I was a Girl Scout back then, and my troop was at summer camp. At the end of every day, as the sun slipped behind massive mountains to the west, our camp director arranged us in a circle. Then, as the American flag was lowered, we sang farewell to another beautiful day:
Day is done . . . gone the sun,
From the lake, from the hills, from the sky;
All is well, safely rest, God is nigh.
“Taps,” as the song is often called, is the first farewell song I ever learned. So, when I hear it played at a military funeral — or sung at a scout gathering — the tears start to fall. Indeed, it’s tough as nails to say goodbye.
Yet that is what I’m doing here today. I’m saying goodbye, and in five decades of professional writing, it’s one of the hardest departures I’ve ever made.
First, I’m not a person who leaves — not casually. I’m still married to the same crazy, goofy guy after forty-six years when, at more than a few times, I might’ve said goodbye. I still live in the same house, on the same block, where I’ve lived for thirty years, next to the same wonderful neighbors I’ve had — most of them from the beginning.
I still live in the same metro area and state where I grew up, still co-own (with my same wonderful sister) our late parents’ same home, still know lots of the same amazing people, still have lots of the same friends, some known and loved since kindergarten.
Dan and I did leave our longtime church three years ago, but you can guess what happened. We went back. Our return, as we see it, was one of the best reversals we ever made.
Does that mean I fear a new thing? Not always. Still, I know this: I don’t pick up and leave easily. Life has to take an odd turn.
That turn came my way in recent months. After a short three years at (in)courage, where I’ve met all of you with your lovely and kind friendships, I hit a wall. Why? Not enough hours in the day.
One reason is that I don’t say no easily. So, my workload kept piling higher and deeper. Many of you may know that feeling.
With ongoing deadlines, I wrestled to keep up. I started my days earlier, ended my nights later, burned the candle at both ends while trying to look and act as if I wasn’t overloaded.
Just this morning, an editor at another ministry thanked me for my latest articles, three of them due to her last night, adding: “I don’t know how you do it all!”
My husband said those exact same words a few minutes later when he noticed an online ministry’s morning devotional was penned, yep, by me. “Great article, sugar pie. But I don’t know how you do it all.”
In fact, I don’t do it all. Sure, I try. With Christ, I’m grateful to make a humble contribution to His kingdom. But this pace takes its toll and something had to go.
But my (in)courage position? Oh, I tried hard to stay. This is a beautiful and encouraging ministry. I’ve been honored to be a part of it. I’ve written on hard things sometimes, and you didn’t ask me to leave. To be honest, I’ve loved seeing my photo included with the (in)courage team. There I was, lined up with some of the best, most courageous writers of faith in the world.
However, if I left, would I even be remembered? Would the community see me as an ungrateful interloper who bailed, not bothering to stay around for the long haul?
But I had to stop worrying about those things. The right question I needed to ask was, do I trust God? Do I believe I can leave and commit to doing fewer but still good things in Him, knowing He’s already in my tomorrows?
In answering those questions, I made the decision I knew I had to make. So, I ask for your kind farewell as I offer my goodbye today. Moving aside makes room for new voices. Doing so also points us, graciously, to Paul who closed his final biblical letter with this simple but lovely farewell:
The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you all.
2 Timothy 4:22 (NIV)
Moses, taking his leave, urged this:
Be strong and courageous . . . for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)
It’s Moses, in fact, who wrote the final words that I will share here as a regular (in)courage contributor. Given to Moses by our Heavenly Father, the words were meant to be shared with Aaron and his sons. Now, in farewell, I also share these words, in love, to each of you:
The Lord bless you
and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV)
That may sound like a farewell, but as I wave so long, please accept it not as a closed door or a final goodbye but as a warm amen.
Would you like to stay in touch with Patricia? If so, you’re warmly invited to sign up here for her monthly email newsletter. You’ll get her writing news and monthly posts with faith thoughts, encouragement, and free, helpful gifts!
Amen. Amen. Amen. Good morning Sister!
You can add me to that list – Just yesterday, I read a devotional you had written on Our Daily Bread. I really enjoyed the post, and when I looked at the author name, there you were! I googled your name and I too wondered: “How does she do it all”?
