Please proceed to the route . . .
Please proceed! To the route!
Please! Proceed! To! The route!
Rerouting . . .
And then, radio silence.
This was what I heard several times during my family vacation this past summer. My husband, two daughters, and I drove from Missouri to the Grand Canyon. And much to the chagrin of the robot inside my phone (as we referred to the navigation app), we did not always stay on the prescribed course during our travels.
Between pulling out of our driveway and finally returning home several days later, we drove about 3,000 miles through seven states. For the most part, it was smooth sailing. My husband is a truck driver who had studied the map before we left, so he knew which highways we needed to take and all the exits we couldn’t miss. The trouble came when we arrived at our destination and wanted to explore. More than once, we missed a turn or decided we knew better or didn’t hear the instructions being read from the phone — and that’s when we heard it.
Please proceed to the route . . .
Please proceed! To the route!
Please! Proceed! To! The route!
Rerouting . . .
Sometimes I would have sworn the app was angry with us. Though I’m well aware “her” voice is simply the product of a computer program and not actually a sentient robot talking to us, the pleas to proceed to the route seemed, at times, exasperated. It was as if our robotic navigator was really saying, “Get back on track, please. I said to get back on course! Hello! PEOPLE. Are you listening? Turn that minivan around before you get lost!”
If we veered too far off course, we eventually got the silent treatment from the phone. We’d hear a click (a robot’s version of a sigh, surely) and then . . . nothing. We’d finally done it. We’d gone too far down our own path and even the maps app was giving up on us.
My family was so tickled by this and laughed a lot as we figured out how to get where we wanted to go. But it’s not so amusing when the destination and the journey are less tangible and more personal.
Sometimes the road to reaching our goals, to staying within God’s guidelines for what’s best, for “smooth sailing” seems obvious. It’s right in front of us, paved and pointed to by Scripture or a still, small voice, by mentors or past experience or even common sense. The best course is simple, straightforward, and if we squint our eyes just right, we can see the finish line from here.
But most of the time it’s not that easy. More often than not, we’re just as likely to get off course as my family on a cross-country vacation. Perhaps we miss a turn and don’t realize we needed to make a change until it seems too late. Maybe we hear the directions but decide another way seems more interesting or more efficient or more fun. Or maybe we don’t hear the directions at all and no matter how hard we strain our senses in an effort to find answers, we come up empty and unsure.
Sometimes it would be awfully nice if we could open an app on our phones to tell us which job to apply for, how to handle our child’s diagnosis, what to say to our spouse in the middle of the same argument we keep having. Who hasn’t wished for a robotic voice (or any voice!) to give exact instructions when facing a health crisis or budget problems or a complicated friendship?
We don’t have to pick up our phones (or Google or poll our friends or wish on a star) to navigate through our lives. We simply have to ask God for help.
James 1:5 says, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you” (NLT). And Jesus tells us in the book of Matthew to continue asking for what we need until we receive it.
Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.
Matthew 7:7-8 (NLT)
Keep on asking. Even when you take a wrong turn or misunderstand His guidance or can’t figure out which way is up (or north). Even when you intentionally take a left when He’s told you to go right. Even when you feel like you should know the answer or when it seems as if everyone else knows exactly what to do and how to do it. Keep on asking.
And our loving Heavenly Father will not only give us the wisdom and guidance we need when we need it, but He also will do it with patience. He’ll never get exasperated with us for needing help, for messing up, for feeling confused. When He tells us to proceed to the route He’s designed, He won’t grow increasingly frustrated like I imagined my phone did. And He certainly won’t go silent when it takes us a while to respond or learn or make that U-turn.
Are you lost? Confused or unsure? Driving in circles, passing the same landmark over and over again, unable to get back to the main highway (metaphorically speaking, of course)? God will help you. He will guide you and show you the way. All you have to do is ask.
Cry out for insight,
and ask for understanding.
Search for them as you would for silver;
seek them like hidden treasures.
Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord,
and you will gain knowledge of God.
For the Lord grants wisdom!
From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
Proverbs 2:3-6 (NLT)
I marvel whenever my GPS doesn’t sound impatient or ticked off with me!
Haha! Me too. If I had to be a GPS voice, I would not be so patient! 😉
My biggest challenge is hearing what God’s is telling me so I often take the wrong turns, the indirect routes. It is hard to figure out what I need to do at times, even with the scripture. But is is reassuring to know that there is a navigator who will not give up on me.
