When people ask me, as they often do, “How did you break free from your painful past, your poor choices, your food addiction, your insecurities and guilt and regret?” my answer is, “I had to fight.” I had to fight the lies I believed about myself. I had to saturate myself with God’s truth to find a true replacement for the lies.
I know what it is like to feel worthless and to have word curses spoken over you. When I was in high school, an English teacher walked up to me in front of all of my classmates and said, “Sheri Rose, you were born to lose in life. You will never, ever amount to anything.” At that moment, I traded my dreams and hopes for the future for a lie that kept me locked up for years.
Many of you reading this right now may have just recognized the root of the lie you’ve been living in. If you haven’t, take a moment to think it through. Maybe it comes from hurtful words spoken to you by a father or mother, brother or sister, teacher, boyfriend or husband. Maybe it was a stranger who thoughtlessly felt like dumping lies on you. You see, that English teacher did not teach God’s grammar lesson. His grammar lesson is, “Don’t put a period where I have put a comma because I have a plan for every life I create.”
In Jeremiah 29:11, God tells us He has plans for us — good plans. And while the hurtful words may not go away so easily, healing can happen in the heart and mind of a woman when she begins to let go of lies to embrace God’s truth.
Many times the biggest battles we fight are the lies we believe and speak about ourselves. And as hard as it is to fight them, it is even harder to watch our daughters and granddaughters walk in the same lies we do. The reality is if we don’t learn to walk in God’s truth, we will leave a legacy of lies for our own children to battle.
Many of us have experienced spiritual identity theft. We’ve lost our confidence in who we are in Christ, and we feel worthless or wounded by someone’s words. Others of us hold in our hearts a false identity. We believe a lie about ourselves, and that lie defines us.
You do not have to let others’ hurtful words define you anymore. Those who spoke them did not give their lives, as Jesus did, to prove your worth. You are a treasured daughter of the King!
And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
John 8:32 (NLT)
Jesus promises us that the truth will set us free. Where can we find this kind of truth? How can we get our identity back from the one who has stolen it from us? I don’t know who broke your heart or struck you with lies, but I do know how to help you walk in the truth your soul is craving.
In John 10:10, God warns us that Satan wants only to kill, steal, and destroy us. The best way for Satan to accomplish his mission is to give us a false identity. Jesus gave His life to give you a new identity — the kind of identity that is carved so deeply on our hearts that it can never be erased by another person’s hurtful words.
Embracing our Christ-given identity can only happen if you trade lies for truth. You need to renew your mind by speaking, reading, and believing who you are in Christ. I have learned that if we don’t know our true identity, then we are vulnerable to allowing someone else to give us a false identity. If we are not submerged in God’s truth, we will become victims of spiritual identity theft.
Whenever a lie is spoken to you or enters your mind, speak this phrase to yourself out loud: “That is a lie. The truth is . . .” Then say the truth out loud so your mind will hear your mouth. For example, if someone speaks a hurtful word to you, then say to yourself out loud, “That is a lie. The truth is my worth is not in what anyone else says about me. I will not allow someone’s hurtful words to define me any longer.”
Try a seven-day fast by not speaking anything negative about yourself or repeating any lies that have been spoken over you or about you. If possible, ask a friend to hold you accountable to speak only truth.
And finally, read the truth. Read the following Scriptures about how you are:
– Chosen by God (1 Peter 2:9)
– A new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17)
– Holy and pure (Ephesians 1:4)
– A trophy of His grace (Ephesians 2:8)
– His princess warrior (2 Timothy 4:7)
– His beloved bride (Psalm 45:11)
I am praying for you to experience God’s blessings and breakthroughs as you fight against lies to live in truth.
Tyndale’s THRIVE Devotional Bible for Women has daily devotions and other special features written by Sheri Rose Shepherd to help women draw near to God through His Word. Available in both regular and wide-margin editions, The THRIVE Devotional Bible is for every woman to be reminded that they can live flourishing, fulfilling, joy-filled lives in Christ. Each day’s devotional reading contains a key Scripture, a love letter from God, a reflection from Sheri Rose, and a special prayer for the reader. The THRIVE Devotional Bible for Women encourages you to leave all of your concerns and struggles at the foot of the cross so you can truly thrive as the woman God created you to be.