I smiled and said a heartfelt prayer for you and your family. So it’s very interesting to see this post this morning!
Praising God for you. Trusting God with your future. May you continue to hear God’s voice. May you continue to live a life of love, truth, purpose and clarity. May your life always glorify God.
Sending big hugs to you!:) You are a blessing, and you are blessed.
Love & Best Wishes,
Thank you so much, beautiful Bomi. Missing you already! Much love, Patricia
I know that you need to do what God leads you to do, but please know that you will be missed greatly. Thank you for faithfully sharing all that God put on your heart to impart to us; to encourage us and help us in our walk with God. God bless you in your next step with Him.
I will miss reading your words. Your voice will be missed. Thank you for faithfully following the Lord–no matter where He is leading.
Thank you so much, beautiful Kim. Missing you already, but going with God! Much love, Patricia
Amen, sweet sister! May we all have the courage to do/not do what God calls for us! (((See ya later)))
Thank you so much, beautiful Ruth. It was a tough decision. But going with God! Much love, Patricia
Blessings to you as you seek balance to this life of words.
Thank you so much, beautiful Sally. Balance, yes! Missing you already, but going with God. Much love, Patricia
This made me cry. We need more words that affirm the holiness of goodbyes. This is beautiful and quite possibly the most powerful piece I’ve read here yet. Thank you for your vulnerability. These words come as a timely encouragement to me <33
Thank you so much, beautiful Rachel. I so wanted to keep working with you and the amazing (in) team. Maybe another time or way. Thank you for your kind farewell. Missing you already! Much love, Patricia
Thank you for your writings, even when they were over hard topics, the love of Jesus always shone through. Blessings on your continuing words wherever you write them!
Thank you so much, beautiful Judy. Those tough topics challenged me, but I learned a lot by sharing them. Thank you for receiving them such kind love. May God be praised! Much love, Patricia
May God continue to bless you on your journey!
Thank you so much, beautiful Christine. Missing you already, but going with God! Much love, Patricia
Thank you for showing us a beautiful example for how to step back and make room for margin. You are faithfully following the Lord’s guidance for your life and showing us how we can be brave to do the same in the areas He is asking us to step back as well.
Thank you so much, beautiful Kallie. Stepping back, yes, is important. Being overloaded isn’t godly. By juggling so many things, I didn’t want to give that impression that being overbooked is fine. It’s not. Thank you for affirming my prayer to find more margin. In certain seasons of life, stepping back is vital, indeed. Missing you already, but going with God! Much love, Patricia
Patricia, thank you for all your writing here. God has used your posts on Incourage in mighty ways. I know because I am one of those people you ministered to at the right time with the message I needed at the time. Everytime I see your name as author on other devotions I take time to read them because I know it will resonate with me, specifically on the daughter issues – please pray for me in that regard. May you continue to follow where God leads. Again, many thanks for all your posts. Peace to you.
Thank you so much, beautiful Susan. I’m so grateful to know that some of my devotions encouraged you. That blesses me so much. I’m missing you already, but going with God. His blessings on you and your entire family–your beautiful daughter included! Much love, Patricia
Your words and insight have added great wisdom and depth, and incourage is better because of your time here. Thank you for serving our community for this season. How lovely that in your going, you’re still pointing to Jesus <3.
It has been my joy and privilege to share a bit of time and space with you, and some of our conversations still linger in my head and heart. *I* don't want you to go, but I KNOW you're following the Lord's leading! Who can argue with that? 🙂
OH! You took me back to my own camp days, some of the most precious and dear memories of my childhood. Thank you for that, too.
I'm lousy at "good-byes," but when they end with a comma or semi-colon or ellipsis, it means we'll pick up right where we left off *when* our paths get to cross again :).
So, sweet friend, I wish you well until next time I see you...
