About the Author

Melissa Zaldivar is a social in the world of academics and an academic in the world of socials. She's an author and podcast host with a BA in Communications and an MA in Theology. She loves a good sandwich, obscure history, and wandering around New England antique shops.

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  1. The image of shoveling a welcome & then salting it to keep it clear had me thinking, we offer grace to welcome people in & we continue with compassion & forgiveness to keep the path safe. We get the bonus benefits of relationships with others who need that welcome as we clear their path toward Jesus. Let us be salt! Thanks for your inspiring post!

  2. Growing up in the northeast and living in Maine for almost 25 years, I know about the endless shoveling and walking over to help shovel out the church. However, I never thought about the salting part and the connection you make. I always enjoyed being outside watching as neighbors and the plows driven the folks from my small town drive by and wave, and sometimes stop to chat. It was a real sense of togetherness. I will keep this in mind as I head over early to church this morning after having a “snow event” and help clear up with others from my small church. I am in Colorado now, and live in a condo, so no shoveling except my patio and car and honestly miss it. And I look forward to slating the path to worship.

  3. Melissa, well done! An act of kindness with no reward, other than knowing you were helping others. I like it. I will try to go and do likewise.

  4. Melissa,

    I grew up outside Tampa, FL, so not much snow. Moved to Harrisonburg, VA for college. That town is in a valley surrounded by mountains. That year we had a blizzard that put tons of snow on the ground. There was no church that Sunday. My neighbor had left over pizza from the Super bowl party. She had me come with her to the nursing home across the street to feed the workers-they were working a second shift in a row as not many people could get there. We also stayed & helped out some. It was preaching the gospel without using words. Showing mercy to those who needed it most.

    Blessings 🙂

  5. Melissa, you transported me to a winter scene I’ve never known, but my heart resonates with the call to pick up my shovel for the sake of others. Thank you, friend.

  6. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful reminder on a very cold Sunday morning. Thank you for sharing your story. It’s certainly true and I am guilty sometimes of saying yes and quickly getting tired of my commitment. It’s not easy to feel good about quitting before the job is done.

    We look forward to new believers accepting Christ as their Lord and Savior. So, we have to put on our thinking caps: how undone were you? How much love and forgiveness were you offered. So, let’s give the same to others. Let’s help to prepare a soft place of hospitality for someone to land.

    Keep up the great work no matter how you feel. Thank you for sharing yourself with others. Being a Disciple is wonderful, remember who our teacher is, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Allow space for others to grow, God is the Gardener.

    Have a wonderful day.


  7. Perfect follow-up to a sermon today at our church on serving. Loved how you gently handled the grace of invisibility as servant. Bless your efforts.

  8. We clear the way and make room for one another to come home. I like that sentence. It reminds me of not only how the Church/Body of Christ functions, but how we are to function to the unsaved world…one plows, one plants, one Waters, one fertilizes, one removes weeds, one harvests! If we don’t clear the way, it makes it much harder for the unsaved to come Home to Jesus!

  9. Thank you for this reminder that it’s not about others noticing but our heart towards living God and others. We ALWAYS have something to be grateful for. ❤️

  10. Wow! Yep. Totally needed to read this. We have some messiness at our church that needs God’s healing majorly.