We love what the THRIVE Devotional Bible is about, so we’re giving away FIVE copies [GIVEAWAY NOW CLOSED]! Tell us in the comments which of the four covers (THRIVE Devotional Bible covers) you’d choose from for a chance to win!
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I’d choose the navy blue with pink flowers. The covers are gorgeous
The light blue cover–it’s beautiful; it would be such an honor to win. I’ve been looking for a new devotional Bible.
Definitely the rose metallic! So pretty!
Thank you for this message! I didn’t realize how often I talked negatively about myself until my 14yr old daughter pointed it out (yikes!) That is definitely NOT something I want to pass onto her. I’m going to do the 7 day fast. If gifted with the devotional Bible I would love the rose metallic!❤
Rose metallic. Lovely!
While they are all beautiful, I especially like the light blue cover. Thank you for this devotional—spiritual identity theft —we need to protect our spiritual identity as well as we protect our personal identity!
Oh my, they are all beautiful Bibles! I would choose the white one, the Leather-Like Hardcover, Creative Journaling Edition. Thank you for the chance to win. And by the way, what that supposed teacher said was so wrong… how could you say such a hurtful thing to a student?!
All of them are beautiful-surprise me! Thank you for the opportunity to win. Great article.
Because I had little control as a child–I had loving parents, but my Dad was zealous in discipline, especially with my older brother and sister. Since I could not keep them safe, I went overboard with control when my children were young. I so wanted them to have a “perfect” life that I nagged and pushed where angels would fear to walk. We, since have talked over and I have made amends, but I am often reminded how often I still helicopter. Your words remind me that I am God’s beloved child and healing is possible for all of us. Thank you for sharing
I love the rose gold cover. A 7 day fast from negative self-talk/thoughts. I’m in. Thank you for this!
My lies is what I tell myself as former pastor’s wife, I let people believe my lies about myself, I did it last night in my widows fellowship on zoom with my pastor’s wives who widows. Letting think I am something I am not by telling lies. And you to know something I believe my own lies.
Wow what a touching, heart breaking experience. I’m astounded by lies used against you. Thank you for sharing your pain here. And for the reminder to stand against the lies.
The bibles are lovely. Especially the creative journaling edition.
They are all beautiful but my choice would be the hardcover navy one BUT I would take any of them. I love what Sheri says and her perspective on a woman’s value and worth. I would love to have one of these. Love the promises and devotional that is included.
Thank you for your insight into the lies in our mind and the defenses we need to build to combat them.
I do love the cover of the creative journaling edition of the Bible
Leather like rose metallic
My soul longs for this healing truth
I was always compared to others by my mother. No matter how good I did in any area, It was never good enough. I lived with the lie and still battle it at times that I am not enough.
I loved this. It is so me! I wish I could talk to you. Thank you.
Honestly, I like them all!! Guess i’d choose the navy blue with the flowers …the hard cover.
Thank You for this Powerful devotional and rich encouragement today!! Needed ♥️ Clinging to these words ….& to His Word. Just thank you so much.
I would choose the white cover with the blue flowers. It’s beautiful. I would love to have this devotional to read as I have been through a lot of emotional abuse over the last 24 years with a husband who is now divorcing me because of the lies he has made up about me.
I would pick the blue with the flowers.
I like the one w/pink flowers. This Bible sounds like a great way to start each day! I enjoyed this devotional as at some point in our lives we all have heard hurtful things that tear us down instead of build us up.
They are all beautiful. I would choose the light blue journaling version. It breaks my heart to hear of a “teacher” discouraging a student that way. I’m so glad God taught you better. And you have blessed so many others as a result.
Teal with rose gold.
Your devotional on 3/2/21 was very impactful to me. Put in to words things the Lord has dealt with me and is growing me. Thank you
All the covers are amazing, I love navy so that would be my choice – actually would give the bible to one of my friends going through a difficult season in her life. Thank you.
