The rough wooden boardwalk is cool beneath my feet as I make my way to the sand. The sky is still the thick, deep blue of night, and gray shadows sway in the salty wind. I sleepily take my husband’s hand. I’m not a morning person, but we’re on vacation and I’m determined to see the sun climb like a rising warrior above the waves at least once.
As we get closer to the shore, we can see more people who have decided to forsake pillows for flip-flops along with us. They sit on huge pieces of stranded driftwood, stroll along the edge of the water with cameras in hand, or sip from coffee cups with dazed looks on their faces. I notice one woman lifting her eyes to the still-night sky, and I am curious. What does she see?
When I follow her example, I am greeted by diamonds thrown out on velvet. One star in particular winks brilliantly back at me. I find out later it’s actually the planet Venus, otherwise known as the Morning Star. Here is its mystery and beauty: Venus is known for rising in the darkest part of the night, just before dawn. Jesus said, “I am the . . . bright Morning Star” (Revelation 22:16). This means, among other things, He is not afraid of the deepest dark.
He is not frightened by the secret places in our hearts. The ones that haven’t seen daylight for years. The kind with the locks on the doors. The sort we don’t say out loud or even fully admit to ourselves. He is not running scared from the tragedies in our lives. He is not backing away from the brokenness and the bitterness and the shattered dreams. He is not intimidated by the monsters under our beds or inside our minds. He is not avoiding the struggles or the addictions. He is not waving His hands in surrender to the enemies of our souls. He is not saying, “This is too much for me.”
Jesus is not afraid to step right into the night, not afraid to even dwell in the middle of it, because He is light. And in Him, there is not darkness at all.
This means darkness can surround Him, and He cannot be defeated or diminished by it. He came as a baby into a midnight world and announced His arrival with a shining star. He conquered death in a dark tomb and rolled the stone away, making a way into the brightness for all of us. In the thickest gloom, the Morning Star rose.
In our story of humanity, it feels like we are in a Morning Star moment right now, the darkest part of the night, just before dawn. We have come through a time of fear and isolation, division and destruction, mourning and waiting, hoping, praying. So we need to know that when Jesus said, “I am the bright Morning Star,” it means He is here with us in times like this one. He is the hope we can cling to, the light that has come and is coming, the One who will usher in a new day.
“His mercies never end. They are new every morning” (Lamentations 3:22–23). As I watch the sun slip into the morning sky and fill it with gold and flame, I bear witness that these words are true. Venus, the Morning Star that foreshadowed all this light and blazing glory, seems to be more than just a planet; it suddenly also seems to be a promise — a daily reminder from the heart of our Creator that even the deepest night will lead to dawn. The dark cannot win; the light will never be overcome.
What a treat that God reveals Himself in nature when we don’t even want to be out of bed. Reflecting spiritual truths in the very physical world. The morning star before dawn a mere twinkle of The Morning Star’s never ending light! Thank you for sharing your gift of beautiful writing & encouragement!
Praise God that Jesus is our bright and Morning Star!!! In the midst of the chaos,hatred,and cruelty it’s so good to know that His brightness outshines the darkness no matter how dark it is!!! Ha lleluyah to the Lamb!!!
Thank you, Holley. This is just what I needed to read today, but I didn’t know that until I read it. This touched my heart, my soul, and my spirit, and God spoke comfort and encouragement through your words. May He bless you abundantly! Barbara
So glad it was helpful, Barbara!
I just purchased vegetable plants for my #47th garden. Nature does bring light into the darkness; I find happiness nuturing and watching these little plants grow into bearing fruit. It reminds me of the hymn, In the Garden: I come to the garden alone while the dew is still on the roses, and the voice I hear falling on my ear, The Son of God discloses. The Sunshine bring Sonshine!
Nature soothes my soul too, Connie!
YES!!!! Thank you for this beautiful, HOPE-filled reminder!! ❤️
This devotional relates to a song that I listen to when I need “grounding” because I am so anxious. Dawn by Rebecca St. James – just as God is faithful, the sun will rise every day.
