About the Author

Tasha is a Korean American melancholy dreamer, wife to Matt, mom to three wild and wonderful humans. She writes about everyday life and cultural and ethnic identity, and writing has always been the way God has led her towards the hope of shalom. Her first book, Tell Me The Dream...

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  1. Beautiful Tasha! He is always the way home. Thank you for this simple
    Message but so powerful. Have a lovely day.

  2. This is beautiful. I pray often for my loved ones who are wandering away from Jesus or don’t really know Him YET, that He will chase after them. I will pray that they will know they are lost, as I’m sure they don’t know that YET. Thank you for this.

  3. Dear Tasha June,
    You touch on a feeling of anxiety and fear we all went through and continue to in our lifetime – being lost. Even in the age of Siri or “fake Siri”(GPS on my Android phone), wrong turns are made or roads cannot be found. And now we also do not have certainty with how long will masks be needed, do we need booster vaccines,how long are people going to be fighting about these issues…. So, to realize that Jesus is looking for us and his zeal in searching for us gives me hope. Thank you for sharing from your heart. God bless p.s. how cool that you went to school in Tokyo!

  4. Thank you so much for this! It’s been such a rough journey these past few weeks with my wonderful big brother dying and my mom slipping into dementia. I didn’t realize until I read your post that I’ve been feeling very lost and alone and afraid. God definitely chose you to speak to me today, and I can’t thank you enough. Blessings to you and this incredible community.

    • Cheyla, I’m so sorry to hear that your brother passed away. And I’m sorry for the loss you are experiencing with your mom and dementia. Praying for you and your grieving heart. That’s so much. I’m so thankful these words brought comfort today.

  5. I’m so glad to hear that others also feel lost and not back to “normal” as were coming out of parts of this pandemic and facing new challenges with it. It can be hard to have Hope some day!

    • Amy, you aren’t alone. This strange season has been so hard and it seems to keep unraveling with new challenges. With you in this feeling of being lost – I’m so glad you are here and part of our community.

  6. Tasha, this is lovely! Thank you. Wandering through this pandemic is a bit frightening and there are few road maps or instructions. But The Word and our Lord, the Teacher are here for us. Always.

  7. Thank you Tasha. We are on our way home to our true home one day we that are saved. This world is only temporal. A long with the homes we have. Every thing we have belong to God. He has given us it care for. While we are on earth. But we have an better far nicer home. When we leave earth. So that is why we have to keep praying for our lost family. So as when there time up on earth they will see the eternal home in Glory with Jesus. So we have make sure we live especially if saved and do everything for the Kindgom of God. God will bring our loved ones to see Jesus in us. As they are like the lost sheep without a shepherd at the moment. But they don’t see it at this time. But in God’s perfect timing thy will. As Jesus will with our prayers being answered. Be the shepherd and bring the sheep to know him. That is our lost loved ones. Oh what a day that will be. For us saved to see our unsaved Family wone for the kindgom of God. I say Amen to that. Thank you for wonderful message. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little in my prayers all incourage. Xx

  8. I too pray for loved ones who have lost their way and others who don’t even know they’re lost. You gave me much encouragement with these words: “When we are most lost, we are no less loved. When we are most lost, Home — God — is looking for us. There is always a way back home, even when we can’t see it.” Such HOPE in those statements! Thank you, Tasha Jun.

    • Nancy, yes, indeed. It gives me hope too… knowing that we are free from any earning of that love, even earning by way of “seeking God.”

  9. ‘I once was lost, but now I’m found. Was blind, but now I see.’ Praise God! Thank you for your words. It nice to know there is someone home waiting for me or looking for me when lost.

  10. Dear Miss Tasha,
    Such insightful and thoughtful words here. Thank you. I’d been feeling lost on the train to nowhere so many times during our current world situation and it’s felt demeaning at times. Demoralizing and hurtful, especially with interactions with family and whatnot. But your words remind me that God sees me and that all will be set to right soon. Home is coming for us any day now.

    • Thank you, Jessica. I’m so sorry you’ve been feeling that way, and at the same time, I get it. You aren’t alone, friend.

  11. Tasha,

    So much turmoil & stress these days. Yet our great loving God is ALWAYS out looking for us. Now He is asking us to help Him save the lost. One way I get to do that is through Loaves & Fishes feeding/food pantry program. There are times people come to us with huge problems & a few of us stop, put hands on that person & pray for them right there. One lady actually asked what time they had church. You never know how your small acts may lead to helping others find their way home! Home is just a prayer away!!

    Blessings 🙂