I love you dear friend! Thank you so much for this beautiful farewell. After facing a tough decision, I’m so grateful to feel at peace about taking my leave. I’m missing you already, but I’m going with God! Thanks for understanding. May we please stay in touch! Much love, Patricia
Patricia, I will miss your writing on (in)courage for sure, but will sign up for your newsletter and I already follow you on Instagram because you are ABSOLUTELY one of my favorites. This devotional this morning brings tears; it is so beautifully written. Wishing you all the best
Thank you so much, beautiful Martha. I’ve loved my time at (in)courage so much. So I’ll love seeing you in my reader’s circle in my newsletter. See you also on Instagram! I’m so grateful you plan to stay in touch. Thank you! With much love, Patricia
I totally respect you for lessening your load. I know that the Lord guided you in this as you sought His will and direction.
I enjoy all the Ladies. You will be missed and not forgotten!!! All you do brings glory to God!!! Go forth in love and in the peace of the Lord!!!
Thank you so much, beautiful Betsy. Thank you for understanding. I am following the Lord’s guidance on this, indeed. Missing you already–but you’re also not forgotten! With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
May God be with you always!! You will not be forgotten!
Thank you so much, beautiful Peggy. You won’t be forgotten either! Thanks so much for your loving farewell. Missing you already, but going with God! With His wonderful love, Patricia
I will so miss your beautiful words, but as someone getting ready to retire after a long teaching career, I hear you, Sister. When you hear God say “it’s time”, you go, And you will go knowing you’ve touched so many lives. God bless!!
Thank you so much, beautiful Lou. You’re so right. When God says “it’s time,” we get moving! I’m excited for the new voices He will bring to the (in)courage community. May they be warmly welcomed here. Meantime, thanks for your loving farewell. Missing you already, but going with God! With His wonderful love, Patricia
Aye God places each of us where we are finding ourselves at the different seasons of our lives. So I say, Dear Child of God, Hand the Quill to God and let Him write this new Chapter of Rest in your life. Someone somewhere is needing that word in your heart right now. Ask God to lead you to them. God Bless you in your new Chapter {{{{hugz}}}}}<3
Thank you so much, beautiful Karen. Your loving and wise words are sending me off with such comfort and confidence. Handing the “Quill of God” to Him, we let Him write our next chapters. I’m so grateful for His loving, guiding hand. Thanks so much for your loving farewell. Missing you already, but I’m going with God! With His wonderful love, Patricia
Aww! Thank you for your words here and in previous articles. Thank you for sharing what God was teaching you. I appreciate you. Blessings on your journey ahead!
Thank you so much, beautiful Vanessa. Your kind words are blessing me. You are so right–our Heavenly Father is our Teacher through His beautiful Holy Spirit. It was such a joy to attempt to share with everyone here what H was pouring into my humble soul! Thank you so much for receiving my articles and devotionals here.
May you continue to be blessed by the amazing (in)courage writing team. New voices are on the way! Thank you, meantime, for your loving farewell. Missing you already, but going with God! With His wonderful love, Patricia
Patricia, so grateful for your words, but also for your willingness to say NO in order to take care of your heart and protect your time. That’s a hard decision to make and you have done so with such grace. You’ll be missed here. But isn’t it a beautiful thing to know one day we Sisters will never have to say goodbye to each other again. All the AMEN’s to that!
God’s best to you, friend!
Amen, beautiful Becky! Thank you for your wise, kind, loving words. Closing earthly doors can be tough, indeed. But the Lord is so faithful to open others that align with His purpose and will. Already today, I was able to help my daughter with some needs of my grandchildren. It was such a confirmation that, with God’s gracious help, I’m making the right choice.
Many thanks for your loving farewell. I’m missing you already! But as you say, one fine day, there will be no more goodbyes! With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
I’m new to (in)courage so this is the first article I’ve read written by you. However, it resonated and I’ll be signing up for your newsletter.
God puts us where we are meant to be and you were here for a season and a reason but seasons change….
God bless.
It’s lovely to meet you, beautiful Susen! I’m amazing that the Lord would introduce us today, on my last day here–but provide a way for us to stay connected in another way. He is so gracious and good! Yes, our seasons change for different reasons. What a joy to know, that with God, we always find our place with Him.
For now, I’ll plan to see you in my reader’s circle. To God the glory! With His wonderful love, Patricia
You will be greatly missed, but, I am taking the opportunity to sign up for your monthly newsletter. May God richly bless you, and your husband, as you begin this new chapter.
