Recently, I became exhausted and nauseated by the noise of Facebook and Instagram — so much so that I had to take a social media hiatus. Prior to my pause, I loved peeking through posts and images to get updates on my friends’ lives. I enjoyed broadening my understanding through people’s personal stories and gaining professional guidance. But in the last few months, the social-scape has been overrun with weeds of miscommunication, fear mongering, and deafening disrespect. Posts and comments trumpeting to be seen and heard have drowned out the listening to understand and connect. The collective blast has felt unbearable!
Over the years, I’ve learned that the sound I put forth into the world, whether through words written or songs sung, speaks volumes about my Source, my motivation, and my intention. Both my intention and my impact resonate.
In the story of the widow’s offering (Luke 21:1-4), Jesus turns His disciples’ attention to the people in the courtyard who pause at the treasury receptacles encircling the courtyard, to give an offering. Atop each receptacle was a shiny, metal trumpet-shaped receiver, which amplified the sound of coins when they were dropped in. Everyone would be able to hear the sound of each person’s offering.
The rich would lift their loads of shekels up high so that their offering thundered and echoed throughout the courtyard. The pageantry of noise would make heads turn, garner oohs and ahhs, and get the rich noticed. With their noisy offerings, the rich would be considered generous and admirable. Perhaps the priests would offer to inscribe their names on a pew or a parking space . . . just kidding.
And those who were not rich would huddle over the metal trumpet-shaped receiver and inconspicuously place their coins into it so as not to attract attention to themselves.
When the poor widow enters the courtyard and puts two, small copper coins in the receptacle, Jesus points her out to His disciples. I imagine that the widow’s offering barely made a clink, clink. Perhaps her tiny coins, in lackluster fashion, quickly slid down the metal receiver and quietly rested among the mound of coins in the offering box.
What I love is that Jesus sees her — a woman, widowed, impoverished. He hears her clink, clink. In the courtyard, among all of the blaring, noisy coin drops, clanging and clamoring on behalf of worshippers wanting to be worshipped for their riches, Jesus sees and hears her heart. Her clink, clink wins His attention and admiration, and the sound of her worshipful offering — the motivation behind it, her posture, and her effort — becomes the standard by which we should make noise.
Just as Jesus pointed out in the courtyard, the loudest, most boisterous acclamations in God’s name are not necessarily God-centered or Spirit-inspired.
Several years ago, when Holy Spirit invited me to a ministry of racial healing, I created a communication covenant for myself. I wanted to profess my intention and commit to contributing a sound like that of the widow — worshipful and worthy of Jesus’ attention. Because of our society’s lack of shared understanding around race and racism, I knew there would be times that in frustration, I might want to raise “my offering” high above my head to hurl it at people so they could see how worthy I am. But I knew that deafening disrespect would not, could not cultivate understanding and connection.
Inspired by Ephesians 4:29 and Proverbs 12:18, I penned these words when I began my organization, Brownicity:
When I talk about race/ism, I don’t want to contribute to the cacophony of popular race rhetoric that seems to be the norm. I don’t want to fan the flames of the molotov cocktails of personal, political, and religious perspectives void of historical context and full of emotional vomiting, systemically unaware news coverage, and motives void of nurturing understanding, healing, and harmony. I refuse to engage in a way that adds to the fear, anxiety, hopelessness, pain, and injustice that exhausts us all.
I consider my contribution to the healing process and ask myself, “Are my thoughts and actions helpful, hopeful, inspiring, and encouraging? Am I contributing to healing and change?” I do my homework. I do my research. I recognize race ideology as the giant enemy and people as victims of its deception, legacy, and intimidation. I will not sling rocks at people!
As I build my capacity to engage in courageous conversations and live in the chasm of racial division, I will be a creator of spaces where people can be transparent and vulnerable. Inspired and sustained by love, such spaces will cultivate healing and change that overflow into the lives of those around me. That’s what I am going for — because when race/ism is addressed in the context of love, it loses its power.
You probably don’t have a communication covenant for the work you do, but perhaps, you can pause to consider how your sound shapes the social-scape. No matter your offering, may its sound capture the heart of Jesus. May your words, songs, and actions be worthy of Jesus’s admiration.
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Thank you for these words. Thank you for your work. Thank you for your stamina. Thank you for your vulnerability. Thank you for your leadership. Your impact and intention are resonating.
You’re welcome! Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely your encouragement.
A WORD. Lucretia, I am so grateful for you.
I love your reflection on the widow with two coins, and your emphasis on who saw her. Your words are a gift today.
Hi Tasha!
I’m so glad my words resonated with you today!!
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
Amen! Thank you for sharing.
Hi Alisa!
You’re welcome.
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
Wonderful. And thank you for your continued work. This past year has been a real eye opener for me.
Hi Madeline!
