About the Author

Bonnie Gray is the author of Sweet Like Jasmine, Whispers of Rest, wife, and mom to two boys. An inspirational speaker featured by Relevant Magazine and Christianity Today, she’s guided thousands to detox stress and experience God’s love through soul care, encouragement, and prayer. She loves refreshing your soul at...

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  1. I love your story about walking in the woods on the trail and you were not afraid because you KNEW someone was there to help you along the way if you needed help.
    Such a wonderful scenario to think how our Heavenly Father is always there for us.
    Thank you for sharing,
    Susie P.

    • Thank you, Susie – for taking time to share your thoughts this beloved Sabbath morning together! It’s a beautiful feeling that fills my heart imagining our Heavenly Father touching your heart with this message. For He is loving you this very moment. have a beautiful day in that quiet place of love with God, sister!

  2. What a great illustration of a spiritual truth! I can only believe as you write your list of God’s love notes your gratitude list will grow exponentially! What a wonderful idea! Blessings upon blessings!

    • You’re right, beautiful Ruth — my heart fills with the light of God’s loving presence with each remembrance of His Loving Word! I can tell you are a kindred spirit and your heart is lighting up at the mention of God’s love notes for you! Blessings upon blessing to you too, dear sister!

  3. Bonnie,

    Just love your writing. Life can feel overwhelming sometimes. You don’t know which way to go. It is in those times that our loving Father God gently guides our steps. He is there in those dark times to help & care for you. Don’t know what I would have done without Jesus during my dad’s gero psych hospitalization. I was scared & unsure of what to do. Cried many times in hospital lobby. In the end God healed him & gave him back to me better than before.

    Back in November they shut my unit down at hospital. I wasn’t sure where I would end up working–even if they would keep me (part-time clerical). Once again God shows up. This time He chooses to bless the socks off me. He put me in a Covid ICU unit. I learned to assemble IV tubing with 4 extensions. Making them often. The boss was so impressed she posted a fulltime job for me. I applied & now work there.

    Don’t let life get you down. Trust in Almighty God. He will always light the way for you. He is there right beside you every step of the way.

    Blessings 🙂

  4. This is beautiful and I needed to hear it this morning. I love Bonnie’s heart and spirit. Writing God’s promises is excellent! Thank you.

    • Beloved Gail, may you feel the tender touch of our Loving Savior folding his hand into yours. For He is. You are so beloved. I invite you join me on Instagram at @thebonniegray or on Faebook @thebonniegray — as I share God’s promises to encourage everyone! I hope it refreshes your soul!

    • yes, Kellie! it is a wonderful version of a gratitude list — that’s like collecting jewels in our pockets, picking up God’s promises! thank you for taking time to slip this love note to us here in our beloved community! Appreciate you!

  5. ack! i grew up in Modesto (in the 80s) and went to Outdoor Ed in Sonora as a 6th grader and sooo remember that night hike. it was so exhilarating. all my experiences with camps as a kid/teenager in the Sierra Foothills greatly affected me and after high school i lived in OR and now i live in CO, always near pine trees and mountains. 🙂

    • It’s unforgettable — that moment on the night hike, huh? 🙂 Arian, I love that the 6th grader in you was here as you read today’s devotional! Thank you so much for sharing — God’s beauty touches us so deeply in nature that even. now, it’s still fresh!! thank you for hsaring such a beloved set of memories of 6th grade you, OR and CO mountains!! we’re kindred spirits for sure, sister!

  6. Our son moved in with friends last night. He’s almost 20 and needs some independence. I get that but I’m scared….for him…of change…God’s got this. I know that in my heart but my brain doesn’t.

  7. Bonnie, I love this story so much! What a gift of love from the Father to you as a little girl. And this: “In life, we will not always know the way, but the God who loves you not only knows the way but intimately knows your way.” Amen! Thank you, dear friend.

    • My heart lights up with beauty and peace imagining Our Lord Jesus is right there, by our side, with a gentle smile on His face — I love walking alongisde this trail of faith together! We are seated in the heavenlies together with Jesus by our side!! Love you, sweet Becky!

  8. This was most helpful. Thank you, Bonnie! Going through cancer treatment now, and I never know what is around the next corner, but to think of leaning into Christ and letting his voice guide me brings much comfort.

  9. Thank you for posting this today it is exactly what I need because I am having an operation tomorrow.

  10. So good ! The more I read the more I realized God knew I needed this reminder. Now to return with a journal or notebook !
    Thank You Bonnie for being a vessel that God is using to make a difference . Mia

  11. I am overwhelmed by this truth!!!
    Thank you for your thoughts and revelations regarding fear and how we can use it to bring us closer to the throne. More importantly how God uses it to teach us. So important to lean on truth and not someone else’s ideas of truth bless you!!!

  12. Your writing style illuminated the scene in the dark to my mind ! I could almost smell the dampness of the nearby foliage ! Even greater was how the Holy Spirit spoke through your words to comfort and reassure my heart knowing Jesus , the Light in the darkness, is always near. Bless you!

  13. Bonnie, you always write such inspiring words. The mental pictures are so real and moving.
    You bless with your gift and journey! Praying God continues to bless you and your “guys”,
    Donna Nix

  14. I really needed to read this tonight, What a hard time I’ve been having feeling so alone. Thank you for sharing.

  15. The path ahead for my youngest son is a path I wished he rather not partake. My son who is 21 years old decided that he and his girlfriend are moving in together and for my husband and I, growing up as Christians, we know this is not what God desires of us to do. Although we can’t tell him what to do since he is a grown adult, we have expressed our thoughts on this decision and where we stand on this. We understand that we won’t always agree with his decisions and we love him and we pray he will feel God’s tug on his heart, to change his mind, to be reminded of God’s words of truth for us. We’ve never dealt with this before and clearly don’t know what to do. Trusting in God continually even when we can’t understand.

  16. Bonnie I love your reading today. I used to watch the Little House on the Prairie. When I was small. Like you. I loved it. But didn’t like the end to much. When they all say goodnight to either. Like good night John boy. Then the programme would be over. I be sad as they all go to sleep. I love the love and care they had for either. They help either. That showed they cared and loved either. They always sat down to eat together as family. Showing more love. Some families today don’t do that. Kids eat at one time. Parents another. The Mother of the house cooking different meals. That sad. As in the Little House On The Prairie they all eat the same food at the same time. They sat at table at the same. Enjoyed eithers company. They spent time talking to either showing love at the table. Not like some kids today. That sad. Then as I got older thought they must have done that to show they care about either and wanted to show love to either have time for either. When eating at table together. One same meal for all. They never Didn’t forget to say Goodnight to either. To show they also loved either too. Call either by their names. God showed me. I know you by name. I say to you Goodnight Dawn. When you fall asleep. I keep you safe letting you know I care. Until you wake the next day to enjoy another day in my beautiful world. It because of my love and care for you that I watch over you at night and during the day. I find my saying God thank you for waking me up to enjoy another day in your beautiful world. All thoes point I said taught me alot. In The Little House On the Prairie. That sitting at the table eating the same meal. Taking together showing love very important. God would want us to do that. No feel overwhelmed why we don’t do that. As we look back one day something happens. Or someone passes. We say why didn’t I make time to show love. Not feel overwhelmed. Why did we not spend more time together. That is so true. Now is the time to do. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx In my prayers.