With few exceptions, our house has always been a place plants go to die. I’ve tried to buy varieties that thrive on neglect to improve the odds, but I usually forget about them until I spy one that looks especially droopy. And then I water them all at once. As it turns out, that’s not a good plan. You can’t care for plants in a one-size-fits-all fashion.
When we moved in December 2020, I wanted to enliven our new home with more greenery, especially since we had a sunroom for the first time. I visited nurseries and soon became obsessed with adding plants to every room. Of course, my lovely new plants needed cute planters too.
Soon, I realized that if I wanted them to retain their fresh-from-the-nursery look (and not waste the investment I’d made), I needed to learn how to care for each plant individually. A succulent that is native to the desert and an African violet that is native to the rain forest have different needs.
My oldest daughter recommended an app which I now use to catalog our plants and their locations within our home. After entering each room and its lighting conditions, it tells me which plants are suitable to grow where and how often to water them. The long, draping ivy in my sunroom needs to be watered multiple times a week, but the fiddle leaf fig in my kitchen needs it much less often. I never realized indoor plants have different watering requirements at different times of year. Although I wrote two books about essential oils, which are produced from plants, it seems I could write another book on all the things I didn’t know about growing them.
Month after month, however, as my plants have continued to thrive, my confidence has grown along with them. I don’t own one of those cute Plant Mom tees, but if I did, I would wear it proudly instead of ironically. I really do try to mother my plants well.
That’s why I was alarmed the day one of my favorites, a majestic split leaf philodendron, appeared to go on the decline.
This plant, also known as a hope plant, has frilly, ruffle-shaped leaves that spread high and wide open toward the sky — or in this case, the ceiling. But one day I noticed one long stalk had abandoned its perky posture and began to droop toward the floor, while its large, green leaf curled up and turned yellow.
What had I done wrong? The rest of the plant looked so healthy!
After a talk with my daughter and a Google search, I learned another fascinating fact about plants: Sometimes they shed older leaves in order to direct their energy toward new growth. Sure enough, when I looked closer, I noticed fresh stalks sprouting up right in front of me. I thought my plant was dying, but it was actually redirecting its energy, prioritizing the new over the old.
Just like my plant, my life looks different now than it did not so long ago. We moved to a new area and a new neighborhood. I’ve made new friends but seldom see many who’ve been a part of my life for years. I retired after over a decade of tutoring in a one-day-per-week program.
I didn’t realize how weary I’d grown from an extended period of labor — years of working on book deadlines and lesson plans, months of preparing our old house to sell, the physical and emotional toll of moving — until I slowed down and slid into an unplanned season of rest. The changes of the past year reset my rhythms more than a list of new year’s resolutions.
By nature, I’m work driven, and I’ve struggled with taking downtime. This slower season of life has felt so different I’ve wondered if I’ve been doing it all wrong. I’ve felt guilty about the things I’m not doing (like work) and also the things I am doing (like staying up late with a book I can’t put down or bingeing Spider-Man movies).
Pruning a tree, plant, or vine can increase its fruitfulness and the Bible uses the same analogy for periods of spiritual growth:
Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.
John 15:2 (NASB)
The verse begins with barrenness, followed by productivity, and finally abundance. Periods of seeming barrenness — metaphorically pulling the weeds and tilling the soil — can help to prepare us for the harvest to come. Just as my plant redirected its energy from old to new growth, the Lord often prunes us before periods of fruitfulness.
As things in my life become pruned and as I learn to rest in the barrenness, I trust that this is a season that’s good and necessary, from which I will one day reap a harvest of fruitfulness in the seasons to come.
I was blessed two years ago with wonderful mini miracles seeing Gods hand work in my life, provide amazing opportunities in my masters in Peace and Conflict Studies. After submitting I got a job in Finance at the University. Great God provided something temporary for a much needed financial boost to my family & 3 kids. But yet here I sit still in that job and I am grateful but also waiting…for when God will provide the pathway to the job where well that’s related to my masters.
I also feel guilty for wanting a change as there is a pandemic going on and hurt at the few jobs I have tried the constant rejection. I’m trying to lean in to the spirit to hear Gods direction but it’s hard. Then the negative talk chimes in!! It’s a confusing place to be. I pray that God would move in my life….
