Welcome to the final episode of this seasons (in)courage podcast! We have some VERY exciting changes coming next month to the podcast, so subscribe today and stay tuned.
In this final episode of season three, (in)courage and DaySpring team members Anna and Joy talk through week six of the Courageous Kindness Bible study. They share about their experiences leaning into God’s power, how their confidence in Him can be tested, and how they relate to the stories of Rahab and of David and Goliath.
You’ll also hear an excerpt of the Bible study read by author Becky Keife and a selection from the companion Bible study videos! These video discussions feature (in)courage writers Lucretia Berry and Grace P. Cho alongside Becky, and they offer us a seat beside them in the living room as they go through Courageous Kindness together.
Listen to these weekly episodes and also join the discussion in our Monday online study right here! Yep, we’ve been going through Courageous Kindness both on the podcast AND as an online community, and you’re invited to both. We hope you’ll read back through the posts and join in!
Listen to today’s episode above or wherever you stream podcasts! Get your copy of the Courageous Kindness Bible study from DaySpring.com, and be sure and subscribe to the (in)courage podcast so you don’t miss a single episode when we resume in January!
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Thank you for all I learnt on kindness. What you all spoke on. I have learnt so much form it. I learnt so much kindness from God. As I will be honest. God has shown me what true kindness is. My Sister’s have that are not saved. Have been more that kind to me. I broke my Ankle and had Operation on it Saturday week ago to day is 11th December 2021. I had to say sorry to God. As my too sisters at time leave me to last to tell me things. When we go for coffee together all of us. They my two younger sisters. Talk among themselves. I don’t think they realise they are doing it. They ask ever so often. Dawn are you ok. I say yes for a quite life. I am so board. I go to see them and spend time with them. I end up saying what am I doing here quitely to myself. I be better of at home. But say nothing. Since I broke my Ankle. They been so good to me. My Husband doesn’t like long journeys. The Hospital I had my Ankle operation in 2 hours away from our home. My Sister not the youngest next after me. I am the oldest. Said I drive you bto Hospital for your operation with your Husband. So as he knows we’re to go. I got the phone call to say be up in Hospital on the Thursday night. It was the Tuesday of that week I broken my Ankle. I had it set into tempary cast. Bones put into place in our local Hospital. I saw such kindness in my sister who not the youngest but next after me. To drive saying she knew the Hospital 2 hours away. From our home that I had to go to have the operation on it. Get pins and screws in it. To show my Husband were to go. As him and long journeys don’t mix especially if he doesn’t know we’re to go. So as my Husband could bring me home when time to get home after my operation. I was over the moon at her kindness. Then my other sister phoning me asking me is there anything I need. Asking me am I ok. How are today by phoning me. My sister that drove me up for the operation. Doing the same. I had to repent to God for not horrible things I said about them. But shouldn’t have said at all. I saw such kindness. In both my sister’s. I did say yes even though it does seem they are not including me. I feel left out. When I need them most they are there for me. The kindness is so lovely they show. God showed me through all this it not that they mean to leaving you our chat amoung themselves. They just get caught up in conversation. Because they are not saved they don’t think. They don’t do it badness God said. They are glad to have you there when they meet for coffee. Other wise they wouldn’t have you join them. So I say thank you God for showing me that. I broke my Ankle going to my who is 80 81 in February next year. Shed which is on his lawn. Going to check clothes on the line. As his washing machine done in that shed. I sipped on the wet grass. Telling you incase you wonder how I broke my Ankle. That is real kindness my two sisters showed me. God said Dawn remember they do care about you their sister even if don’t seem like it. There is another kind of kindness. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little keeping you all incourage in my prayers. Xx
For got to say my Dad who is 80 81 in February. In what I wrote. Forgive my mistake. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx