Welcome to a special bonus episode of the (in)courage podcast! In these bonus episodes, (in)courage community manager and author Becky Keife discusses with friends how every small kindness makes a big impact.
Today, Becky’s joined by friend and (in)courage contributor, Jami Nato. Jami shares the story of The Coping Mechanism Basket — a simple way her neighbors give what they have to come alongside one another during difficult seasons. Becky and Jami talk about how “tell me what you need” is often less loving than just showing up with simple, practical, intentional kindness.
This episode will challenge you to invest in the friends around you or to start cultivating the kind of community you long to have. Take note of some of the key ingredients Becky and Jami talk about, including generosity, awkwardness, and maybe getting a little bossy.
You’re going to be so encouraged. Listen below or wherever you stream podcasts!
- Get your copy of The Simple Difference: How Every Small Kindness Makes a Big Impact by Becky Keife.
- Connect with Becky (@beckykeife) and Jami (@jaminato) on Instagram.
- Learn more at bethesimpledifference.com.
We can all do something. Yes we can. Look at Moses in the Bible he said something to God. In Exodus 3 verse 11. “Who am I that should go to Pharaoh and bring the Children of Israel out of Egypt. Moses thought he was not good enough. We can feel what can I do to help someone. In verse 14 of Exodus 3. God says to Moses “I AM WHO I AM” That is God saying to Moses I will make you able. If we say to God how can I help someone. Don’t say like Moses “Who am I” If ask God to help you he will help you help someone. No matter were it is. You never know what they are going through. What a blessing you can be to that person. If you ask God to help you. Help that person you want to help or persons. God will equip you to do it like he did for Moses. He didn’t feel equip but God made him equip. All you have to do is pray. Ask God to help you. God will. That person might not be saved. You through what you done. Could show th there are people in the world that care. As you never know what they are going through. You are showing them the Love of Jesus. They through you might say. Yes there are some nice people in our world who care. They might ask you a few questions why you wanted to help them. You can say I wanted to because I care and I show you the Love of Jesus. As Jesus hands were kind hands doing good to all. We are to be the hands and feet to the people in our world and show them especially if not saved the love of Jesus. There is this person she is saved. But she thinks not very many people like her. Or want to talk to her. God told me one day when she walked passed me if she says Hello. When I am walking my Dad’s dog. Stop with her and let her talk to you. Tell her you will pray for her. I did that. She was so thankful for that. I listened to her. Not if any one would be take the time to listen to her. As she does at time suffer depression. I told her she was Daughter of the king of kings Jesus. It doesn’t matter what people think of her. Only what Jesus thinks about her. I told her to remember that. I said to her anything she tells me it is between me her and Jesus. I would not tell anyone else. I have not. I made a big difference in her life. She is alot happier. She knows she can trust me. I have blessed her. Just by stopping when with my Dad’s dog to talk to her. As most people she says don’t. That is sad. As that is what Jesus wants us to do. How would we feel. If we went to Jesus he then decide he didn’t want to talk to us. We be very hurt. We say why did Jesus do that. It hurt. But Jesus never turns us away. He is always by our side and always there for us. So let be what it say in Ephesians 4 verse 32 says “Be kind to one another Tenderhearted. Those words at the start of that verse are what Jesus wants us to be to people of all walks of life and not judge them. Plus do as chapter 5 of Ephesians say verse 2. “And walk in Love as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us an offering and sacrifice to God for sweet-smelling aroma” that the people who are hurting or struggling or have other problems. Will smell that Jesus aroma of us. I have heard of I’m another Church 86 miles away from were I live a we girl only 9 with cancer. Her parents are so thankful that people are Praying for their Daughter. Even if they don’t go the Church this we girl and her family go to. They are so blessed they say to know others care to pray. See that theses things are me being a blessing. Thank you guys for sharing your heart. I pray for you all. May God richly bless you all incourage as you do this work on to him and the podcast too. I love them Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. Xx