Thank you so much, beautiful Catherine. Missing you already! With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
Thank you, Patricia, for your commitment to us and to Christ. Your beautiful words are always thought provoking and sometimes challenge me. Your Christ-like and CLASSY style may be what has impacted me most in your writing….many times!
Best to you and hoping you can find time to enjoy the newness of spring!
Andree 🙂
Thank you so much, beautiful Andree. Thank you for affirming my humble writing. I’m so grateful the Lord assigned me to (in)courage for a time. I’m missing you already! With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
May God continue to bless you and others through you like you have us here❣️❣️❣️ I’ve loved reading your posts❣️
Thank you for sharing your heart
Thank you so much, beautiful Kelly. I’m so grateful the Lord assigned me to (in)courage for a season. Missing you already! With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
Oh, Patricia! I will miss seeing your writing on (in)courage! This is a place where I have come to know so many wonderful Christian writers and been encouraged ‘(in)couraged’) by every single one. I will keep up to date with your monthly newsletters and look forward to reading all that you write! God bless you and keep you, as you are faithful to His calling for you. Barbara XX
Thank you so much, beautiful Barbara. I’m so grateful the Lord assigned me to (in)courage for a season. Thanks for planning to connect on my newsletter. I’ll love seeing you there! I’ll love a continuation of our friendship! With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
Thank you so much for the incredible ministry you have had to me over the past several years. I was always happy to see your name on the post for the day; you have shared so much wisdom and challenged me in great ways. I will certainly miss seeing your contributions at (in)courage, but I’m also glad that you are being sensitive to what the Lord is calling you to do right now. May He richly bless you as you continue to labor for Him!
Thank you so much, beautiful Rachel. I’m missing you already. Thanks for understanding my tough choice. I’m praying the Lord will bless me in it. May he keep blessing you and the (in)courage community, too. Warmest regards and much love. Patricia
God Bless you! You will be missed.
Thank you, beautiful Debbie. I’m missing you already! With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
Thank you for your thought provoking and sometimes courageous posts. I was always glad to see your name as the author and knew I would be inspired, challenged, encouraged, and or stretched. I haven’t read your novel yet, but plan to and have a copy of My First White Friend anticipating the time to read it.
Thank you so much, beautiful Kathy. I will so miss the amazing (in)courage family. Thanks for receiving my humble articles and devotionals over these months and years. It was a total honor to serve. Kind thanks for your loving farewell. Missing you already! With God’s love, Patricia
Dear Patricia,
I am so sad to see you go. I always enjoy reading what you have to say. You always speak with courage and grace. You will be sorely missed. May the Lord bless and keep you!
Irene B.
Thank you so much, beautiful Irene. I’m missing everyone already, but I’m going with God. May He provide other times and ways for us all to connect. With His wonderful love! Blessings, Patricia
Patricia, thank you for your open-hearted, honest sharing through (in)courage over these past years. I, too, had to step down from a local ministry that I had been doing for years. It was one of the toughest decisions I have had to make; but, it opened a new door for me, and for that I am ever grateful to God. Ministry is in your heart, it’s something you can’t change. I’m happy for you that you could admit that you need to slow down – even if just a little. The people you have reached through your writings have been blessed. May God continue to bless you in all that you do.
Thank you so much, beautiful Phyl. Your understanding means so much. None of God’s servants can do it all. As He did for you, may He bless my obedience with a beautiful open door. Meantime I’ll be missing you! With His wonderful love, Patricia
Oh Patricia, my dear Colorado friend. It is with tears in my eyes that I read your sweet words. I agree with you that leaving isn’t always forever. We will all be together one day with our Lord and Savior.
I pray God’s blessings for you and yours. I, along with all the rest of in(courage readers, have been blessed by your words of wisdom and hope and light in the darkness.
If you’re ever down to Colo. Springs stop by and come have a cup of coffee with me.
