Welcome to Bible Study Monday! We are going through our Courageous Influence Bible Study right here with you. Each week we provide the reading assignment, a really great discussion video featuring three (in)courage writers, a quote of the week, reflection questions, and a prayer. All you need is your copy of Courageous Influence and an open heart, and we’ll take care of the rest!
So far we’ve looked at:
- Week 1, which began with this foundational statement: You are a woman of influence,
- Week 2, which revealed that influence is about where God has placed you and your willingness to say yes to Him,
- Week 3, which explored what it means to be a person of integrity in using our influence,
- Week 4, which taught us to be generous with our influence,
And now we turn to Week 5, which shows us how to be intentional with our influence.
Reading Assignment
This week, read Week Five: Be Intentional With Your Influence, on pages 145-176 in the Courageous Influence Bible Study. Grab your copy and start reading!
Quote of the Week
Keep this quote in mind as you read Week Five:
We can be intentional with our influence by creating space for it at the table.
– Grace P. Cho in Courageous Influence. Feel free to download this quote to share with a friend!
Discussion Video
Three of our (in)courage writers invite us into their conversations about Courageous Influence! Join study author Grace P. Cho along with Becky Keife and Kathi Lipp as they discuss each week of the Bible study. Listen in on their conversation about Week Five (and find all the weekly videos here):
Reflection Questions
Together in the comments, answer and discuss the following reflection questions:
- How do you guys make sure to stay connected to the Vine (Jesus)? What practices or rhythms do you have that help you do this?
- Have you ever been discipled or have you discipled someone else? If so, what was that experience like?
Let’s Pray Together
God, thank You for being a Gardener who so lovingly tends to Your children. You prune and guide my growth without fail, and I can trust You to care for me. As You have been intentional with me, help me to be intentional with others, and may my life bear fruit that will last. Amen.
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Remember, answer the reflection questions in the comments so we can discuss Week Five together! We’ll see you back here next Monday — our LAST in this Bible Study series! — to begin Week Six: Tell Your Story.
In Courage,
I stay connected via prayer, Bible reading, Bible study & listening to Christian music. Listening to good Christian music helps me most to stay connected. On days off I look at Bible reading list for year & catch up, plus just praying as I go throughout my day.
No one ever took me personally under their wings to disciple me. But I have been discipled by my pastor & his wife. Hearing his sermons each week (17 years) & watching how they act publicly. It has shaped how I do life now.
Blessings 🙂