By nature, I’m the serious type. Although being the oldest of four children, I grew up like an only child, and during my whole childhood, I was surrounded by adults my grandmother’s age. I often found myself eavesdropping on the adults wanting to be a part of their conversations. I wasn’t necessarily super playful or silly, and I lived in the midst of adult situations that children should never be a part of.
Even as an adult now, I’m still serious. I laugh and have a good time, but I’m always conscious about how I’m adulting. I try to do it well and convince others I do it well too. And mostly, this comes down to being a good doer, a get-it-done type of person. Productivity is often the goal, and so I tend to operate more in Martha mode than in Mary mode — busy doing instead of sitting at the feet of Jesus.
With the heaviness of 2020 behind me, I knew I wanted this year to be a bit lighter. I had no idea how to make that happen, but God knew. One day and much to my surprise, my friend Beka invited me on a trip with several of our friends for a girls getaway in Arizona. I’d always heard of these kinds of girls’ trips but had never been on one; I was delighted.
All of my friends are women from the church I’ve been attending for the last couple of years. In more ways than I can count, I still often feel like the new kid. These friends had been in community with one another for years, decades even, but despite my apprehension about belonging, I said yes to going.
Though I travel often, I never do so with the sole purpose of leisure. I like having an agenda, a solid plan, but we made tentative plans that we held loosely. We created room for spontaneity. We slept in. We ate a lot. We lounged, laughed, cried, prayed, watched movies, had adventures, and we even literally stopped to smell the cacti.
The whole trip felt a bit surreal. There were no demands or pressures or expectations from others or the world around us. There was only the present and being present.
Being present isn’t always easy though, and last year proved it. Like everyone else in the world, I felt like God was trying to slow me down, but I fought Him on it. I’m not good at being still or taking my time. I’m not good at resting and not producing.
But during that trip, God reminded me that being present, enjoying leisure, soaking in the beauty of community, and laughing together are gifts of life — gifts from Him. Proverbs 17:22 says, “A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.”
My heart was made merry through those friends of mine, and it was like medicine. I didn’t know what I was missing until I experienced it. I had been lonelier than I’d cared to admit, I craved connection with community, and I longed for deeper fellowship. But I had let my expectations of myself and others to hold me back from experiencing the fullness of life that I can have in Christ. I’d let my thoughts weigh me down and had kept joy and adventure at bay.
It was during those days away that the Holy Spirit showed me what I had been missing and unlocked a desire in me for more — more life, more joy, more depth in friendship. I want this year to be marked with letting go of every thought that keeps me from experiencing this fullness and being wide open to adventure with Him.
God is constantly restoring and freeing us to live more fully in Him, and He invites us into an abundant life when we say yes to Him. God’s invitation awaits us — right now, today. He holds His hand out to us and asks us if we’d like to join Him on an adventure. What will your answer be?
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Amen, Karina! I say yes to your question/ to Jesus. I really want to let “go of every thought that keeps me from experiencing this fullness and being wide open to adventure with Him.” As the oldest of four, I also strive to produce, often forgetting the amazing abundance that God has showered me with. May 2021 be a year of sitting at the feet of Jesus, getting to know and love him so much more. Thank you for sharing your joy today.
Thank you Gillian for sharing! I am believing that this year you will have the sweetest and most fun times with Jesus! He is so FUN and faithful!!!!!
“Let us go on and take the adventure that shall fall to us” ~C.S. Lewis
God was putting this nudge in my heart yesterday as I pondered his leadings in my life. When we leave our life to God’s plans, a divine adventure awaits us. 🙂
Amen!!! So go Liz!!!!
Oh Karina, how I miss community, family, and hugs. Almost a year of staying home except to go to work. I too struggle with being silent, being still before God, loneliness – dreaming big and adventure with God – a challenge. I’m glad you experienced fun/community in ways you didn’t imagine – thank you for sharing how God orchestrated this. Blessings.
Thank you Cathy for sharing!!! Praying that God restores community into your life and brings some sweet adventures your way!!!
I can really identify with this woman. I am the same way about getting up and getting to my chores. I can laugh and have fun to but I always seem to think I have to get so much done I don’t allow myself to be spontaneous and just go have some fun. My husband gets disappointed when I do this. I don’t want to do that but I always think I have to get things done first. He tells me we’ll get too old to do anything if I don’t change. We are both retired. This article really has opened my eyes. Thank you. It’s okay to stop and smell the roses and see the sights. Thank you for this great article.
Thank you Linda! We all need that reminder to enjoy life and Jesus. He created us for life abundantly!
I’m so glad you accepted that invitation, Karina! Well done! I tend to be on the outside, during group activities. I try to join in, but always feel a bit alone. I will watch for opportunities, once we’re all vaccinated! Or maybe I’ll step out and invite.
Thank you for sharing Irene! Yes! Accept and invite! Your life will be changed greatly!
Be blessed!!!
This was an inspiration for me to re-connect with my friends and to experience some laughter while we simply enjoy being with one another. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing Christine! Let me know all of the FUN times that y’all have!
I can so relate to being a “human doing” instead of a “human being.” I look at the six years in which I was sidelined with six successive surgeries. There were many months in which all I could be was a blob on the sofa. It was in that season of forced rest God taught me just how much He loved me and desired to simply spend time with me. I was in His Word, talking with Him in prayer, and just being still in His presence. It was a real eye opener. God created all of us to be in relationship with Him – nothing else is required. I’m joining with you in seeking to revel in His goodness by enjoying the joys and pleasures He has put in front of me. There are no points awarded for always doing, earning, striving, and producing. Often, just being brings our Father pleasure.
Great post!
Bev xx
Thank you Bev!!!! That is SO good!!!
Love, love, love this glimpse into your adventure!!!
Life is difficult all by itself. We need not make it more so. I’m so glad you allowed yourself to enjoy the gifts God gives us through fellowship and community. It really is these times that gives us the stamina to continue on in our journey. God gives us everything else. All things work together. Keep on keeping on!!! God bless you dear sister.
Thank you Loretta! God is So faithful to us!!!
Blessings to you!
Happy you decided to take that trip. We all need to laugh, let go & enjoy life every now & then. Life is so hard & tension filled these days. Most people need to release some of that tension or they will “blow”. God created us to do good works, but He also wants a relationship with us. He wants us to be in community also. Make friends at church or work & do something with them every once in a while. God loves to see us smile & enjoying the splendor of His creation. For me that may look like walking outside, enjoying the mountain & nice weather. When tension hits the house I often start a pillow fight. It doesn’t take long for smiles to start showing up & hearts to be merry.
In a book I read the author said “God freed us from the slavery of sin-sin of constantly doing/striving to give us a more full/abundant life in Him.
Blessings 🙂
Amen Beth! That is so good!!!!