It’s been a privilege to get to know a little something about you through your written words. Thank you
Thank you so much, Colorado friend. I’m so grateful for my time at (in)courage. I learned so much here, especially how to speak the truth in love in love. Apparently I needed to learn that. It was a great truth. As for our Colorado meet up, let’s see what happens. Meantime, kind thanks for your loving farewell! With God’s love, Patricia
This isn’t good bye. It’s I’ll see/hear from you later. Nothing says you can’t come back at some time & write a post. In Courage has changed over the years. One thing remains some of the original writers come back occasionally & write for us. I remember Holley Gerth, Stephanie Bryant who co founded In Courage years ago. They have moved on, but still write here sporadically. Will miss you. That verse in Numbers reminds me of a song the youth choir sang at the end of each service.
Like you I don’t care for good byes. I’ve been blessed the last eighteen years to live in the same house with the same hubby & attend the same little church. Prayers as you follow God’s path for you.
Blessings 🙂
Thank you, beautiful Beth. Yes, I pray I’ve left the door opened a slice. In the meantime, thanks for sending me off for now with such love. I’m missing you already! With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
I too have recently had some upheavals in my life and stepped down from several leadership positions. God truly has given me such peace after my decisions.
He will give me my next mission, in HIS time.
Praying for you as you take care of yourself and your family first.
Thank you so much, beautiful Raissa. I appreciate your understanding. Yes, the Lord knows His plans for us–and His timing. Like you, I trust Him for it all. Thank you for your loving farewell. It means so much. With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
Hi Patricia,
I was sorry to read that you are leaving (in)courage as a regular contributor. Your writings always reflect the grace, love and kindness that Christ has asked us to show to one another.
Now however, I look forward to reading your monthly newsletters that (in)courage readers were invited to participate in.
May you find some quiet time to rest and go slower, in the months ahead.
Blessings, Sandy
Thank you so much, beautiful Sandy. I’m so grateful we’ll reconnect over at my newsletter. Thank you for joining me there. In the meantime, my kindest thanks for your loving farewell here. May God bless us all with His guidance and love. In His Beautiful Name! Much love, Patricia
Farewell, dear Patricia. May you find rich treasures in slowing down. For everything there is a season….
Thank you, beautiful Cathy. I’m missing you already! But, I so agree, for everything there is a season. Thank you so much for your kind understanding and loving farewell. Your warm farewell blesses me so much today! With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
What a beautiful way to say Farewell here at (in) courage. A great reminder to each of us that we really aren’t meant to “do it all”.
I look forward to seeing how your journey continues.
God bless you Patricia.
Amen, beautiful Anne. Only God can do it all! Thanks so much for your kind understanding. My warmest thanks for your loving farewell. I hope we’ll stay in touch! With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
God bless you in all you are and DO. HE has great plans and I honor you as a recent retired woman as well. Grace and peace be with you
Thank you so much, beautiful Diane. Missing you already! Much love, Patricia
Beautiful words…and an avid reminder to let God guide our today and tomorrow…when we as women want to do it all, we can’t…
My God bless you and keep you as you listen to His will! Thank you for your encouraging words as I’ve come to relish these morning minutes with the in(Courage) family.
Thank you so much, beautiful Jennifer. Missing you already! Much love, Patricia
I will miss you. I’m bad at leaving and bad at letting people leave, but obedience is the way to go. (but I’ll miss you)
Thank you so much, beautiful KC. I’m missing you already, too! Much love, Patricia
I can relate to “not [being] a person who leaves – not casually” (still married to my husband for 40+ years, lived in the same house all of those years, lived in the same town all of our lives, grew up in the same church that we still attend). Good-byes are not easy for me. Someone else in my life is moving on to another ministry, and I’m having a hard time releasing them even though I need to accept that. Thanks for your gracious farewell post to remind me to allow others to follow God’s leading even if it feels like I’m being left behind.
Thank you so much, beautiful friend. I can so relate to the feeling of being left behind. My best friend moved away about three years ago and that’s exactly how I felt. Finally, I realized she was following her calling as outlined by God. Still, departures can challenge us. So my warmest thanks for your loving farewell today. It means so much. Missing you already! Much love, Patricia
I have thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated your perspective in your writing! May He bless you each and every day as you go forward. Thank you for setting a strong example of how we can do so many things for His Kingdom, but also showing that we need to be conscious enough to recognize when we are taking on too much. You will be missed Patricia.