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement. May your eyes remain open and your heart remain full of HOPE for all we know that is possible in Christ.
Wow and thank you on so many levels: I knew the “noise” concept behind this story before and your words totally hit me. Also the love that flows from your communication covenant is so healing. Finally having given up social
Media for lent and slowly dipping my toes back in your words on that are useful too. Thank you
Hi Anna!
Isn’t the revelation about the sound of offerings so revealing?
May you resonate beauty and healing in every space you enter.
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
May your words continue to resonate and be understood. Thank you for the way you allow God to work through you.
Hi Sue.
You’re welcome!
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
Lucretia thanks you for a brilliant word today. I don’t have Facebook or anything like that. At one time I did. I wouldn’t have it about me not full stop. As I find it can take alot of your time up. You as Follower of Jesus have to be very careful with what you fill your mind with. You could end up looking up things on it about people you know for a nose to see what is going on their lives. What photos if any they have. You if not careful. Can find yourself this were you have to be very careful. As the Old Crafty Devil. Would then have you talk about that person to your family or friends. Say especially if you have Facebook or Wapsapp etc. Did you what so and so said on their Facebook or Wapsapp page what photos they have up. You could end up gossiping about that person. Which is wrong in God’s eyes. Or they can take away if not careful from our time with God in prayer and Bible reading with God. As we are spending so much time on theses things and not enough time in the word of God the Bible and Prayer. That is what the Old Devil want you to be doing. Plus talking about people Gossiping about them. So I could see myself at one time when I had Facebook spending to much time on it. Not enough time in Gods word the Bible and Prayer. I never had Wapsapp. I got rid of Facebook. As I could see it taking over my life. Gods time was getting less and less as Follower of his. I knew God was not pleased with me. Would not bless me. If I ever need a blessing from him. Especially when I was not spend time in his word the Bible and prayer. Facebook was taking over. Yes it is good for alot of Christian teaching. But if I want certain Christian teaching. I will not try and get on YouTube. If not o. YouTube. I then believe God does not want me to be listening to it. If it on YouTube then I believe God wants me to learn from that Christian message and apply it to my life. That is what I do. Then look up nothing else. Make sure in my day nothing takes away from Gods time in my life. Of Reading his word the Bible and Prayer. Plus it me and God have that quite time together. Me growing as better Follower in Jesus. Living my life better for him. Having only the things in my life that will help grow closer to Jesus. Not take me away from him. Not let the Old Devil win. Say now I got her not spend time in the word of God the Bible and Prayer. By looking up Facebook. Thank you for what you wrote it was very good. Love you all incourage. Keeping you all in prayer Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Hi Dawn!
You are so right about how social media can distract us away from our life-giving Source — The Most High God.
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
This article is exactly what I needed to hear. The noise has been deafening for me. I appreciate your commitment to being hopeful, encouraging, and inspiring…all while working toward healing and change. Thanks, friend.
Hi Joy!
I am glad to know that my words resonated with you today.
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
Lucretia, your mission seems very sensible and sensitive. I hope your learning and teaching and communicating will be richly blessed your whole life.
Hi Irene!
Thank you for your blessing.
And thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
I really was touched by your devotional this morning & so thankful that God opened my eyes when I was 16 years old to His great gift of salvation. Having Christian sisters here on this site has been so wonderful, even more cherished this past year! What a gift In Courage has been in fellowshipping with sisters in Christ regardless of the color of our skin or where we’ve come from. God is so good!!!
Sending you a big hug across the country from Central coast of CA (I actually live more in the country & my neighbor has a horse, we have deer roaming the countryside, not what you think of when you think of CA) to NC!!!
Hi Barbara!!
Thank you for the hug!! I am sending you a hug back. I also live among deer and have a neighbor with horses!…lol.
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
Lucretia, this is beautifully written, “No matter your offering, may its sound capture the heart of Jesus. May your words, songs, and actions be worthy of Jesus’s admiration.”
Yes! May we all seek to capture the heart of Jesus daily.
God bless you.
Hi Dawn!
I am glad to know that my words resonated with you today.
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
I gave up Facebook fir Lent and haven’t gone back. It’s too negative and hurtful – Andeutung drowns out the hood. So I pick my emails, webinars, and blogs carefully and do my positive-additions to the conversation by Zoom or in person. I’m not strong enough or confident enough to take up the fight on social media-I will leave that in other capable hands (like yours!), and do what I can. God Bless You.
I apologize for the typos… *And it drowns out the good…
Hi Mary-Frances,
I am glad to know that my words resonated with you today!