I remember times in my life where I have said or done something wrong, and feel less than a daughter of a King. Sometimes these moments show up in dreams and I am my worst enemy. I confess and am forgiven, plus we learn from our past. We are forgiven at the cross and we should focus on His Love for us, and know we are never Alone on this journey.
My choice of book covers are the first 2 pictured: The White with blue and lilac flowers and also the Blue with the blue and lilac flowers. These are my favorite colors and I appreciate a Bible written for women readers. Thank You for His Word, and Thank You for your devotional writings.
Thank you for your generosity. I pray that they are given to women who will be greatly benefited by the scriptures and time spent meditating on God’s Word. The metallic rose is lovely, but the blue sings to my heart.
Sheri Rose, thank you for sharing your story. It only takes one person saying one unkind, demeaning comment to break a child’s heart, especially when it comes from a parent and a teacher. Like many of your readers, I, too, have struggled to overcome unkindness and achieve a form of self-confidence in who I am. And for a long time I struggled in my own strength. It wasn’t until I accepted Christ in my early 20’s that I found that “peace that passes all understanding” and a deeper, more lasting strength. Can people still rock my boat? Yes. Do I occasionally question myself about who and what I am, and wonder if others see my true heart in Christ – or are there too many ugly spots still on the surface, which turn people away? These reflections demand honesty. To know that I am created in God’s image and a work in progress brings much comfort, joy and peace and empowers me to continue on this spiritual journey.
I love them all but I would choose the white background with the flowers, it gives me hope for spring!
I would pick the pink cover. Very pretty
I would choose the cream/white with blue flowers. It is a lovely, beautiful gift.
I love this writing as it encourages me to get off the fence with God. For far too long I have listened to the enemy’s lies that I learned in childhood right to adulthood. It truly is a battle for our minds and I’m weary thinking I’m in control of running my life when God is! I have passed lies of legalism, perfectionism, and low self worth to our son and it grieves me to see him surviving as a young adult instead of thriving even though he knows the Lord. So, the words spoken to us or those we speak matter. Today I choose to give God the victory over my thought life and do the hard work to battle the enemy and listen to who God says I am. With this comes the work of forgiving myself.
My 29 year old son and his dear wife are living with us while they’re purchasing a home. Several days ago he, like Bernadette’s daughter, pointed out to me how many negative words I was using in reference to myself. His care and concern for me is so tender! This is definitely an area that I have struggled with throughout my lifetime. Like Sheri I can remember a specific comment that was spoken to me in my early teens that I’ve carried with me my entire life (I’ll be sixty this year).
Recently 2 Corinthians 5:17 has been echoing in my heart…”Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” Sheri, thank you for reminding us that God’s Word is more than sufficient to encourage and heal us from even the deepest wounds.
The teal with rose gold journaling Bible speaks to my journaling heart.
I love the light blue metallic…beautiful.
These words Sheri has written…so true. I’ve been on a journey to connect with God, to look past my physical self and what others have thought of me to who God says I am. My loving, supporting Husband reassures me i’m so much more than what I believe. God’s whispers to me daily. However, my heart still struggles with letting go and believing that God created me…he knows me…he loves me…he died for ME. Thank you Sheri for the challenge and the scriptures!
I would choose navy with the pink flowers. This is my daughter’s favorite color.
Loved this article! I would favor the rose gold Bible cover. But any would be a treat. I’m going to visit Sheri’s website and learn more about her.
This is such a beautiful Bible.
The teal color is the one I like best. I really need to tell myself the truth instead of the lies I have believed for so long.
May God bless your ministry.
I would choose the Leather-like rose metallic. I especially look forward to the 365-day reading plan.
I have a granddaughter, and I write her messages based on scripture about who she truly is, a Beloved Daughter of God. I would love to share a copy of the hardcover white with flowers creative journaling edition Bible with her. It could be another way for us to connect, and the wide margins would be a special place to write my messages to her.
I would choose the blue cover, with wide margins for notes. Sounds a lovely bible!
