I’m sitting in my sister-in-law’s dining room, tapping away on my keyboard while admiring a massive poinsettia plant — its red flowers abloom — still adorning her long table.
My husband Dan and I are her house guests, and during the holiday part of our visit, she had apologized several times for not putting out Christmas decorations per usual. So no gigantic tree with lights and ornaments. No garlands along the staircase. No porcelain angels and other pretty holiday knickknacks on every other surface.
Instead, during these challenging times, she’d settled on something new. Thus, the poinsettia instead of a Christmas tree. And the feeling to her? “Liberating.”
I can relate because I also did a new thing in the past year. I added entertainment writing to my writing tool box, surprised to discover that by doing this new thing, I was freed to do it for God.
I didn’t see it that way at first. Instead, I started writing a fictional story — a new path for me — because I heard our gentle Jesus say this: Fear not (John 14:27).
It’s the first step to taking a scary risk — especially when trying something new. So, with God’s help, I tried a new thing during the pandemic summer of 2020, and now I’m a humbled author of a fledgling Christian mystery series.
I took it on, in fact, with absolutely zero expectations. I told my husband, “If nothing comes of this, that’s okay. It’s more important that I tried.”
To be honest, however, I did want something of consequence to come of it. But if it all came to naught, the trying was what mattered. I felt sure of that and still do. Our trying glorifies God. As Jesus said in His Sermon on the Mount, “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
So, the second step of trying a new thing? Giving ourselves permission.
We get that go-ahead from God Himself. In His wisdom, the Lord made a way for His people “through the sea, a path through the mighty waters” of the Red Sea — a mighty deliverance (Isaiah 43:16).
But then the surprise? Forget those things, He says. As the Lord, through Isaiah, tells them in verses 18-19:
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?”
Regarding this warning, the New Living Translation minces no words when it comes to moving forward by not looking back:
“Forget all that — it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun. Do you not see it?”
It’s one of the most remarkable reminders in all of the Bible. First, forget former things, including victories, triumphs, ups and downs. Then, fan the fire for something new. Don’t know how it’s going to pan out? Dream about it anyway — bravely, to move forward. Then, work on it, if you dare.
The most important reminder, however? Do our new thing for God.
As Isaiah prophesied, our Creator God is “making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland . . . to give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself” (Isaiah 43:19-20).
“That they may proclaim my praise” (Isaiah 43:21).
Don’t you see it?, the Lord asks us. Can’t you visualize it? Does your vision board depict not what you can do by yourself but what God alone can do?
In the end, trying something new isn’t to promote ourselves to God’s kingdom but to help make God more known. So, if you’re looking for a reason to try something new in 2022, pointing people to God — by doing a new thing that requires His strength and courage — is the best reason to even try.
That’s how I feel working on the next mystery novel. It requires so much from me — a vision and courage that I can’t stir up on my own — that it surely will point people not to me but to the Lord.
Now, what is a new thing that challenges you in that way? What will you try in 2022 that will show off the Lord making a new way in your wilderness, its parched riverbeds overflowing with streams of living water?
Is your new thing good and difficult but wonderful? Do you need God to make it happen? Dive in and try.
This is all so encouraging, Patricia! Especially clinging to this:
“ Don’t you see it?, the Lord asks us. Can’t you visualize it? Does your vision board depict not what you can do by yourself but what God alone can do?”
I am so proud of you and thankful for your new thing! I LOVED reading Annalee’s story and can’t wait for your next novel to come out.
This year I’m diving into writing a children’s book. And I feel the same way! I very much hope God opens a wide door for others to see Him through it…but even if not, there has been pleasure and purpose in trying.
Amen, Becky. Yes, go for it! I was just reading last night about E. B. White, the “White” of Strunk and White’s “The Elements of Style.” He wrote “Charlotte’s Web” when he was working as an editor at the New Yorker Magazine. Children’s books weren’t in his wheelhouse, but the book became a beloved children’s classic.
I love how doing a new thing introduces us to new and different audiences and, in the case of writers, to new readers–meaning we’re pointing more people to a life in God. C.S. Lewis did that with his writing. So, I’m sending prayers for your first children’s book. Dive in with joy! As amazing Holley Gerth would say, I’m cheering you on!
“In the end trying something new isn’t to promote ourselves to God’s kingdom but to help make God more known.” Thank you for this wonderful fear stomping, right perspective encouragement to be bold & dream big!
God be praised, Ruth Mills! I’m excited for your new thing. Cheering you on, indeed!
So glad you were brave enough to try, Patricia! I look forward to reading your mystery.
Thank you so much, Irene! Yes, let’s be willing to try our new things. We can inspire each other and bring glory to God. With His love!
I just finished reading your novel, “All that is Secret.” I so enjoyed your amazing story. Annalee is a wonderful, complex woman. She is gutsy, compassionate, mysterious, independent, Woman of faith. She struggles in her faith journey in this book. And I love Eddie and Jack as well. I look forward to reading your next novel.
I am not sure where the Lord is leading this year, but my word for this year is “courage.”
Perhaps a new thing is in my future as I turn 75 in April. I am still uniquely and wonderfully made according to God’s Word in Psalm 139. He wants us to shine like the stars.My twinkle may not be quite as bright, but the Lord can still shine through!