I’ll check that song out, Diane!
I needed this! Thank you!!!
Lovely words of hope, Holley. Thank you! And Happy May Day!
Holly, thank you for such a beautiful reminder!! I would love your ebook but I do not have a kindle! Can I still get it and view it on my phone? ❤️
Hey Stephanie! Yes, you can read it on your phone. Here’s a link that tells you how:
This message was particularly fitting this morning. Our world is dark and troubled and it seems like our own government is against us. These people want to control us. Some people believe, as I do, everything coming is gloom and doom. I believe Satan may win some battles but never doubt that God will win this war. He will bring us into the light and protect us from evil doers. Thank you God for being the light of our lives. In Jesus dear name, AMEN
Amen, Linda!
Beautiful post, Holly!
Jesus isn’t afraid of anything. When we face our darkest night He is there walking right next to us. He wants us to come to Him with our fears especially those that come in the middle of night. He can take those & give us a hope that can’t be shaken. Make the darkness fade away & bring light to your world. One day ALL will see that He is the one true light of the world & He will make our days new.
Blessings 🙂
Fear, to be personified, can be seen in different forms. Disappointment is very humiliating and can make one never try to step out in Faith again. That can mean a person’s gifts and talents may not mature. Rejection is a lonely and state for any person to enter. This can take the wind out of a person’s sail. Some people act out in misunderstanding which can lead to hurtful emotions and wayward behavior. Neglect is another trap the enemy sets for anyone he can trick. It’s not helpful to dwell on being taken advantage of and forgotten when others are being celebrated.
Because I am a female, I can only speak from one perspective. When God affirms His Children, they don’t have to be validated by anyone else.
Life is so precious and one doesn’t have to wait to be asked if he or she would like to dance. Just dance even if you have to dance alone! Dance as worship to our Lord and Savior! And if you choose not to dance, then sing as praise to our Lord and Savior, even if no one likes your voice. God looks at the motive of the heart.
There have been days when I felt like I was born into the wrong time frame but the Word says that God set the boundaries of where we would be born and when we would be born. He has a plan for my life and I know that I have to stay on the Christian Journey to find out my God-given destiny.
Sometimes it seems like I know only one person who acts like me and that person is “me” and I cannot help but smile. God is a personal Creator and even identical twins are individuals. We have a one-on-one Spiritual relationship with God. He sends people along our paths to pour into our lives, to encourage us and teach us wonderful principles and precepts that are true and Biblical.
We cannot start over physically, but we can start over emotionally and learn new perspectives with which to view life circumstances. A lot of families need assistance in communicating in healthy fashions. We shouldn’t be shy when we want to enhance our family relationships.
Remember, start with yourself and ask God to investigate your heart and emotions. He has done that in my family. I didn’t know that communicating could be made clear and easy to understand until I asked for help.
Maybe one day I could give some one encouragement or advice. Finding a safe person and place to be open and honest can lead to healing in your emotions. It’s just like going to school in one sense. I liked being a good student and I honored and respected my teachers and instructors. My grandmother taught me to be obedient at school and at Sunday School.
Counseling is the course I have taken and I find it very illuminating. I don’t recall growing up with people asking my opinion of anything. I didn’t realize I could speak up if I didn’t stutter too long. Even if you are not asked how something or someone makes you feel, you have the right to speak up and voice how you feel and to start asking questions.
Let’s slow down, pause and consider how valuable you are to God. You are His beloved daughter. You are cherished and adored. You are a blessing to others and being healthy is so important to have joy, peace and love in your emotions.
Thank you for sharing this. I needed this so much. This month has been the hardest. We lost my dad on the 11th and it’s been only 15 months losing my mom last year. Losing both parents makes me feel so lost and lonely as if my history is completely gone. I long to hear my name called from them yet there’s silence. I know we will see each other one day and that gives me some sort of happiness but just knowing there will never be new memories of them hurts the most.
Maylee, I’m so sorry for the loss of your parents. I’m praying God will tenderly be an Abba to your heart and comfort you in this season of loss. I’m praying for you today!