I would choose the white cover journaling edition. However, I would give it to my dear friend who really needs to quit believing the lies she was told growing up. She is beautiful – inside and out! She has such a heart for God but thinks she is of no value. I tell her all the time but she still believes the lies ingrained in her while growing up.
While they’re all stunningly beautiful covers, I adore the white with blue flowers! I’d love the extra space for all the notes I take during sermons!
I love them all but the dark cover with pink flowers is my favorite!
The teal is my favorite but they are all beautiful!
They are all gorgeous but I would pick the leather-like hardcover, teal blue with rose gold.
Thank you for giving us an opportunity to win. I really like the creative journaling leather option. Simple but sweet. I also think it would be easier to journal in than a regular hard cover but those flowers are gorgeous on that one!
This piece really spoke to me. I am new to the in courage community and recently purchased the in courage bible and I’m really enjoying the devotionals in it especially the Hope themes in these trying times.
If I could choose one I would choose the white Creative Journaling Edition (although they are all beautiful.
The rose metallic is so beautiful!
This one really touched home for me. There has been much negative input especially by my own voice. The 7 day fast is very timely and my sister and I are working this together!
The rose gold is beautiful, thank you for the opportunity!!
I ‘ d love the NTR Bible the blue one. Thank you for this opportunity, I’d love to have a bible like this.
I love the navy floral cover!
Love the light blue!!
I would choose the Teal Blue & Rose Gold.
I wonder what the teacher who spoke so harshly to you would say if met you now Sheri Rose!
Now I understand what the saying, “He who laughs last, laughs the loudest.” means. 🙂 You should be so proud of yourself for what you have achieved with God’s grace. Bless you!
I forgot. The navy velvet cover looks so posh.
I love the creme cover with the pale blue flowers on the journaling Bible.
The navy blue one with pink flowers. They are all so beautiful, it would be an honor to have any of them.
I love this Bible so much. I’d love a copy of the rose metallic one.
Teal blue and rose gold! No brainer!! Thanks for the chance. Wish me luck. Good luck to you.
Wishing you good luck! 🙂
I need this !!!
Love to Win it !!
I am drawn to the light blue cover (really lovely and catches my eye and breath). But, the practical side of me says the darker one with flowers is best for me when I heavily use and thoroughly enjoy this beautiful, life-changing Bible when my name is selected from the drawing (please ). Bless you all… In God’s love and grace.
Rose Metallic! Love anything pink with 4 sons and a husband, two dogs and a cat that are all male any time I can get anything pink I’m all over it! I love, love, love my scriptures especially when they are a beautiful color.. thanks for doing this!
Thank you Sheri-Rose for sharing how staying close to God and honoring how HE made you helped you come to the other side of the lies. I’m always amazed how often “we feel worthless or wounded by someone’s words” even as we are walking the healthy path that has been laid before us! I guess it helps to be reminded we can help another. I am sooo grateful for women of God that walked before me, hugged me, cried with me and reminded me who God made me to be.
I’d love to share your new THRIVE Devotional with my daughter and 3 granddaughters, then they can pass along all the goodness to Husband/Dad and sons/brothers and the many women in Christ they will encounter through their life.
I bet they’d love the pink one. Thank you Sheri-Rose. This devotional is going to THRIVE!!!
Theses are all lovely!! What nice choices. The blue creative journaling edition would be my pick:)
I would love the Navy or any of them, with wide margins to add my thoughts. My husband moved out almost 6 months ago and only Jesus and my forever family has held me together.
I’m hoping that that teacher realized the error of his ways – or someone realized it for him. When I (or my husband) say something negative about ourselves I remind us that we shouldn’t cut ourselves down when there are others out there willing to do it for us! It gives us a chuckle and we give ourselves a break, remembering Who loves us no matter what!
Your devotional is beautiful – all of them! I would love a journaling version. What a great way to start journaling!
I love the leather rose gold one! So pretty!
I love the navy floral!
Any… Their ALL BEAUTIFUL!!!!
I like the white one with the flowers!
