia, I’m glad you were encouraged. He’s truly in control.
So glad to be reading your words here on (in)courage! I’m so sorry for what you’ve had to go through, but praise that you experienced the God who stays through our trials and provides safe refuge beneath His wings. May your healing journey continue. Praying that it would be so!
Bev xx
Amen to that, Bev. Thanking God for His presence that abides even in the darkest valleys. x
My daughter is going through a very stressful time. I was sending an E-mail to her and out of the blue your story popped up on the screen. The verse was just what was needed for both of us. Even though we know that God is always there, it is good to be reminded. Thank you Hazel
Sending prayers for your daughter, Hazel. I’m glad you got just the right word.
Thank you for sharing from your heart, your fear and vulnerability.
We serve a wonderful God, who is always with us. Praying for healing and full restoration
Amen, God is good always.
My prayers are with you! This has been a trying year for all, especially for kids and their parents,or when a parent has to do the parenting alone, because the death of her spouse.God is there. Also for the elderly who faces being alone. God bless!
It has indeed been an “interesting” year but I remind myself that God is not surprised by any of this and He’s in the midst of it, holding us x
I pray you are doing better each day. I needed your message today. I know God is with me but haven’t felt His presence. I recently lost my job abd know God is leading me on a different path. Take care, Amy
Praying for God’s wisdom for you as you trust His leading.
Thank you for your devotion on Trust that can only be lived in faith and courage this is the of the last 60 days of my personal devotions too! In 7 working days, I will be laid off from my job (I have been the primary wage earner in our home for 15 years) which threatens the opportunity to finish my last 4 classes for an MBA degree at Cedarville University. Your devotion reminds me that God is involved in every detail and he knows the hardship I am experiencing. And I must give it all over to Him. Thank you!
I’m sorry about your job Michelle. Praying for God to keep holding you. We “know in part and so only understand in part” but He’s working it all out for good!
This is part of your story I hadn’t known, and what a severe mercy you have experienced this year. Thank you for spinning it into gold for readers here.
Thanks Michele! Coming out the other end now and I can see the Lord has indeed been merciful in more ways than one x
Through my personal turbulence I can state straight away — God has protected and provided for me and our relationship is even closer, thanks be to God in our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. It is easier to live in this chaotic world knowing — knowing — we are never without his guidance and love.
Thanks be to God, our anchor in the storm!
Praise God!! Thank you for sharing a part of your journey here today. I am always encouraged when fellow Christ-followers share how God has been with them through it all! I hope as you continue to recover and be restored, walking closer each day with our Saviour, that you will have a deeper understanding of His grace and mercy. I will add you to my prayers each week.
Amen. Thank you for your kind words.
Your story was beautifully worded and did serve to remind us that God is always with us…i am going to make a deliberate act everyday of trusting and especially, leaning into “God’s rest.” His rest, is the only true rest we can ever get, here in this world. So happy to hear your recovering. May God continue to bless you with healing and good health. Thank you for sharing…
I remind myself that feelings sometimes lie and so now I don’t wait to “feel” God’s presence, I just trust that He’s with me. Because He said so. Thank you for your kind words Kathy!
Thank you for sharing your encouraging words- your testimony. Praise God for His goodness, mercy, grace, loving kindness, healing, and being God. He is a mighty good God.
So grateful for our good God!
Inspirational. Yes, sometimes we want instant success. However, we have to remember that God works in his time and not ours. Hold on to your faith, God is blessing you.
Patience is not one of my strong suits but I’m learning to walk with God at His pace, in His time. Thank you for reading Bettina.
Thank you for honestly sharing your struggle; and finally the only Hope any of us have – under the shadow of The All-Mighty. Bless you sister!
Thank you for reading and commenting Roxanne!
I love your transparency. I’ve had those stormy seasons in my life and wondered if God could see me. Not only did He see me, but He rescued me. And I’ve drawn closer to Him through those storms. When there was nothing else to hold on to, He was there. Thank you for this beautiful reminder that He is our refuge.
He knows how to use those storms to bring us closer, doesn’t he? Grateful that He’s our unshakeable refuge, no matter what.
What an inspirational story, Wemi! Your testimony gives me hope for the current crisis in our country. God is with us. That should be what we cling to. Praying for the peace that comes from knowing God is in control. And He is always working in our best interests. Thank you.
It doesn’t always look like that to us but yes, “He is always working in our best interests”. That’s our hope even when things are at their bleakest.
May God be your strength and refuge during this difficult time. May he provide all the rest, comfort, financial resources that you need and desire during this difficult season. Thank you for sharing, You are loved and cherished!
Thank you and amen to your prayers!