Thank you so much, beautiful JJ. I appreciate your loving farewell so much! I’m missing you already! With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
Thank you, Patricia, for the years you have given to the wonderful ministry of (in)courage. Your writing has touched my heart and made me think deeply about my faith. You are an encourager who has always been honest about your own challenges and you always point to Jesus as the source for all that we need. You will be missed. May God continue to use your gift of writing as you move forward into what He is calling you.
Thank you so much, beautiful friend. I learned so much by writing for (in)courage. I’ll always think of this ministry and community as a beloved friend. I’m missing you and everyone already! Thank you for your kind farewell! With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
Patricia, you know I’m a huge fan of YOU and that won’t stop! You have truly been a gift to this community and we are cheering you on as you continue to follow God and serve Him faithfully with your many talents. You are so loved.
Thank you so much, beautiful Becky. I’ve learned SO much from you, on so many levels, and I’m grateful to God for the time we spent together. Your leadership and love have blessed me deeply in so many ways. Thank you for your loving farewell. I’m missing you already! Let’s please stay in touch! With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
Much love to you, Patricia!
May The Lord bless you
and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV)
God bless you sister! Xoxo
Thank you so much, beautiful Stephanie. Oh, that Scripture blesses me so much today. Thank you for your loving farewell. I’ll never forget so much kindness today . I’m missing you already! With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
God bless you, Patricia! I will miss you. I have loved your posts. See you in the Kingdom dear sister ❤️
Thank you so much, beautiful Amy. Yes, onward to the Kingdom. What a time that will be! For now, in the meantime, thank you for your loving farewell. Missing you already! With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
Good luck and God Bless Patricia
Thank you so much, beautiful Pat. Missing you already! Much love, Patricia
You are just my favorite, but I followed you long before you wrote for Incourage. I will follow you in whatever ways I can and I totally understand. I admire when people realize that they need to value themselves too.
Bless you – and may God continue to use you in wonderful ways – opening hearts and minds to Jesus.
Thank you so much, beautiful Donna. Leaving was a tough choice. But I’m so convinced that the Lord knows our plans and His timing. May He bless me to heed and follow. Your loving farewell is making it easier. Still, I’m missing you and everyone already! Let’s please stay in touch! For Christ! With His wonderful love, Patricia
Patricia I will still keep you in prayer. Plus your Daughter’s and Husband plus Grandkids for their salvation. You will be missed as your reading are brilliant. So from the heart all them. I am in the middle of reading your book My first white friend. It is brilliant. My best friend bought it for me. As she asked me what books I like to read. I said I wouldn’t mind reading Patricia Raybons book My first white friend. I love in the book so far how honest you are about growing up. Your up bring and life at home. Plus about your Dad. You are just wonderful. I love the book. May God bless you what ever what ever you and your Husband. Bless your family. Plus I will also keep you in prayer too. Dawn Ferguson-Liitle Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. xx
Thank you so much, beautiful Dawn. Getting to know you has been a highlight of my time at (in)courage. Your prayers for my family and me have blessed me beyond measure. You’re a shining light in the Kingdom and I pray the Lord’s beautiful best blessings on everything that you do in His Name and on all the days of your life. Thank you for such a loving farewell from Northern Ireland. All for Christ! Indeed, I’m missing you already! With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
Patricia thank you so much for your beautiful reply. You know this as read your book My Frist White Friend. You know what it shows me. It has taught me the same lesson. No matter what we go through in life. God and use us and make into beautiful people for him. Like he did with you. Skin colour doesn’t come into it at all. We are all beautiful women who are Daughters of the King of Kings. That is so good to know. Plus God is our heavenly Father. Every hurt or pain we feel God feels that too. He Loved us so much he gave Jesus to take that pain on the cross. You can like me look back at your life and say in the moments of hurt. Looking back God was there. He has made me into the beautiful women I am today. I am loved no matter what I look like. As I had things said to me and done in my life that I felt why me. I know through it all when. I look at my life today. God was there. As I had to have my Salvation Army Officer. Tell me I am beautiful in God’s