Madeline, you are not alone. And I don’t just mean that God is with you through all the twists and turns (although HE IS). I mean that I feel the same struggle, so often. Thank God He is so patient and faithful to stick with us and keep guiding us.
What a great picture of life illustrated by a GPS. Thank you for sharing. You have given me a smile & sound advise all in one today!
Oh, thank you for the kind words, Ruth. I’m glad this was encouraging to you!
Mary, this is spot on! What a great analogy!
Mary thank you for what you shared about the so as I call the satnav. I hate them full stop. I tell you why. Me and my husband. Decided we buy one. As we heard they were great at getting you from so I say to A&B. We pluged it into the cigarette lighter of the car. Set it up. We then we programme it to take us to were ww were going on Holiday one year. This is a good few years ago. To see if would take us there. My Husband was driving at the time. We set of thinking this is great. It will take us to Brown B&B were we were staying for few nights. We both decided we do as the satnav told us. Go the roads it told us to do. Until it said you have arrived at your destination. But we were only 20 minutes into the journey. To Browns. When it kept saying now turn right at the next junction. Then it would tell us to do something else. My Husband said. It is driving me bonkers. This so called satnav. As it is patrioting ever few seconds. Do this do that. Turn right at next road turn left at this road. My Husband perks up says. I can’t contracte on watch the road and other drivers. The satnav talking all the time. It is driving me bonkers. We were only 20 minutes from home. I had to agree with my Husband. It was very annoying this voice on the satnav tell us what roads to take every so often. It hardly ever shut up. So I said to my Husband. Do you want me to take it out of cigarette lighter and switch it off. My Husband said yes please. So I did that and both said thank you for no other voices. Telling us what roads to take. It was bliss. We both when we got to Browns B&B. Said we were not using it to direct us home again. We will find our own way home without it talking back to us. But it did teach us a lesson. Who do we trust to guide us were to go in life. To keep safe. We have no matter how annoying the voice of the satnav was. To get through the Holy Spirit to hear God voice. His leading in our lives. We said that leading anf through the Holy Spirit is alot better than the satnav. Talking all the time. As it was annoying. Very annoying. We both agreed. The voice of the Lord through the Holy Spirit. Is alot nicer and camer. God will only speak when he has too. To either correct us. Or stop us getting into trouble in life or to keep us safe or if we need to hear from him to do with a problem we have in life. What God has too to say to us he will say in nice calm audible voice with love. Not in a sqeaky voice that is very annoying like the satnav. If God need to guide us in the right direction to stop us going the wrong way in life he will also do that in a calm audible voice. Through his Holy Spirit. We both thought. That is the only guidance we need in life. No a silly satnav. A friend of mine who I used to Childmid with Daughter was getting married. The Mother asked me do I know any one that has a satnav they could borrow. I perk up said I have one. Not that old. That Her Daughter could have to keep. The Mother of the Daughter said no Dawn she will give it back to you when they come home from their Honeymoon. I said no I don’t want it back. I told the Mother why. She said Dawn or you sure. I said a big yes. I was only to glad to give it to my friends Daughter. As I would never nor my Husband used it again. As it speaking back to us every so often. Drove us nuts. The Friend of mines Daughter loved it. Her and her Husband thank us. They thought it was great tool the satnav to tell them were to go on Honeymoon. I and my Husband both say we have the best satnav of all to keep us safe in life so as we don’t get lost. That is God above. So what more do we want. God will guide us and keep us safe while on earth. He will speak to us through his Holy Spirit. What direction to go in life. Until God guides us to home in Glory one day. I say so does my Husband to that Amen. Far better than Satnav. Is our God’s direction in life. Love you all incourage. Keeping you all in Prayer. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xxx
This is why Psalm 25:4-5 are two of my favorite verses and I regularly ask God to show me His way and teach me His paths!
As I follow Him, I will go where He leads, but it is not a straight line from A to B…
Great analogy here. This post reminds me of the parable of unjust judge & the persistent widow (Matthew 18::1-8). She kept coming asking for mercy daily. Finally the judge gives her mercy because she keeps bothering him. He told that parable to show how we need to always pray & never give up. Keep knock knock knocking on Heaven’s door. We will get an answer one way or another. He will guide us on the right path He has destined for us.
Blessings 🙂