And let the peace of Christ, to which you were also called in one body, rule your hearts. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell richly among you, in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.
Colossians 3:15-16 (CSB)
As we take a moment today to look back on 2020 and as we ready ourselves for the new year, let’s take a collective deep breath.
Deep breath in. Deep breath out.
For every pain and every grace you experienced, God has been near. Each tear has been recorded, all the waiting has not been wasted, and God has not left you or abandoned you. So, let the peace of Christ be a balm over your hearts, and let’s repeat these truths from Psalm 145 as we close the chapter on this year:
The Lord is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and rich in love. (v. 8)
The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises
and faithful in all he does. (v. 13)
The Lord is near to all who call on him,
to all who call on him in truth.
He fulfills the desires of those who fear him;
he hears their cry and saves them.
The Lord watches over all who love him,
but all the wicked he will destroy. (v. 18-20)
Hallelujah and amen.
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In Courage,
This year has had lots of bumps for everyone. It’s been like a roller coaster ride. I want off. Christmas day I was melancholy. My reason was that it wasn’t a traditional year for me. No caroling, making fruit baskets, Christmas eve candlelight service. can’t see tribe or hug anyone. When I realized that I started crying. It was like the pressure valve was released & I could finally name reasons for my feelings. There always is & will be hope. A hope that doesn’t disappoint. With God’s help man has made a vaccine for this pandemic. Prayerfully we can get back to some sort of normal next year. One constant will remain. God is with us always even when we walk THROUGH the valley of shadow of death. We won’t fear evil. His rod & staff they comfort us. Praying for everyone that 2021 will be a better year. Remember God has recorded all your tears & the waiting time He used for good.
Blessings 🙂
I feel like I have been holding my breath these last few weeks. I know I should not take any day for granted, but at the end of each day I give thanks that the day is over; I made it through another day. I now anxiously await the vaccine and even tho I have allergies, I am willing to chance it. I haven’t seen my son or daughter-in-law in a year! And my daughter who lives nearby is so concerned that I stay healthy (she works in a restaurant), I rarely see her and only at a distance. I am ready for 2021. But I believe I got this far remembering I am not alone. God has been with my all this time and will continue to be there for me. I will be sure to keep reading today’s words over and over.
Casting Crowns Song “Praise you in this Storm” comes to mind for those that are suffering today. Praise Him in the storm. May those words envelope you as you look forward to what God has in store for your lives in 2021. He is by you. He is Sovereign.
I know so many people can’t wait to see the end of 2020. But no matter what we still have alot to thank God for. Every day God wakes you up to enjoy another in his beautiful world. No matter what has happened. Even if you lost a love one or your Job. Or know someone who became ill in 2020. Or someone who lost someone to Covid or had it. It hard to be thankful to God he woke you up to enjoy another day in his beautiful world. When these things happen. But we have to keep on being thankful no matter how hard it is. Like Psalm 118 verse 24 says. This is Day the LORD has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. You can say how can I do what that verse says in Psalm 118 verse 24 says rejoice and be glad. For this Day. Especially when all that I am going through. If saved we have to all the more. No let the enemy win. Say yes you not get through this. You not praise God again. Or put your trust in God to help you. In fact were is this God of yours now when you need him. When your going through what your going through. You have to no Enemy. I will praise God no matter what. Like the Psalms says. This is Day the LORD has made We will Rejoice And Be Glad In It. Yes we will and not let the Enemy win. Then End 2020 in praise been thank full for every day God has given you to live and go into 2021. Knowing God is with you no matter what. That is what I am going to do. I say Psalm 118 verse 24 every day. I glad for every day God wakes me up to enjoy another day in his beautiful world. To pray and read his word. Plus all you do incourage. Plus pray for you all. Love Dawn God bless xxx
I enjoy the posts. You all keep giving them.
Grateful for another beautiful post. Encouraging inspiring uplifting and hopeful. this year was a very challenging season yet it was a season of blessings too. God is always good. Amen and hallelujah as we bid 2020 farewell and welcome 2021 with God hope Grace and love. Thank you for this beautiful post and the writers of in courage. There have been many days when I needed strength encouragement hope and a different perspective on life and challenges. Thank you all for being here.
To all the (in) Courage writers and audience:
May God’s light shine in our hearts, bless us, protect us, guide us and give us peace. Always…
Thank you for the encouraging words for today.
Yes, the Lord is with us always and helps us with all our trials and tribulations. There is a time and season for everything according to our Savior!
Hallelujah and Amen \0/
A wonderful way to choose what God taught us to do and to be . To glorify Him ! Praise to the living God
Thanks, We all needed this. God has given us 10 beautiful months to talk a look at our life,to get our act together so we can see just how good he is,if we just trust him. Yes we have sheaded tears,death,sickness,some hurt. But we kept the faith and are still here. I know that my life has been turned up side down,but I kept the faith and held on to his hand,and hts love..