I watch as they hammer a for sale sign in my front yard. I have nervous, prayerful energy that I don’t know quite what to do with. Our house and ten acres goes on the market tomorrow. This special place we’ve called home is where God taught me what the promised land means and how to dwell with Him. So I’ve been hesitant to follow Jesus to the next place.
But over the last three weeks, we’ve had multiple confirmations that we’re supposed to sell our home, buy some land, and build. God has flung every door open and made it shockingly easy. We’ve cleaned out years of life, redecorated, and staged everything for buyers. It all happened so fast, with miracles along the way, so as much as it’s been amazing, it’s also been exhausting.
Yet what God is doing in my life seems so insignificant considering the headlines of each day and the heartache of our neighbors around the world. I’ve been hesitant to follow Jesus to the next place on this adventure He continues to lead us on, and I was even more apprehensive to discuss it here.
But I think the real struggle I’ve been battling — and I’m sure you have at some point too — is this: What do we do when God asks us to trust Him and leave the good we are content with for His best?
Six years ago, when God led us to this place we’ve called home, it was clear. I know God works in seasons, both in nature and our lives, but I’ve wondered if I’m mistakenly leaving what God gave me for all the wrong reasons. Yet I’ve been reminded of Abram leaving good pasture lands for God’s best that was unknown, of Moses leaving his job as a shepherd to lead God’s children to freedom, and even of Jesus ascending to heaven and leaving His disciples so they could be even more empowered by the Holy Spirit.
We are not to assume that what we have now is as good as it gets. God promises us He will do more than we can imagine (Ephesians 3:16-21). Where we are isn’t the only beauty He has created. There will be more and even greater things than what we have experienced so far from His gracious hand. Even during the most difficult of days, His promise of heaven is proof of the greatness that is to come because He will be dwelling with us.
One of the things God taught me in this home is that the promised land He talks to us about so much throughout Scripture was about more than the land; it was about dwelling with God where He leads and believing He can be trusted to fulfill His promises for each of us.
And so, as I pray about who God will bring to buy our home, I’m reminded that I’m not rooted in my location but in Jesus. I will not get attached to a place but to the One who made it and owns it. I am merely a caretaker with the honor of stewarding all that passes through my hands — whether a home, a job, a role, or even my relationships.
God doesn’t just promise beauty for ashes, but also the beauty of Himself and His leading we think might be too good to imagine. No matter the circumstances, you and I can be rooted in His love. He dwells with us even in the flames, and He is able to do more than we can ask or imagine because His power is at work within us.
God knows today and our next thousand tomorrows. Let’s trust Him and know He is answering our prayers. Following Jesus on this journey of faith is never boring but always an adventure. Let go of good to allow God to work out His best plans for your life.
Where God is asking you to go will be beautiful because He will be there.
Lord, give us more of You. Make our journey only explainable because of the Holy Spirit. Make us like Abraham and Sarah willing to go where you lead when we don’t know where that is. Make us like Moses to know the place we live isn’t as important as being with Jesus on the journey. Give us courage like Joshua to leave behind what we know to take on what You give us. Reveal Your will to us and give us Your vision so we can live as You have planned long ago. Make us crave dwelling with You more than knowing the plan. Confirm in us that Your best is better than good enough. Amen.
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That is exciting for you and your family! Good luck with the sale and move.
I hope you Stephanie and your family. Get the right buyer for your home. The money God wants you get for it. So as you can build the home God’s wants you’s build. Plus you never know the right people that buy your home. They could become good friends with you and your family. If not saved. They could feel the presence of God in your home. Knowing your home you are selling. When the right people buy it. Was a Godly home. They could say there is something about this home. How peaceful it is. Because you guys prayed in it read your Bibles in it. Spent time with God in it. So the buyers might feel that. If not saved. Say we bought a home from the people who lived in it that loved God. So your home could be a blessing to them. Plus they if not saved could get saved. So pray that way that the right people buy it. They sense the presence of God it. I know you will not like to let go of it. But you have to do God’s will. If God has told you to sell it. He will send the right people to buy it at the right time. Give you guys what God says you are to get for it. To build what God wants you build for your new home. God could have big plans for how you guys use your new home when it is built. To bless people. Less of than you. You never know. But the song I learnt at Sunday School when small. It is The Wise Man built his house on a rock” you get the whole song on YouTube. I know it is a kids song. But it is a true song for us saved today. Then it goes “The Foolish Man built his house on the sand” There is a course as well. I don’t remember all of it. But I remember this part of the song. It goes something like this don’t be Foolish. Build your house on the Lord Jesus. I might not have it word perfect. But something along those lines. So you guys bulid your New Home on the Lord Jesus Christ. He will keep you right. So you don’t you could sink. You will know God will in building it. I pray you get your New Home built in God’s timming. Do what God wants you to do with it. Use how God wants you to use. You get the right buyers for your home you guys are selling. That when it built you all will enjoy many many happy years in it. Doing God will.
Plus know to trust God what he has told you let go of your home you are living it at the moment. As sometimes. It hard to let get of things. Especially when we love them so much. Like you guys in the home you are selling at the moment. You probably in one way don’t want to leave it. Or go through the process of building. But if you like the wise man who built his house on the rock. In that song. Stay rock solid to God. He will direct your ever step. No let you slip. Know you guys are doing God’s will. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co. Fermanagh N. Ireland. Xx
Before I opened my iPad to begin my devotion, I sat in my favorite comfortable chair and prayed, “God, what do you want me to do next?” I have been at a crossroads and though I prayed for guidance, I never asked that question and waited for an answer. The answer came as clear as day, and when I read your words, it was confirmation of EVERY WORD the Holy Spirit whispered to me.
I think that your willingness to share your experience (despite all that’s going on in the world) and the fact that it was posted today was meant to be and meant for me. Thank you, and may God bless you and your family as you move toward His best for your lives.
Written just for me. My husband died, I sold our home, I’m renting a house I love but it has never felt like a home. That’s because I haven’t tried. There are piles and clutter and unopened boxes, a zillion things that don’t have a place to go. God gave me this house. He owns it and I am being a lousy caretaker. Perhaps it is time I invite God to help me transform this house into a home for the two of us.
So sorry for the loss of your beloved husband. May God send comfort & love to your weary soul. Asking God to help you love that home. May Jesus help you start the arduous task of going through all the items & reliving some good memories. Praying for someone to come alongside & assist you in this process. A good friend or family who can listen to stories.
Blessings 🙂
What a wonderful message to receive today. Our father You always have the best wating for us.praise be to You for ever and ever.
Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you to write this devotion. It has been a great comfort to me and I’m sure countless others.
This post reminded me of the song “Great Adventure” by Stephen C. Chapman. Part of chorus: Saddle up your horses, we’ve got a trail to blaze Through the wild blue yonder of God’s amazing grace Let’s follow our leader into the glorious unknown This is a life like no other, whoa whoa this is the great adventure. Our lives down here are an adventure. We don’t know what to expect the next day, week heck even hour. Thankfully Jesus is in control. All we have to do is trust Him & follow His lead. Who knows where He’ll send us.
Blessings 🙂
This post reminded me of the song “Great Adventure” by Stephen C. Chapman. Part of chorus: Saddle up your horses, we’ve got a trail to blaze Through the wild blue yonder of God’s amazing grace Let’s follow our leader into the glorious unknown This is a life like no other, whoa whoa this is the great adventure. Our lives down here are an adventure. We don’t know what to expect the next day, week heck even hour. Thankfully Jesus is in control. All we have to do is trust Him & follow His lead. Who knows where He’ll send us.
Blessings 🙂