I don’t fight or argue on facebook either. Contrary to popular efforts, social media is not designed to foster a learning process. I teach in person or through the Learning Community that I created and direct at
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
Such a heartfelt and much needed discipleship the Lord has blessed you with! Such a lovely post and wish all the world and especially our country could read and apply! We so need healing, in so many ways…God loves all of us and all of us should love each other! I pray constantly for God’s healing for all the hate, and think He is answering my prayers through the wonderful work you are doing! Prayers for blessings, courage, and strength as you continue this Godly Journey! Thank you for giving me hope that love can overcome!
So well said…May we all open our hearts to love, respect and understanding. May we tune out the cacophony and listen to the angels of our better nature.
Hi Eileen!
I am glad to know that my words resonated with you today!
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
Hi Kathy!
I am glad to know that my words resonated with you today!
I am grateful for your prayers. Please keep praying!!
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
“I will not sling rocks at people!” Thank you for leading in love, Lucretia! This resonates with me today.
Hi Becky!
I am glad to know that my words resonated with you today!
“Be hard on systems and soft on people” — John Powell (one of my favorited educators and scholars in this work.
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
I totally agree the social media landscape has gotten very loud. So much so that I hate to even go there. Using my FB platform to highlight God & His words. Putting out things from In Courage or TV preachers. Don’t talk politics, or any racial issues. Just Put love & kindness out there for all to be encouraged.
One thing I have started doing is truly worshipping God. Raised arms with open palms. Shouting my praises to God. I want to be known by God as someone like the poor widow. Who sacrificially gives of herself, time, money & resources. Wanting my intention & impact to resonate God’s love to all! Great post thanks Lucretia!!
Blessings 🙂
Hi Beth!
I am glad to know that my words resonated with you today!
I am so grateful that you are promoting encouragement and love. We need all we can get! Keep it up please!
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
I thank God for the gifts and holy calling that He’s given you, and I ask His abundant blessing on you, your family, and your work. I pray also that I would learn to speak and act always and only for the pleasure of my Lord.
Hi Jeanne!
I am glad to know that my words resonated with you today!
I am grateful for your prayers! Keep’em comin’!!
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
Wonderful post!
“…when race/ism is addressed in the context of love, it loses its power…” these are mighty words!
How can I NOT love, when Jesus accepted me so freely? I am so tired of seeing such hatred in our country and our world. Praying others will feel compassion and love down to their toes. If we are filled with God’s love, there should be no room for hatred!
Blessings, Lucretia!
Hi Indiane!
I am glad to know that my words resonated with you today!
I love your prayer: “Praying others will feel compassion and love down to their toes.” YES!! May we know love through and through!
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
I must admit when I realized that your devotion was regarding racism, I wanted to just turn away and not read it. I felt like it was going to be another person judging me on the color of my skin (very white) and telling me how guilty I should feel because of it, but the Holy Spirit encouraged me not to judge before I read. I had done, what I was afraid someone else was going to do. I am thankful that I paused to listed to the prompting from the Holy Spirit because now I have seen your heart like I wanted you to see mine. I am prayerful for more people to speak words of healing as you are doing and many more to have ears to hear.
Thank you.
Hi Vanessia!
I am glad to know that my words resonated with you today!
I am grateful that you listened to the Holy Spirit’s prompting. Pausing to hear and then follow the Spirit’s leading takes discipline and humility. It breaks my heart when folks cause harm in the name of ‘racial healing.’ Healing and harm — especially shame — are not extensions from the same Source. Healing is from Love/God. Shame is from fear.
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
Your words are a blessing. I decided about a year ago that i would not post anything that could cause dissention. Nothing political or controversial. Just family pictures and scripture or hymns or uplifting stories. So many times i want to blast back at a messed up post or idea, but I have pretty welll with God’s help been able to maintain. Now I need to monitor what I ingest. That is my next challange. Thank you for inspiring. I look forward to looking into your blogs and books.
Hi Terry!
I am glad to know that my words resonated with you today!
You wrote: I have to monitor what I ingest. YES!!! We can not be passive consumers of messaging. We must be aware of how we are impacted.
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
Hi Susan!
I am glad to know that my words resonated with you today!
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
A communication covenant? Sis, I’m going to need you to preach on that a little bit more…because I’m all about that. Yes and yes. Powerful, honest, true—all of these words. Thankful for a God who hears and sees us…and the Holy Spirit who is so good at hushing and quieting the striving, screaming parts of us. And? Thankful for your life’s mission.
Hi Rachel!
I am glad to know that my words resonated with you today!
You are very welcome!
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
Just came home from a ladies study that asked us to consider our lives & ask ‘Is what I am doing count for eternal goals?’ and read your post. Does what I say & do resonate & worth Jesus’ admiration? Wow! Thank you for sharing your gift of insight & writing!!!
Hi Ruth!
I am glad to know that my words resonated with you today!
I am grateful that you appreciate my words!
Thank you so much for reading, appreciating, and sharing! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement.
I never received my video for this week’s courageous joy. Can you still send it?