About the Author

Simi was born in India and moved to Dallas, TX at the age of 7. Simi is a speaker, author, and full-time physical therapist. Her calling is to the local church and her passion is to equip women to know who they are and live faithfully right where they are....

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    • I am so glad to hear that! I agree, recent times have been truly distracting for me as well, praying that the Holy Spirit will teach me to remain!

  1. So true. It’s so easy to get distracted. Thank you for sharing your distraction experiences, we have something in common. :). The most important thing we share is love for Jesus. He loves us. He wants us to follow him, trust him, and have faith in him. This will help me not to be so easily distracted. Praise God for his goodness and mercy.

    • Amen! We are all the wandering sheep He came to seek and save…and we will always have those tendencies as sheep but thank God He is a good shepherd who will leave the 99, for us!

  2. As a fellow sufferer of “Shiny object syndrome” thank you for the diagnosis! Eyes fixed on Jesus is the cure! I love this encouragement. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Dear friend thank you so much for this message. You are very right. Fixing our eyes on Jesus is key to our survival and victory in this world. Incidentally this is my local church’s motto; my prayer is that we don’t just say it to one another but we really live it.

  4. Yes to all of this! I find myself distracted by social media, the comparison trap, and worry. But when I stop and pray, or stop and praise, I find clarity and peace in Him.

  5. Wow wow wow!!!! All of this is so true and timely. I am sooo easily distracted and get frustrated with myself because of it. Great reminder to keep my eyes on Jesus. And be grateful that He is never moved or distracted!

  6. Perfect timing – as always – this week it was the thought of a new job. Do not be discouraged Simi

  7. Your words have had such a powerful impact on me! PLEASE don’t stop writing! Autumn shares these on her FB and I share them from there! Your messages are needed!

    {putting my shiny ball phone down now}…

  8. Simi, whose name I love!,

    I can’t begin to tell you how much I needed to read this!! Thank you beyond words. The Lord is using you to speak to me and to prod me. I awoke feeling so distracted and fragmented, remembering regretfully that before I went to bed last night, I wasted a full hour scrolling on vapidity here at the computer!! 🙁 I am distracted yet again–SCATTERED to the four winds! This is *not* a good place to be spiritually, and not what God, a God of order, desires for my life!

    I love words and looked up “distraction” in the online Webster’s Dictionary of 1828. It has older, often more helpful definitions, and often references a Scripture verse or two. Here is one definition given on distraction: “Confusion from a multiplicity of objects crowding on the mind and calling the attention different ways; perturbation of mind; perplexity; as, the family was in a state of distraction.” One definition even says that distraction was used to describe madness and a state of disordered reason! Wow! But I love what you are saying here, Simi. Our solution to overcome distraction will be to focus on Christ–to turn our eyes (and minds) from whatever may be distorting our focus away from Him–to let HIM attract us instead. It’s having purity of heart and singleness of mind–and as James says, not being “doubleminded.” I heard a wonderful online sermon by Scottish Pastor Colin Smith today on the Beatitudes, and he explains that purity of heart is not just cleanness of heart, but having an un-divided [or undistracted] heart–having a single focus that “wills one thing”–pursuing the Lord with all our heart, our *whole* heart, and mind. Your post today really answered the cry of my heart this morning, when I could not grasp why I felt so depressed. I am scattered and distracted AGAIN, attracted by a multiplicity of shiny objects (so well put on your part). This reminded me of a wonderful poem by the late Christian poet, Denise Levertov, which I think perfectly captures in poetry what you are saying. It is really a poem about shiny objects, multiplicity, and distraction.

    On a Theme by Thomas Merton
    by Denise Levertov

    “Adam, where are you?”
    God’s hands
    palpate darkness, the void
    that is Adam’s inattention,
    his confused attention to everything,
    impassioned by multiplicity, his despair.

    Multiplicity, his despair;
    God’s hands
    enacting blindness. Like a child
    at a barbaric fairgrounds —
    noise, lights, the violent odors —
    Adam fragments himself. The whirling rides!

    Fragmented Adam stares.
    God’s hands
    unseen, the whirling rides
    dazzle, the lights blind him. Fragmented,
    he is not present to himself. God
    suffers the void that is his absence.