Jas, that’s so hard when you can’t see what’s ahead. Faith isn’t easy sometimes. Blessings to you!
I have found it extremely difficult being in what I call my forced retirement. I moved to be nearer to my daughter in Nov. 2019 and because of the pandemic, I did not try to find a job. I have struggled being at loose ends. I am now trying to do some volunteer work and that helps a bit. I am a retired mental health clinician and school counselor. Big into helping others! I continue to question what it is I am supposed to do. And then yesterday I felt God tap me on the shoulder. A neighbor who I had seen earlier in the day knocked on my door. She is relatively new to the condo building where we live and we have spoken from time to time, as we both sit out on our porches when the weather permits. She came to tell me about her health situation as I had noticed she was not her usual self when I saw her earlier. As it turns out, she may only have months left to live. I sat and listened to her and offered my support. We spent about an hour chatting and just being in the moment. As she left, I thanked her for sharing and that it was an honor that she felt safe enough to do so. I realized maybe this is my purpose if I take the time to listen and to be open to others rather than focusing on what I think my job should look like. I thanked God for showing me I still have value and it does not have to be defined by a title.
Madeline, it sounds like you are perfectly situated to meet an important need!
Thank you for this post Dawn! We are about to move my Dad-in-love into assisted living near us. He has been living independently not near any relatives since we lost Mom 2+ years ago. At 91 it was time to make a change. I used the progression in John 15:2 you pointed out to encourage him that even though his independence is being curtailed a bit he is being prepared to bear more fruit & abundance is a promise! Thank you again for your words needed to apply to his “big picture” as he transitions to a new circumstance. Blessings upon blessings!
It’s such a comforting verse when you see it reflected in your circumstances. Blessings, Ruth!
Hi, I have a chronic disease–Lupus. Not the nice little kind. I was diagnosed at 25, while having my 2nd and last baby. I was very active–a RN, wife and mother. Active in my church-playing the piano. Until I could not hit the right keys anymore–arthritis. My disease continued until it paralyzed my GI Tract. After 3 years on IV nutrition and more than 12 life threatening MRSA infections, I had to leave my job and go on disability. I lost my husband. Thankfully, at the end of a 2 year custody battle, I had custody of my 2 boys. Then there was a neuro -stimulator for the stomach. I was the 1st compassionate one placed. It worked immediately!!! I was never strong enough to go back to work, although I tried. But, I was home and able to cope and raise my boys. I worked in the youth –my boys asked me to!!! Now at 61, a few years back, Medtronics changed the stimulator to try to get FDA approval for obese people for which other things had failed. It no longer met my needs. I was back where I was 22 years ago. That was 4 years ago. I have been told there is nothing elso medical science can do for me-4 years ago. Well I am still here. I am home bound, living with my oldest son and his family–3 adorable grandchildren. Yes, God does prune you in different seasons. I now pray for people that I know of in my church and as asked for by our Women’s Ministry Director. Not what I thought I would be doing at this stage of my life, but God often changes our plans to His plans. So He wakes me up everyday and I do my best to try to do what He has on His agenda. It is not easy, but He did not have it easy either. I am very thankful for all He has brought me through!!!
Betsy, I’m so sorry the device that helped you before no longer works for you. I’m thankful for the needs you’re able to meet and the presence of your family around you daily.
Really needed this
I’m so glad, MaryMargaret.
I absolutely love this and to be honest it was what I needed to read it touched my heart. I love reading your blogs and the véase you share
Andrea, I’m so thankful this spoke to you. Have a blessed Sunday!