Wemi, I so very thank you for writing this post. My husband has been struggling with health issues for years now. Right now is a staph infection that settled in his knee replacement. He had an emergency surgery to help clean out the infection. He’s been in the hospital and then a nursing home on high doses of IV antibiotics, and after the infection is cleared, he’ll have surgery for replacing his hardware for his knee replacement. We’ve adopted 2 of our grandchildren with special needs. I’ve been feeling what you have being the caretaker for my husband, (I’m still involved with things because of other issues and run things out to him very frequently and it’s not in the same city. Our boys miss him terribly.) I really needed this reminder today. I know it in my head, but I needed to read it and have it sink in my heart. I have a friend who has Bell’s Palsy and this is what originally caught my eye, but then I realized this post deeply applies to me and my circumstances. Thank you so much for your encouragement today. I was asking God to speak to me today, and He did through your post. Blessings, Joanne
I’m so sorry to read about your challenges, Joanne and I’m glad you received an encouraging Word today. God holds you and your situation in the palm of His hands. He’s got you and He won’t let go. Praying for continual strength for you. Blessings x
EVERYDAY I Thank God for everything I have and for every minute He is with me!
Thanking God with you, Sharon!
Wemi I can remember 3 years ago going for my hysterectomy operation. I knew it was the right thing for me. I didn’t want kids. Don’t get me wrong yes I love them. Not brave enough to give birth. I do amire people like you that have kids. But I was Registered Childminder for 19 years. Love my job. ill health took me out of it. I took seizures because of my periods. To do with my homones. They be up the left before my period was due when it was due and when it was at the end. I take seizures at those times. Without any wiring. I could have been talking to you or just stand there and out of nowhere take a seizure. Once I took one that I fell and broke my font teeth. Other things. In the first seizure I gave my Husband an offal fright. He didn’t expect it. But in the storms in those days. I never felt like reading my Bible or Praying much. But I did feel offal. Plus as though. I had let God down. Especially as being as follower of his. When God was so good to me. He never left my side. God when one time my Husband went to walk the dog we have at the time. He found me at the bottom of our stairs. All I had was marks on my face. I didn’t brake any bones. I don’t remember any of it. How I ended up at the bottom of the stairs. God projected me. That happened a few times. That is what made me feel bad. That I not read my Bible or said any prayers to God. I just couldn’t. I was so unwell. But I still felt bad letting God down. Then I had my operation. When had it. I went through it no problem. Because God was with me. It didn’t take that much out of me. I was so glad I had the hysterectomy. Because I only had one very small you wouldn’t even call it a seizure since. My life has changed. God was with me through it all. The Nurse said Dawn your very calm going for this operation. I said I have God with me and so many people praying for me. So I like you got through it. But for years. I was not well. God was good and good was good to you. Love and big hug and Prayer to all in Incourage. Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
I know what you mean Dawn – that feeling of “God has been good to me and I’m letting Him down”. This is where I’m bowled over by His unconditional love again – He understands us and helps us at every step. The times we cannot pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. I’m glad your health improved. Thank you for reading and commenting x
Dear Wemi,
I’m praying for you for healing, comfort & wisdom in your daily walk with God along with taking care of these precious children God has blessed you & your husband with.
I just went thru a back procedure on Monday, 10-19-20 & I’m recovering from that. I’m retired though & don’t have so many extra responsibilities like you do. I know & can relate to laying on the table & finding God’s peace. I had so many people praying for me & I start off praying. There was a sweet nurse by my head during this & she kept talking with me.
It’s such a privilege to pray for sisters in Christ around the world. I live in Central Coast of California!
Lord bless you Wemi & I really was blessed & encouraged by your devotional. Wish I could come give you a hug, bring a meal & visit but God will bring you what you need for comfort & encouragement.
Love in Christ,
Thank you so much Barbara – I’m accepting virtual hugs 🙂 It’s a huge blessing to me that you and others have been encouraged by my story. Praying for God to perfect your healing. x
Thank you for sharing ! ❤️
Thank you for reading and commenting Stephanie! x
I needed to hear this as having a lot of trials over the years Now have blaring muscle spasms and drumming in my ears and extreme noise sensitivity.Dr thinks could be linked to whiplash injury from last year.Have started treatment with physio.I too felt forgotten by God at times but realised I couldn’t have gotten through these last 6 months without him.Pray you will fully recover soon.
Praying for your continued recovery Lynne. He’s holding you x
“Each day is a deliberate act of trusting and leaning into God’s rest.” (by -@WemiOmotosho)
This statement is an undeniable truth in which I can fully relate. Severe headaches and vision defects lead me to pray and God gave instructions to get images of my head. To make a very long story short, a MRI of the blood vessels of my brain revealed that I had an an aneurysm that was rubbing against my optic nerve. This was causing temporary blindness with major headaches. This finding had to be confirmed with an angiogram of the brain. Working in the field of Radiology, I knew what I was seeing when I looked up and saw the aneurysm ballooning off of one the major blood vessels in my brain. But, the scripture came to mind, “1…Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. 2When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.” (Isaiah 43:1-2 KJV).