    And then, Simi, God reminded me of my *own* words, penned as a guest post in 2016, words I need to take to heart–AGAIN!! It’s called Extravagant Vagabond. I share it with you and your readers here with a heart filled with gratitude for your wonderful, heartfelt, and inspiring post–and in hopes that my words will speak to me again, and perhaps to another scattered, distracted soul.


    • Lynn! Yesss yessss yessss!! Purifying our heart starts with purging things that no longer belong and only distract and drain us!

  9. First off, I can totally relate to the phone thing. I’ll pick it up and put it down an hour later not having done the thing I was going to do or to look up. But I don’t scroll looking at other’s people stuff really, so I got that going for me. I have two or three daily email devotionals and on my phone that keep me in the word every day.

  10. This really hit home and something I really needed to read today! It’s hard being a working mum and juggling so many things daily. At times I feel distracted from being distracted! Thank you so much for sharing and looking at the comments I feel I am not so alone.

  11. Your post is so relatable! We live in a world of constant distractions, even right within our own homes. I’ve also noticed how quickly my phone can consume me; I’m trying to implement some new changes to prevent this. You’re right – distraction does lead to doubt. Thanks for this awesome and timely post.

  12. Simi,

    Distractions are one of many tools the devil uses to give us doubt & take our focus away from God. Life can be so busy with work, family & even good Christian activities. There are always texts, emails, Face Book, etc. to glance at. We need to give ourselves some soul care by making quiet time daily to be with God. It will calm our hearts & soothe our weary souls. Some tricks I use are to listen daily to Christian/Gospel music, watch Steven Furtick (Elevation church) on TV & pray often. That helps keep me focused on God & His love for me. Not letting worldly or other things keep me from being committed & focused on God.

    Blessings 🙂

  13. Thank you Simi for reaching to us where we are.. just a week ago I made the decision to not post on fb or Instagram. So many times I’ve allowed the enemy to take my joy and start comparing my life to others and therefore missing out on time with God and his word. I have started reading the daily devotionals and they have fed my soul. Thank you for your wisdom and encouragement.

  14. This is such a good word for me…understanding where my doubt & discontent comes from…and Is.26:3 right from the Father’s heart! Thankyou for this.

  15. Simi- Thank you for this- It is exactly what is going on in my life- and I recently moved to new housing, which is directly across from my (LI) church, and yet I am doubltful , due to distractions and finances connected to my job. Im going to be 65 next month and can’t afford to retire- and rents on LI are very expensive- even more so – due to the pandemic- like $1800 month- for 1bdrm- where you could rent a house for the same amount-a few years ago. I was baptized 5yrs ago ( yesterday) and have tried to leave my old life behind- which has included friends, behavior and even dating. I have been a single parent- now 33yrs- later and always wanted the marriage that I have seen so many women of faith- have & be successful. I never married in church and that was always one dream. I even became an intercessor with my church group- meeting weekly- and praying for others- or whenever I would meet someone- as I traveled everyday- and i feel like- discouraged and unhappy- when i should be full of joy and enjoying this season- even with its challenges. Then I feel guilty- because I should do more- help more- and be more jubiliant about rejoicing with my spiritual friends and church family.

    I don’t know how to fix what is broken- my relationships – my finances seem to impact everything. I have been working from home all this time- during ad post pandemic- its just the longer i work where I am- my income decreases- as I am sales + commission based. I am working there 20yrs and asked for a salary increase- and it was discouraged.

    I feel too old- to start with a new company. I was thinking about starting a blog and selling my art work/ crochet work online- but I think that is just a distraction.

    I was inspired by this blog – and when I read your words, esp to see a pastor’s wife experiencing similar problems- I was Thank God. Its not just me- Im not alone- because that is what the enemy wants us to think. And I always think – everyone at church – lead better happier lives- because their connections with Lord- are stronger or deeper than mine. And then I feel shame and embarrassment- because I know better- and feel- well nobody wants to hear my problems- because they are already dealing wit their own.

    Can you please help me- to get back on the Lord’s highway and through Jesus- help me navigate back to Him. He is all that really matters- because I know He provides all things, in every season.

    • So glad God brought you to this site and to my words! A sign that God is calling you to Himself…and He is with you and wants your attention- what a beautiful Father and faithful Friend we have in Jesus.

      I love you friend, praying for you right now!

  16. I am so happy to be apart of this group because there are times when life become so overwhelmed with distractions and miss out on what God has call us to do. Thank you for this encouragement Simi