I was thirty years old, pregnant, with a great job, a wonderful husband, a nice home, and a promising future in my career.
And I was miserable. I had no peace.
I know. It doesn’t make a lot of sense, at least not on the surface. But someone reading these words right now knows that life can look pretty on the outside but be a tangled ball of Christmas lights on the inside.
I was a news reporter at the time, and my life was spent moving from one news assignment to another: tornadoes, homicides, political rallies, plane crashes. I was fueled by caffeine and adrenaline. If I slowed down enough to get honest with myself — which rarely happened — I knew that my push for success was costing me my peace. But as my belly grew bigger, I began to finally ponder what would happen if I kept running at the pace that I was running.
If I wasn’t going to slow down for myself, I at least needed to slow down for this tiny human growing inside of me.
Then she was born. I was undone immediately. I knew there was no going back to the life that I once idolized. My husband and I decided we would move back to the farm, and I think we even shocked ourselves when we spoke the words out loud.
We definitely shocked our friends.
They couldn’t believe we would leave behind dream careers and the adventurous lives we were living. They told us things like,
“You’re wasting your potential.”
“You’re throwing away your career.”
There were times I asked myself if they were right. But then I started asking myself a different question: “What if they’re wrong?” Because they weren’t the ones who were paying the price for our accelerated pace of life. We were.
Our way of life was costing us our peace, and we had to make a change.
The Bible tells us to “let the peace of Christ rule” in our hearts (Colossians 3:15), but I know that the opposite is often true. We can get so busy chasing a certain kind of life that we accidentally allow chaos to rule in our hearts.
It’s Sunday today — a day set aside for rest. Take a moment on this set-aside day of rest to get honest with yourself. Explore where your heart is at peace, and where your heart is in chaos.
If you don’t have peace about the job, the boyfriend, the career transition, the bad habit, the stress in your life, the _______________ [you fill in the blank], push pause right now. Ask yourself: “What would it look like to make a change?”
I know you might be thinking that you can’t afford to push pause at the moment. Who’s got time for that? But what if you can’t afford to not to.
Maybe it’s time to let go of the things that are costing you your peace.
Let go of the things that cause undue stress.
Let go of the things that keep you awake at night.
Let go of the habits that help you cope and numb.
Let go of the scrolling that just makes you more on edge.
And then, grab hold of the things that bring you joy. Grab hold of the habits that make you healthier. Grab hold of the relationships that make you more of who God made you to be. Grab hold of your faith, your family, your hope, your peace.
I know that it can be hard to make a switch, even in the little things. Give yourself a little bit of grace and a little bit of time (but not too much time). The loss of peace doesn’t happen overnight, and it doesn’t always come back with the snap of your fingers. Honestly, it took years for me to trade chaos for peace. But it happened, one decision at a time, one step at a time.
I believe the same is possible for you. Step by step, decision by decision, trade your heart of chaos for a heart ruled by the peace of Christ.
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Wonderful message at the right time, thank you
You’re welcome, Stephie.
Jennifer l think to have a happy life 1 you do not want to neglect your relationship with your husband very important since you probably have your child l would become a stay at home mom the 1st .years are very important with a child satan would like you to be very busy neglect your relationship with your husband possibly breaking. Up with him want to get attention from other women
neglecting the raising of your child we want to keep our eyes on the next
World would want you to neglect your raising of your child
Such a wise and wonderful message ~ blessings to you and your family
So glad this spoke to you, Ann.
I get it. My husband and I left New York City with our 2 little ones -much to the dismay of family and friends and packed up to rural Maine. Best decision ever. I could write pages on this. It was a little scary at first for me- I was a city girl. My husband grew up in rural Massachusetts and was much older and wiser than I was. But we both knew what continuing to live like we did was doing to all of us. And, it wasn’t until after the move that I reconnected with my faith. It was a little country church across the road from our home. And it became the center of my life for the longest time until the difficult move from that home. Another story…
Wow! We have so much in common, Madeline — even down to the little country church near our home!
Thanks for being here, Gail!
Good for you. Sometimes we have to disappoint people to do what is right for us. We can’t live the rush of big city life all the time. There is something about living in small towns where everyone knows you. There is peace, calm & a slow, steady rhythm to life. It allows you time to think & get back to the basics of life.
Blessings 🙂
Thanks for sharing, Beth! Always good to hear from you.
Thank you for this. It certainly spoke directly to my heart and life’s situation. Change takes courage and a little push of encouragement to take that first step. Thank you, thank you, thank you! And God bless you!
