We sat in a circle of mismatched chairs holding steaming styrofoam cups. I was grateful for the free childcare, mediocre coffee, and the chance to spend the morning with women I loved. Our group spanned six decades — from a mom in her twenties with a tiny baby to a silver-haired senior in her seventies. Just being in proximity to these women who were trudging through various valleys yet still eagerly pursuing Jesus buoyed my weary soul.
But even more than nursery workers wrangling my spirited toddlers, liquid caffeine, and female camaraderie, the greatest gift of that Bible study was falling in love with the Word of God.
With Bibles splayed on our laps, we took turns sharing insights from Scripture and how God used His Word that week to equip, convict, and infuse courage in the thick of our everyday lives. The Bible came alive around that circle in a way I’ll never forget.
THIS, my friends, is what we want to offer each of you: Real women talking about real life and how the real living God meets us there.
Over the years, through surveys and blog posts, we’ve asked you what you want from (in)courage. The thing we have heard loud and clear is that you want more Scripture, more Jesus, more resources to help you live your faith in meaningful, on-purpose, authentic, and courageous ways. This is what our hearts long for too, and this is the heartbeat behind the BIG project we’ve been working on just for you.
Introducing the Courageous Bible Studies from (in)courage!
If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s how much we need to be tethered to the unshakable truth of God’s Word and how much we need courage to follow Him.
Starting in January, (in)courage is headed on a journey to discover what God has to say about being courageous in every aspect of our lives — and we want you to join us! When life gets hard, messy, and just generally upside-down, how do we hold onto courage? Where does REAL courage come from? And what does living courageously actually look like for women across life seasons and from different cultural backgrounds?
The new Courageous Bible Studies bring you the storytellers from (in)courage you love paired with in-depth study of Scripture in a way that will ignite your faith and lead you to the full life you long for in Christ.
We’ve been working on this for months with our whole team of writers, and we’re so excited to bring you this series on courage. A new written study with companion videos will come out every three months throughout 2021, and we’re kicking them off with Courageous Simplicity. You can find out more about Courageous Simplicity by signing up here for a FREE week!
Whether you’ve walked with the Lord for decades or you’re just learning about Jesus, the Courageous Bible Studies are for you. You can do our Bible studies on your own or with a friend. You can meet on Zoom, in your living room, or with a group of women at church. You can also join your (in)courage sisters as we go through these Bible studies together online starting in February! (Stay tuned for all those details.)
If you love Bible studies, start by signing up to get your FREE week of Courageous Simplicity.
If you lead Bible studies, share this post with your church or small group. Let’s gather an army of women whose hearts are set on knowing God’s Living Word and walking courageously with Him!
The thing I loved about my Bible study group from years ago is the same thing I love most about (in)courage: you don’t have to come cleaned up or knowing all the answers. Your doubts and fears, your questions and baggage, your weariness, and your excitement are all welcome here.
Together let’s grow as women of courage whose lives are deeply rooted in God’s Word.
Tell us: What’s your favorite thing about Bible Study?
Or what are you spiritually hungry for as you head into a new year?
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Thank you so much may God continue to annoint all of you in this ministry of encouraging and building up the His daughters in faith , in love, in love and in the fulfillment of His plans and purposes for each one of us. Blessings!
Thank you for your kind words, Dodi! We’re so excited to study God’s Word together this year!
Thank you! I have been feeling this hole in my life these past few months and have been wanting to get involved in a bible study. This is a perfect opportunity to connect.
Madeline, I know that feeling. We’d be so thrilled to have you join us for Bible study this year. My heart and soul needs the nourishment of God’s Word too!
As a long-time (in)contributor, I am THRILLED about what 2021 will bring our community! It is pure joy to walk out my faith among women who long to know Jesus, to share what He’s teaching me, to redeem the pain and beauty of hard life experiences…. I cannot wait to dive into Courageous Simplicity and the studies to follow because I KNOW Jesus will be at the center, and it’s the perfect opportunity to grow in our love for and knowledge of Him. <3.
Also, having been part of this community since its earliest days, I'm so glad and grateful for how the Lord has led us to this place :). He has brought together a lovely team of Jesus Girls to lead us, and I'm also thankful for DaySpring and its ongoing support.
(Y'all...share this post with everyone you know! There are women who are desperate for God and may not even realize it. Let's invite them to join us for these studies :). )
Amen, Robin! God’s fingerprints are undeniably all over the shaping and timing of these Bible studies. I am so full of hope and expectancy to see how His Word is going to transform the lives of women this year. So grateful for your friendship and faithful partnership here at (in)courage!
Very grateful to receive daily encouragement as a subscriber of (in)courage, and thanks to Becky for today’s sharing, as a new mum I find this ‘real faith in real life’ a wonderful support. I’m going to share the devotional bibles with more friends this Christmas.
Jing, we’re so glad you’re here! Being a new mom is such a beautiful and grueling season. The baby and toddler years were when I really grappled with how to spend time with the Lord and realizing how desperately I needed it. Praying for you today and that His Word would breathe fresh hope and courage into your mama heart today and in the year to come.