All in all, God used this experience to touch people in the hospital. Nurses testified that I was a miracle. Jesus said that He would never leave us nor forsake us. The Holy Spirit moved me to pray for a nurse and my roommate (a patient who had no visitors to come see her for the week that I was in the hospital), and my phenomenal recovery from learning to walk in physical strength again, etc., etc., etc.. God was glorified! It seems to be very difficult at times, but simply trusting our God, in who He is, with a faith even as small as a tiny mustard seed, moves mountains!
Thanking God for your life – what an awesome testimony! I’m grateful that His faithfulness is not dependent on us having a “big-sized faith”.
I appreciate you sharing your story here! How difficult these past months have been for you. I am blessed by your transparency; you didn’t do everything perfectly, but how you were blessed to grow spiritually as God gently reminded you of His presence. This is such an encouragement to me, thank you!
I’m glad you were encouraged Donna. Thanking God that He sticks with us even in our imperfect messes and draws us closer.
So grateful for your life Wems and for the journey Abba is taking you on. There is light at the end of this tunnel. Indeed we don’t always feel his presence but he is always there.
Hugs and love xxx
Thank you Dets and for all your prayers, always. x
Wemi, I am so encouraged by your story! “Despite my spiritual numbness, God’s presence had been with me through the dark times, though I didn’t always feel it.” Amen! God is fiercely with us whether or not we feel it or see progress on the timetable we desire. We’re so grateful to host your words on (in)courage today. Praying for you, sister.
Thank you Becky, I’m glad my story has encouraged you. Yes, I’m learning to trust Him even more and my “feelings” less!
Wemi, thank you so much for this encouragement and for showing us God in the midst of your pain. I for one really needed to read this today. Blessings!
I’m glad Emily. Sending prayers your way x
Welcome to the In Courage family. Your story is an inspiration to many people. Our lives are filled with storms of varying degrees. God said that down here we would have troubles, but take heart for He has over come the world. The psalmist said it best in Psalm 46;1 God is our refuge & strength, a very present help in trouble. We must realize that difficult times will come to us- a bad medical diagnosis, job loss, marriage in trouble, financial issues, etc. When our whole world is shaken up like now God promises to be our refuge & strength. Our very present help. We must make ourselves aware of that-trust & lean into God daily. Praying to Him for relief. He is the only one with the answers. There may be days you don’t feel like praying but God is still there patiently waiting with His furious, wonderous love.
Blessings 🙂
That is one of my all-time favourite scriptures – John 16:33; it’s another one I’ve clung to this year. “Furious, wonderous love” – so thankful for that. Blessings to you too Beth x
I loved reading this. It’s so comforting to know that God will never leave us. I had never read that Scripture in the Amp before, and I am so glad that you shared it. Thank you!
I love that scripture in the amplified. Each time I read it, it just sinks into the deepest part of me.
Thank you for sharing. I am in a season similar to yours. Sometimes the way seems dark without a glimpse of light…But God…He becomes light in the midst of our darkness. When men forsake us or when we go through our valley experiences, God never lets us down. We’re never alone. I’m leaning, depending, and trusting in Him. Be Blessed, encouraged, & stay strong.
But God. He’s always the game-changer.
Hi Wemi. What a cool name. It’s been a long hard day at work then home to make sure all is ok with my 19 year old quadriplegic son who was cared for by my daughter who was recently diagnosed with schizophrenia/bipolar like her birth mother. Just when I thought my life was falling apart, he was there all along taking care of the details. I’m thrilled to hear you are recovering from a terrible thing like bell’s palsy and that our heavenly father is taking care of you too through the storm. Amazing how he just travels so quickly from here to there. Lol Blessings dear sister.
He’s awesome isn’t He?:) Praying for God to continue to uphold you as He has been. Blessings x
Your post is very encouraging!
Thank you for reading. I’m glad you were blessed.
Thank you so much for sharing this Wemi. Had no idea all this was going on but goes to show that even in a seemingly ‘public’ world, only God can truly be there for us through our most challenging times. I am greatly encouraged, thank you.
I am also glad to hear your recovery is progressing positively.
God bless x
That is so true, it is only God truly in the thick of it with us. But what great comfort that is x
Thank you Wemi for sharing your incredible journey. Hmmm, thank you! You have always been an encouragement, even more so now. Celebrating your continuous recovery with you. ❤️
Thank you for reading and commenting! ❤
Thank God for His faithfulness over your life and for the revelation and realness of His word to you Wemi.
Thank you for being bold and posting your story! I am continually amazed at Hod’s faithfulness!!
As I struggle with cancer, there are days that I want to crawl in bed and cover myself to hide away. But, I then remember that He is right there with me, and I can rest in His arms!!
Thank you very much for your post! It has encouraged me – maybe a little? 🙂 I get very discouraged from the pain I always have with neuropathy, the numbness and tightness in my feet that I’m dealing with constantly, the damaged muscle/tendon in my thigh from the years of arthritis in my hips (though I had stem cell therapy last year for both hips, I still have damage to deal with). I get down very easily. There’s so much I could comment on about myself but I won’t. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. And reminding us that God knows all and He will give strength for each day. Hugs to you! 🙂