It was my joy. So glad this encouraged you, Dawn, as you take the steps you need to take!
So well spoken. Thank you for prefer word Jennifer. I need to let go things in my life. Let Jesus have them. To get the peace. I long for and the peace Jesus wants me to have
Pray and leave them at the foot of the cross. Jesus will tell me through his Holy Spirit how to get the peace I need. So we’ll spoken. Said at the right time this message. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Hi Dawn! So glad this encouraged you. Praying for you know that you are able to let go of those things in your life that are holding you back. xo
Thank you, dear Jennifer, for this today. May everyone have a restful Sunday.
Grateful for you, Patricia. xo
I completely understand. My family lived near Tampa, FL for twenty years. Couldn’t stand it. To busy for an introvert like me. Kept longing for small town America. Saw myself living on a farm or house with lots of land & no neighbors. Peace & quiet. Fast forward many years & God has placed me in Watauga, TN (Turkey town-part of Elizabethton TN). I absolutely love the slow pace of life we have. Hubby & I go to a small rural church & everyone here knows you by name. I get to view mountains daily & often see deer in my yard. Add to that I now work just part-time (some full time weeks thrown in). Loving every moment of this life. Have time for morning tea, exercise, work on Bible studies, etc. More importantly I had time to assist my aging parents & in-laws.
Some people don’t understand the need for a slower pace of life. They run on adrenaline & caffeine. Truthfully they don’t have any peace. It is chaos all the time running to & fro. God didn’t design us for such a life. He wanted us to linger long in the garden with Him. Asking God to help people slow down & let go of things costing them peace.
Blessings 🙂
Our lives have a lot in common, down to the rural church and the deer in the yard. But no mountains here! Flatlands for miles. 🙂
This was soooooooo good!! Thank you so much ❤️ This spoke to me! In so many ways!
So glad this spoke to you, Mechelle.
Thanks for reading along at (in)courage, Lisa!
Jennifer, you and your husband did the brave, right thing for you. Bravo! So inspiring!
Thank you! It’s so affirming to look back, from time to time, and see what we couldn’t see as clearly before.
Our existence this lost year has been filled with stress of the pandemic. I have enjoyed watching the Hallmark movies which are filled with love and many women leaving careers to move back to hometowns closer to family. Something you have to be thankful for is that you have been given a daughter to raise, and you and your husband agree about how to do that lifetime responsibility. Our faith in the Trinity does give us strength to go forward, the hope of a better tomorrow, and peace for today. Happy Mothers Day 2021 to all you Moms!
Thanks for sharing, Connie!
Thank you, Jennifer, for pointing me toward the deeper peace found only in Jesus. I need the reminder more often than I realize
I need the reminder too, Michelle! Preaching to myself. 🙂
I needed this today more than I even realized – though the push to leave some of these crutches behind has been on my heart for some time. It was the guiding light, the reassurance, the permission for which I have been listening and looking out. Thank you for sharing your story and for listening for the prompt on your heart to write this piece. It’s amazing the validation we can give others through our words and experiences. Looking forward to a peaceful Sunday and the start of many peaceful days ahead.
Wow! It means so much to know that these words impacted you when you needed them. Grateful for you being here today.
Hello angel girl, Loved this facebook snipet from today.
My stress is coming from my husbands family and is the hardest thing right now. Things are happening we wouldn’t have ever guessed would. I don’t know how to remove myself from it more than I have. I’m just so heart broken. Some effecting family members , some financial, betrayal, elder abuse and on and on. A legal battle that we wish didn’t have to happen and would be over. Today we talked about downsizing to help out because not sure what all of this will do about our future.
God is faithful and I know he will provide. More than ever I just don’t want the evil to succeed. “Please Lord , I pray it’s not your will to for them win.”
They’ve already manipulated his mom enough that she’s believing lies about us and turned her against me and my children and grandchildren. Just so very sad ‼️
Please if you have insight on how to find peace in this please share
What a heavy burden you’re carrying! I’m so sorry. I don’t have any answers, but I know Who does. I can share what has helped me walk through trials again and again. I encourage you to sit down with your Bible and just read until He speaks to you. The Lord may give you a direction, or He may just show up and speak peace to your heart. If you find you can’t focus, speak the name of Jesus out loud. Play worship music. Grab a journal or a notebook or a piece of scrap paper and write out your prayers. I will be praying for you to experience the peace that passes all understanding, in the midst of your hard place. Remember Jesus loves you and he will bring you through this.
Thanks for sharing Jennifer I can relate on so many levels