My hands hovered over my laptop keyboard, trembling. I could blame it on the fact that it was past eleven in the morning and I’d only had coffee, but it was more likely due to the fear bubbling inside of me over what I was writing: my resignation letter.
I was quitting my job in journalism and moving onto something else. I just had no idea what that “something else” was going to be.
My stomach flip-flopped with anxiety — not because I felt like it was the wrong decision, but because the great unknown always makes me feel a little sick.
I’d been praying about resigning for at least six months. Or maybe a year. Or maybe a year and a half. I’d been praying about this decision for so long, I couldn’t remember when I first started. I was so terrified to make the wrong decision — terrified that if I quit my career, I would never find another. I was scared people would think I was making a mistake. I was scared God would stop providing for me.
I talked to a spiritual director about it. I journaled about it. I sought counsel from wise friends about it. I wanted God to give me a sign in the sky, spelled out with cumulus clouds, saying, “Here’s exactly what I think you should do.”
The sign never came. Instead, God gave me a brain, good friends, prayer, the Holy Spirit, and a few sessions with a spiritual director.
I took a deep breath before I sent the email, then clicked send, and listened as my computer made the whooshing sound it makes when an email goes off. Suddenly the career I had worked so hard for was about to change.
To my surprise, the world around me didn’t suddenly crash and burn when I sent off that email. In fact, the world remained quite intact. I remained sitting on my apartment balcony, as the birds kept chirping and the breeze kept blowing. I’d made a massive life change, and nothing fell apart. I felt a little nervous, but I also felt peace settle around me like a warm, freshly washed blanket.
We can change our minds, and God will remain the same. In Scripture, God is often compared to a rock or a fortress — a stunning mental image of steadiness, surety, and constancy.
Psalm 71:3 says, “Be to me a rock of refuge, a strong fortress, to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress.”
Or Psalm 94:22, “But the Lord has become my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge.”
Or again in Psalm 62:2, “He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall never be shaken.”
Over and over, Scripture reminds us of God’s steadfastness. And in case you’re not into rock or fortress metaphors, here’s the same message even more clearly in the book of Hebrews: “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews13:8).
We have permission to make changes in our lives because we serve a God who never changes. He will always remain faithful. You can change your job, your house, your hairstyle, or your opinion. For some of us, change is a welcome relief. For others, it’s terrifying. But like an unyielding rock in the middle of a storm, God is there through it all.
When things are changing around us — whether because we chose them or because our circumstances determined those changes for us — we can lean on the Rock who is higher, steadier, and stronger than us. Our hope, reassurance, and strength to keep going is the unchanging promise that Jesus Christ will never change. He will always be the One we can cling to, trust in, and rely on.
Maybe today, you’re at a place where you know something needs to change. You feel it deep in your bones and sense God inviting you into it. But it’s hard to take that first step. I’d love to be a friend to you today and offer permission to take that first step forward. It’s okay to make a change. Permission to make a small change — or a big one — is yours.
My final day at my job was last week. Even though resigning felt akin to leaping off a cliff, the spot I found myself landing was the Rock who is steady beside me. He had never left me alone.
When everything is changing, God never will.
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I have been thru the same episodes as yours and with your comforting and reassurances, i am finding refining processes to propel into a better horizon and still awaiting.
Sure wouldn’t want to face change without the One who never changes! He is the strength, comfort & peace when everything around us is in upheaval. Our rock, our refuge. Not much of a hiker but those images of His being our rock still resonates with me. Thank you for sharing. Blessings on your new path. Can’t wait to hear how God is in your details in the future!
Thank you for this today. I’m not one who enjoys change, especially when it’s sudden. I want the future steady and predictable. Instead I have a God that’s steady, wise, full of love, mercy and grace that leads me onward.
I resigned from my journalism job in 2017. It was probably the hardest thing that I have ever done aside from going through my divorce. I loved that job so much, but it was obvious that it was time to do it. I hope you receive the peace that comes from making a hard decision. I still miss it to this day but I know it was needed.
Change is hard. We all want safety, same old same old. Sometimes God calls us out of our comfort zones. Fortunately He willingly comes with us. He has better plans for us, Congratulations on taking the first hard step to a new life. Praying your new job is something you enjoy. Know that God has a trail for us to blaze through the wild blue yonder of His amazing grace. (stolen from The Great Adventure song by Stephen C. Chapman).
Blessings 🙂
This is a perfect message for me at this time in my life… thank you. And best wishes to you and your future.
Thank you for this. His constancy is so restful.
What a sobering message for today.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and being vulnerable to help others.
My desire is to know that I will be able to embrace my next change in life with a smile and a sigh of relief. No one knows what tomorrow will bring but I know the Creator knows all things and I am His Beloved Daughter.
Enjoy your day Everyone.
Wow, this one hots home for certain. My husband and I have been thinking about relocating out of state. He has been with his company for almost 20 years, we own a home, so this is worrisome, to say the least.
I keep reminding him and me both that if it’s in God’s plans, he will open up those avenues. But that first step is as you mention, “like stepping off a cliff”. But he’s been unhappy at his job for several years, I know it will be worth it, if and when it happens.
He’s working on his resume and applying for a few jobs there this week. It’s in God’s hands. All will fall into place as it will for you, too.
Thank you for sharing your things and being vulnerable. I am excited to hear about you4 next step, whatever that may be. May God bless you, Aliza.
AMEN to that. God always being there when you need Him! That is the best assurance we can get. What ever happens in my life I always turn to God first. Thank you Lord.
Aliza thank you for sharing your heart with us. And THANK YOU LORD for your never changing heart, character and provision for our lives and for your Kingdom.
I’m my opinion, or should I say personal experience, we shouldn’t make a move UNTIL we hear from God no matter what it is.
I feel deeply that big change is coming, and needed, in my life. I have been seeking out advisors and spiritual mentors, but no one has come by my side for more than a mere moment, and no doors are opening. i don’t feel God’s lead in any particular direction, and haven’t for many years now. I am struggling with waiting for God’s guidance and hand on the situation (“handwriting in the sky” or just a door being pushed obviously open), and with the fact that we have freewill and choice. If it is my choice and I am praying for guidance, why is it not coming? I should also note that I am divorced with two teens, and have been struggling to keep our heads above water for over 10 years. I just don’t know what I should be doing differently; I don’t have the resources to risk searching randomly for a new purpose and direction.
Abba Father, Please guide Viv down the path you want her on. Give her wisdom & wise counsel to help her make the right decisions. She desperately needs some kind of change. Show her where you want her to work & live. Shower her with the peace that surpasses all understanding. In Jesus Name AMEN!!
Blessings 🙂
I’m so proud of you, Aliza! The rock has been your sure foundation this far…He’s not going anywhere! So excited and expectant to see where He’s going to lead you next.
Change is both hard & exciting. It is scary to leave the comfort zone. Sometimes God calls us out & all we can do is obey His leading. Who knows what lies ahead for us? The one assurance we have is that Jesus will be right there with us through the journey. If He calls you to a new job then He will equip you for it also. Congratulations on resigning your position. Now just follow His lead!!
Blessings 🙂