Dawn thank you for what you wrote. It speaks to me. I not into plants or flowers as I forget to water them. People in the past out being nice have bought me flowers and plants. I do either forget to water them or over water them and they die on me. I am greatful for them taking the time to buy them to me. No matter what the reason. I can see why Jesus prounes us. Like a plant we have to care for it nurture it and love it. If we don’t do that it will die. It is like that with our lives. If we don’t nurture them everyday in the word of God and Prayer. As God word is water to our souls. Water is the most pure thing you can drink. God word is like pure water. Sometimes we get dry and thirsty our spiritual and soul. To stop it getting dry our spiritual soul. We have to go God word and drink from it. To stay replenished and not dry of thirst to our souls. As when we get dry we can let rubbish in. That is stuff that God would not want us to have in our lives. So then Jesus if we see we are dry and not being drinking from the well watered word of God. We have to go to Jesus ask him to Prune us. Yes Amit we have not been drinking from the well water of his word. As Jesus to forgive us for not doing that. Letting our spiritual soul come dry. With rubbish God would not want us to let into. That is doing us harm. As Jesus to prune us. That mean show us the things in our lives that should not be in it. That we might be doing that are wrong if we really want to live right for Jesus. Through his Holy Spirit he will show us. How to get rid of al that is killing us spiritually. Get rid of the weeds in our lives. Yes it might be painful. But afterwards we will be glad Jesus showed us. Jesus help prune the weeds out of our lives to start living right for him. For it we will be better people for it. No matter how hard it is to pull the weeds out let Jesus prune us into the beautiful people he wants us to be for him. We will be glad we did let Jesus prune us. No matter how hard it was to get ride of the weeds in our lives. The Devil will always try and tempt us back into doing them again. So we have to be on our gard. So as the Devil will not tempt us. As it says in God’s word he will help us not be tempted what we can’t bare that we will give into it. As it says in 1 Cor 10 verse 13 “There hath no temptation that has taken hold ,of you but such as common to man. Buy God is faithful He will not stuffer you to be tempted beyond that which you are able to bear, but with the temptation will also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it” How true that is. I seen it in my life when temptation comes my way. I have at times given into it. Jesus has had to Prune me. Help me get rid of the weeds. Through going to him in prayer and reading his word and listing to his Holy Spirit. Not let the Devil tempt me. Or Tempt me back into doing them. I am changed into the beautiful tree God wants me to be. Living right for Jesus. Doing as his words says. To stay that way. Be careful not to tempted again. I have to keep my soul well watered in Prayer and reading of the word. If I don’t I could slip again. I don’t want that. Love Dawn Ferguson-little xxx
Thank you for your comment, Dawn!
I’m in the harvest season of my life. Continually receiving blessings from God. For over 10 years I was the main caregiver for both my parents. I eventually had to quit a good job to be more available for dad. Then I got a part time job & it lasted 2 years. January 2019 they said they no longer needed me. Yeah I thought as I knew God had bigger & better things in store for me. Little did I know how good they would be. Two weeks later I was offered a part time ICU Step Down clerical position at the largest hospital in area. They shut my unit down in December 2019, but reopened it a few months later. September 2021 I was working full time for my co worker who broke her arm. Then in November 2021 they shut the unit down again. What now I thought as I had a new boss. Fortunately she found a unit that could use me. They put me in a Covid ICU unit. I didn’t care for it at first but then grew to love it. Learned to make IV tubing with 4 extensions & make them each time I work. That impressed the boss so much they posted a full–time clerical position just for me. Talk about blessing upon blessing from God!! He pruned me tons while caring for my parents but now comes the blessings.
Just wait everyone. Your time of blessings will come eventually!!
Blessings 🙂
Wow, Beth! That’s so encouraging. Sounds like you are living in the blessings He was preparing you for.
Thank you, Dawn, and what a beautiful name! 🙂
I’m in a waiting room now, too, so this is comforting to read.
My company restructured, and I lost my job in September, we moved homes in October, I started exploring new career areas in November, and I’m wondering what God has for me now.
Trying to surrender to God’s clippers right now in this season of pruning.
I hear you, Dawn! Moving contributed to my season of pruning too. Hang in there!
The thing about God’s “pruning” or God’s “discipline”, is that they can feel similar, & be very difficult to go through! Both are meant to draw us closer to Jesus; not away in discouragement.
That’s a really good point. It can be difficult to distinguish.
Would you share your plant app? I’m intrigued!
What is the name of the plant app? My Christmas cactus was doing so well but is now in need of more than just watering at the right time!
It’s the Planta app.
I’m in the season of rest right now as well. 🙂
Enjoy it, Amy!