Thank you for your message today.
Blessings to all you stop here today. ❤️❤️
Karen, thank you so much! I loved writing an historical mystery with a young woman of faith, struggling to know God, but still in the driver’s seat! May you shine bright for the Lord in your faith walk, too. Also, Happy Birthday! At 75 in April, you have a lot more glowing and going to do. All for Christ! With His peace and love, Patricia
Patricia you are so wonderful & encouraging not only to me in a mighty way but I’m sure to a lot of your readers. I did the in-courage test & my word was encouragement. I was told that before but now it’s opened my eyes & brought friends really struggling with hard situations to my life! I’m trying to reach out to other people & be a blessing to them & not feel I don’t have the time because I need to do….yatta, yatta & more yatta! All which is meaningless & has to be redone again at some point. I was raised in a Jewish home & my family thinks of me as a rebel. Isn’t that funny? They have noticed there is something different about me & there is! I’m close to one cousin who lives on the east coast, I’m in CA & I’ve been having a ministry with her, although she doesn’t recognize it as such! Also with my brother who is wheelchair bound. Telling him to talk to God from his heart.
Then with church I got a message yesterday from a dear older friend of a really sad situation she’s going through, another friend who lives also on the East Coast but so thankful for messenger I’m encouraging her as she’s going through a rough time.
I love mysteries but only clean ones who honor God, I’ll look up your book! Right now I’m reading & almost done with The Simple Difference by Becky Keife. I’m planning on sending it to a friend who moved away & struggling in her new area.
Lord bless you Patricia as you’ve blessed more friends than you could imagine!
What a wonderful word, Barbara–especially if you’re an encourager at heart. (And it sounds as if you are!) You’ve encouraged me today with your kind feedback on my post. May your family, friends, and church all be blessed beyond measure by your encouraging love and hope. With His peace and joy! Love, Patricia
Than you for your encouragement to try new things! It’s certainly not always an easy thing to do especially for this type A (55 year old) girl! I pray God will show me what my new thing will be this year.
Laura, I’m praying with you, indeed. May the Lord make plain and clear if He’s inviting you to try something new for Him! With His peace and love, Patricia
I hear God audibly saying “forget your past mistakes & wrong turns. See I am doing a new thing!” He sure is in my life. It all started in September last year. My clerical coworker broke her arm. I volunteered to fill in fulltime 6-8 weeks. In the middle of November they shut our unit (hospital) down. I was a tad scared about the next move. God graciously placed me on 2100 (Covid) unit. Apprehension at first, but then it grew on me. There were other blessings thrown in there (extra money, pay hikes etc.). Yesterday my RN manager called me & said I have a full–time clerical position open here & I want YOU! We will work with your days & hours as you need. Some where along the way I must have sown good seeds of hard work & shining God’s light & love. He sure blessed the pants off me. I definitely perceive the new thing!! God is awesome. Only He could give such great blessings.
Beth, how awesome! We see you shine your light here in so many ways. I can imagine you were a sparkling bright light in the Covid unit–faithful, encouraging, hopeful, professional, and loving, too. Congratulations on your promotion and new position. What a beautiful new thing! His peace and joy as you walk this year in His new blessing! Love, Patricia
Thank you so much for sharing these words! They were so good for my soul.
My husband and I are trying to conceive and so much of it really is up to God and His plan for us.
I don’t know how it’s going to go but I’m going to dream about it and bravely keep trying.
What a beautiful new dream! I pray the Lord hears your prayers , guiding you and your husband in every step to take and blessing your faithful trust in Him. In advance, I celebrate with you for what the Lord will do! With His love and great hope! Patricia
If this isn’t for anyone else, it is for me! Thank you for sharing your heart.
Sharanda, thank you for receiving it! God’s wonderful blessings on your hopes and dreams for doing a new thing–for His glory! He knows our plans. May He show you clearly your beautiful next steps. With His peace and hope, Patricia
Patricia, I came here today to read a different post I’d seen a link to. After reading it, I cried – it was not the author, her article was beautiful, it was me and my self-doubt talking. My eyes then drifted and saw your post and it was as if it was written for me, a writer wanting desperately to write for Him, but having felt lost so much lately. Your words brought me such hope and I believe He sent me here for what I thought was one thing in order to find your post. Thank you so much!
Tracey, Thank you for sharing your heart. I’m so grateful you found this post. I can so relate to feeling lost, as a writer, and not sure what next steps to take. Gratefully, the Lord is faithful to our calling and provides so much wonderful help and support for writers seeking to create for Him. I pray that, in 2022, He leads you to a community of fellow writers who can support, help, and cheer you on along your journey.
So many supportive writing communities await–including HopeWriters, the West Coast Christian Writers’ Conference, Breathe, Mt. Herman Christian Writers’ Conference, Writing for Your Life writers’ conferences, Festival and Faith and Writing, and many more. These aren’t endorsements, just suggestions. The main thing to know is don’t tackle the writing life alone.
I pray you find friends, purpose, and fellow travelers on your writing journey. The Lord is doing a new thing. Moreover, He knows His plans for you. As you seek Him for clarity and confidence, may He answer with all the encouragement and hope that your writing heart and soul need. I’m cheering you on, too! With His peace and hope! Patricia