This series is going to be LIFE-giving. Sign me up! Assuming that it’s coming soon. The book series, and video chat is exactly what I’m looking for.
Yah!! I’m so excited that YOU are excited for this, Lisa. Courageous Simplicity releases on January 5th!
I want to know scripture better and have a closer relationship with Jesus.
Amen! Me too, Cindy.
I love our women’s bible study at The Well Christian Fellowship in SoCal. Becky, when you wrote: “Real women talking about real life and how the real living God meets us there” it reminds me of our message “to come as you are.. bring it all, share it all, cry it all and dump it all. God is in the center and He’s got us”. Our time together is so special and we all get so filled up by our sharing of God working in our lives. Our study also has women at different stages of life. Oh how wise they are…and I’m a gramma…lol
Thank you God for the women who have walked before us and made the crooked road straight \0/
….oh and Thank you Jesus…You were quite the influence as well…lol
Have a blessed day sisters
Oh, I love that, Janet! What a great message and invitation for women. And yes, we have so much to learn from our sisters of all ages and stages. Thank you for the encouragement! (And fun fact, I went to college in Long Beach!) 🙂
My favorite thing about bible study is how the Holy Spirit continues to peel back the scales off of our eyes as we dig deeper and dedicate time in God’s word. I enjoy the conviction that comes and the assurance that comes with that. It is just a beautiful way that God speaks to us.
So beautifully said, Samantha! Yes, the Spirit is so kind to minister right to our hearts as we engage in the Living Word.
I am looking for community after recently moving back home from a challenging year isolated in Florida living among people who hate Christians. God carried me through this time and Jesus was my everything relational for that difficult, eye opening year. I am ready to engage with women who truly believe and are pursuing relationship with the true, living God. Can’t wait! So blessed to be home!!!
Looking forward to knowing more about the God I serve. Even though I have been a committed Christian for years, I feel I do not know much about God’s Holy Word
My favorite part about bible study is breaking the scriptures down so even a child would understand its meaning
I am so in need of this study opportunity. One of the pastors at the church I call home and who lead women’s Bible study, has retired to TX from MN. I strongly feel the loss of our shepherd’s guidance. We were so blessed to have access to his strong faith and stalwart preaching of the Gospel news. I particularly enjoyed having him translate from the Greek scriptures. I am grieving the loss of the fellowship of the other women who gathered together to absorb and learn from such a learned man. Saturday mornings are not the same. I need instruction from “someone walking the same path” as I in the search for courage. Loved the introduction to this series. Praying for release from the sadness and chaos of the current physical world and looking for a place to safely fall amongst believers. Eager to get started on this journey.
Looking forward to this study. Sad I missed the deadline for the launch team 🙁 I was on the Take Heart Launch team and it was awesome! I will share about the studies anyway. HA! 🙂
Thank you, Martha! We will open the Bible Study launch team again this spring for Courageous Joy! We would love for you to be a part.
I’m looking for a Bible-journaling Bible study covering the women of the Bible, complete with Bible Journaling supplies.
Linda, I’m sorry I don’t know of a resource like that. But if I come across anything I’ll circle back and let you know.
Linda, I was wondering if you would mind if I wrote your request down and then search to see if I can find something along the lines of your request? I want to write it down so that instead of trying to remember what exactly you are looking for.
My memory cells are not functioning up to par these days!
I am challenged in being able to see how the things that we do daily and the way we struggle to achieve earthly goals has anything to do with our life after we die. What is here on earth means nothing in heaven, and yet, the way we live here seems pointless.
With that being said what I am hungry for is getting my eyes focused on Jesus. While at the same time try to figure out what does living here on earth have to do with heavenly things.
I’m asking for more of Jesus and His peace in my life. Church commitments, zooming throughout the week, staying connected with women under my leadership, etc. Needing balance and wisdom to choose what to keep and what to set aside or let go. All this while staying home due to Covid restrictions. I need more of Jesus!
Amen, Mitzi! I could have written those exact words myself. More of Jesus and the peace only He can give. May God’s Word usher us there.
I’m missing Sunday school class at my church. I miss fellowship in general. I’m fortunate because I have a husband I love…and family… but I miss being in the Word with a group.
I am focused on being consistent and disciplined in prayer and Bible reading. It’s been a journey, sometimes in gulps, sometimes in drips. But as I am more consistent, my days are more consistent as well. Plus, I am focused on evangelism. In today’s world, we can all share the gospel somehow through the internet or social media or like our home church Facebook pages so they come up in the search engines. All are welcome.
Hi there!
I am so excited to join this study! The last woman’s study I was apart of was in 2014. That year, I found out I was pregnant with our third child, and one month later my husband began showing symptoms of the disease that would claim his life in December of 2017. During his illness, the church we’d been apart of experienced a massive split and many of the sisters I’d grown so close with left. It felt like double grief! All to say, I’m beyond excited to plug in to this study and meet new sisters, all while rooting ourselves in the word of God!
How the truth of God’s word is so relevant and uplifting and echoes wisdom! Love sharing and see how God is moving and how a familiar passage of s as scripture can be so fresh depending on the season we are in. Awesome!