Many of you might be feeling a bit weary. I can hear it in your voices. I can read it between the lines of written words. I am weary too, friends. From big things to small things — health, family, a heartbreaking, unexpected death, a global pandemic, even a broken refrigerator — it has been a hard season. And it seems that one issue after another has kept me out of my art studio. I haven’t created any new art for some time, and I figured I’d just let it go until the new year, get a fresh start then.
But day after day, something has been pressing on my heart. I couldn’t get the thought of my head, and I could no longer keep pushing that small voice aside.
I made my way into my studio with only this message on my heart: hope and time for this weary world to rejoice. It was such a strong message that I knew I needed to share it right now — this season, this year. It couldn’t wait until next Christmas.
This is the message we need to hear right now: This weary world can rejoice because we have a Savior in Jesus. Only He can bring the peace, love, and hope we long for.
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13 (NLT)
Romans 15 gives us an incredible reminder of where our peace, our joy, and our hope come from. Jesus is our source of them all.
Even before the challenges of being in a pandemic were added, this time of year was already overwhelming with expectations — expectations of a perfectly put together Christmas experience, Advent calendar activities, dinner parties, family photos in coordinated outfits, pictures with Santa, following every tradition, creating memories, finding perfect gifts, and checking all the lists. The problem with all those expectations was that when they didn’t go as planned, we felt disappointed or maybe even that we’ve ruined Christmas. The high expectations were just not realistic.
When our joy is placed achieving impossible standards, we set ourselves up to feeling empty. But when we put our joy and happiness in Jesus, He fills us in ways that cannot be understood or explained. The hope we have in Jesus will carry us through even the darkest days.
No matter if we’re feeling broken, rejected, or fearful, no matter what our homes or schedules look like, no matter what we’re walking through this season, Jesus steps into the darkness and brings the hope we need. He meets us in our mess and redeems it.
He is truly the Light in the darkness.
So, let’s choose to let go of all those expectations. Let’s focus on the love around us, the joy that still surrounds us. Jesus is still here. He is the source of hope that will not disappoint, and He can heal a weary world. He is the best gift of all, and that calls for some rejoicing.
I created “The Weary World Rejoices” art collection with you in mind! Each piece is a reminder that Jesus is our only source of hope. Get one for you and a friend this Christmas!
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I’m so glad that God wooed you back into your studio! Even in our weariness, He continues to call us. Though we continue to put our hope in expectations, results, and outcomes, our help doesn’t come from improved health, adequate finances, or even a new refrigerator – our help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth. May we come humbly and weary before His manger-throne to rejoice this Christmas.
Blessings and continuing to pray for your health,
Bev xx
Yes and amen to all of that, Bev! Thank you so much for your prayers. I appreciate that so much! Merry Christmas! xo
So glad to hear you listened to that voice and began to get those creative juices flowing again. I accepted the fact I’d be alone for Thanksgiving but the prospect of not sharing Christmas with my family is truly heartbreaking. So after hearing someone say how they are not letting this virus ruin another day, or another holiday, I got out the Christmas lights and decorations. The joy when I opened the box caught me by surprise. The window lights remind me that Jesus is my light and no matter how many times that loneliness creeps up on me, I can look at those lights and am reminded I am not alone.
Oh I love hearing this, Madeline! I can just imagine your beautiful lights and decorations and the joy He brings you! Merry Christmas!
Yes, Jennifer! What the world needs now: hope and love. Thank you for listening to your heart!
Thank you so much, Irene! Merry Christmas!
Thank you so much for this reminder in a weary world. May God bless you and yours.
Thank you so much, Cynthia! Merry Christmas!
When the weary rejoice, that is our faith, and faith pleases God…
Beautifully said, Kathy! Yes! Merry Christmas!
I really needed this. It’s been a rough year for us as a family as well. I refuse to grow weary in doing good in Jesus, His strength and mercy endures forever.
I am so glad it met you today, Shannon. You encourage us all by saying you refuse to grow weary in doing good in Him! Praying for you and your family. Merry Christmas!
What a great and timely read for me. So much has left me in a weary state, in both business and the home front this year. Yet I thank God for the grounding that I get from knowing that He promises me a peace that passes all understanding that comes straight from Him. Thank you for your reminder
I am so sorry for your weary state, Nomusa! Praying His peace over you this season!
King David knew where his help came from. He says Psalm 121: I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. This year has been tougher on more people than most. Our world is weary & worn out. We need a hope & a future. Only God can give that to us. This advent we need to rejoice God sent His only son to give light to this dark world. Jesus left the splendor of heaven to bring the peace, love & hope we all yearn for. Let us all rejoice & be glad this Christmas for Christ our king is born-the savior of the world.
Pleased to hear you heeded God’s prodding to get back into your studio. Sometimes we need a release from the noise & worries of this crazy world. Praying for you sister.
Blessings 🙂
Thank you so much, Beth! Grateful for your continued support and prayers. I do love that Psalm! Rejoicing with you for this Christmas and the birth of Jesus! xo