I lost my husband in March of 2020 and there is a song “Truth Be Told” by Matthew West that comes to heart when I read this . Believing if we keep it to ourselves sometimes protects us in our safe zone as I can so relate ! Although getting it out God helps us Thrive. I’m sure the Thrive Bible would be a Soul Soother. I would choose the Rose 🙂
Thank You for Your Prayers as God is still Carrying/Healing me
The rose metalic is beautiful! But they are all very nice.
I’d pick pink! Love all the colors! Beautiful
I love them all. I would love to have any one of these devotional bibles. God bless you!
Thank you for your kind words of wisdom. Many many women need to hear this. You are NOT who others say you are. You are a Child of Almighty God. Something else women can do is make flash cards with a lie on one side & truth on the other. Recite them daily to yourself till God’s truth sinks in & you begin to believe Him.
Navy blue with pink flowers please.
Blessings 🙂
What a lovely giveaway! My fav is the light blue, creative journaling edition, but all of them are so pretty!
Solid teal!
I love the lighter blue color but they are beautiful! I would love to spend time with the content of this Bible. It looks and sounds amazing.
I love the blue colored cover. This looks like an amazing Bible,
Devotional, inspirational Bible.
Thank you for sharing.
This Bible is stunning! The leather like rose metallic is my favorite, so pretty and I prefer a soft cover over a hard cover. Love all the features this Bible offers, and I would love to read
the NLT, I haven’t explored that translation yet 🙂
I like both the blue and the pink covers! It sounds like an awesome bible!
I would certainly choose the teal cover with the coral colored flowers. It’s very striking in its colors and balance of element placements.
Thank you for your words today. I so need them. It wasn’t so much words from people but the all encompassing indifference I lived through growing up as a child. Words came later. Thank you for reminding us our hope and in healing are genuine in Christ Jesus.
If choose the lighter teal blue.
Thank you for an encouraging message…
Creative journaling or the black hardcover. All are beautiful so hard to pick just one!
Encouraging true words! I am a treasured daughter of the King. A King of Peace. a loving, kind, and healing King. Thank you for this passage. I will pass this on to my niece who suffers from anorexia. I will keep this in my heart and mind for myself and share with others. At 64 .. I still have times of doubt of who, what I am. I will keep this note close and on repeat … I am not just a daughter. I am a “treasured” daughter of the King.
Teal blue please.
Thank you for this beautiful and practical message. This is exactly what I needed to hear today (thank you, Holy Spirit!). I plan to share this with my daughter and I’ve written every scripture down already.
I love the Thrive hardcover journaling edition with the blue and purple flowers.
They are all so pretty!! I would be happy to win any of them!
I love the teal color! It’s beautiful!
They are all super pretty! And I would be blessed to win any of them .
I LOVE the rose metallic one this looks like the perfect Bible for a busy mom like myself!!
I love the rose metallic one! Though all are beautiful!
I love the rose gold colour! What an awesome gift!
all 4 Bible covers are beautiful, if I had a choice, rose metallic is the one I would like.
Dark blue with flowers
I have been battling alcoholism and other temptations since leaving my ex-husband and remarrying outside of the church. I want to feel whole again, and I believe the devotional bible will lead me back into God’s loving arms again.
I’d like the teal blue Bible! Thanks for offer!
Being married to someone negative is really difficult. But I’ve recently realized that the Lord needs to be in my life on a daily basis. And I have welcomed Him! It’s helped a lot and I feel truly grateful to have him on my side. It gives me peace and helps me to better deal with things.
I do not have my own bible and would love the Teal Leatherlike Journaling Bible. The devotionals and journaling would keep me focused on Christ and the Word everyday.
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
I need this…to know, remember & re-affirm daily, my identity in Christ! leatherlike rose metallic
I would LOVE to win this devotional Bible!! All of the covers are amazing, but I would love the navy blue one with pink flowers! Thank you for providing this resource! I wasn’t familiar with this one!!
The rose metallic is beautiful!
I would choose the LeatherLike, Rose Metallic
I just received my Thrive Bible. It is an amazing devotional. Thank you for creating it. But the one thing that is missing is a Bible cover in the right size! Please make a blue floral cover :). The book is so beautiful it deserves to be protected. God bless, AJ