eyes. I am Daughter of the king. That King is Jesus. It doesn’t matter what anyone things or says about me. All that matters is what God says about me. As I was bullied at school now 51. Words do hurt. But I am were I am today because of God. I amire you for the beautiful women God has made you into. I believe even if you never come back to do writting for incourage. God will always be with you and your Husband. No matter were he takes you. No matter what new journey he takes you on. You will know God’s guidness were ever you God. You know what helped me to it is just so lovely to listen to it last about 10 minutes. You get it on YouTube. Just type in on YouTube “The Father’s Love Letter” let it play it says it all. I will keep on praying for you your Husband and Family too. Plus for them to see the light. Come to know Jesus. As I pray this for my Husband’s cousin. Who is bring her kids up Muslim. My Husband’s cousin was brought up in loving Christian Home. That why when I read the book about you and your Daughter. Long before I read the book. I had to go into pray for your Daughter and her family as well. I don’t and will not stop praying for my Husband cousin and your Daughter and her family. As I read once in Our Daily Bread. A mother prayed for over 24 years for her son. She didn’t give up praying. Her prayers were answered. One day the book Our Daily Bread was on the kitchen table. He walked in the words 24 years later that they convicted him. He got saved. So that mother’s prayers were answered. So that gives me hope to pray for my Husband’s cousin and your Daughter and her family. Plus my Sister’s and their families plus my Dad. Not give up believing. As I know God in his prefect timing will answer my prayers. Even if I have to wait. Big big hugs to you. May God bless you and your Husband plus your family. No matter were you go in life. Love and Prayers. Dawn Ferguson-Liitle xx
Patricia, I have never posted a comment before but want to take the opportunity to pray for God’s blessing in your life. I enjoy your contributions on Our Daily Bread, your articles on this site and your book All That is Secret. I just finished reading your book yesterday. I really appreciate your writings. Thank you.
Thank you so much, beautiful Ann. I’m so grateful you posted your beautiful comment today. It’s blessing me so much. I think it’s important to take time to say goodbye when we’re departing. So my warmest thanks for sharing such a loving farewell to me today. I treasure it! Missing you already! With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
Thank you for blessing so many lives in so many ways. May God’s love, grace and light continue to shine through in your writings.
This is My Wish for You
Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes,
rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips,
sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag,
beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten
your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence
for when you doubt, courage to know yourself,
patience to accept the truth, love to complete your life.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thank you so much, beautiful Georgette. What a beautiful farewell from Ralph Waldo Emerson–and from you. I’ve never seen that before and I treasure receiving it today. With Christ’s love, I’m missing you and everyone here already! Thank you for such a loving farewell. Be well as you journey with God. With His wonderful love, Patricia
Patricia, you will totally be missed! You will totally be remembered! Thank you for all that you sacrificed so that you could pour out Jesus in this space! We love you!!!
Thank you so much, beautiful Karina! I’m so grateful to have served with you. I’ll miss everyone so much. Thank you for your loving farewell. It means everything! With God’s wonderful love, Patricia
Thank you for your contribution to in(courage) over the past three years!
Thank you so much, beautiful Pat. Missing you already! Much love, Patricia
Even in your final writing, your farewell, you have given me so much. Your message about stepping back because “doing it all” was more than you could do resonated in my heart. God sometimes calls us to seasons of rest and revisiting what is important to Him and you are honoring that. Thank you for all you have shared, for reminding us to follow the path God calls us to, and for honoring Him. May God bless you as you move forward on the path He is showing you. And thank you for opening up and being vulnerable for us and for helping us to grow closer to our wonderful Father. Sending you love and hugs.
Thank you so much, beautiful Paula. I’m so grateful for your wisdom and understanding. Leaving was a tough choice for me, but I feel confidence that the Lord invited it. Thank you for your loving farewell. Missing you already! Much love, Patricia
Dear Friend, like so many others have already stated-You will be missed. But in your message of good bye, I found the permission I needed to step down from tasks I have been trying to do alone for many years. I believe God will take care of everything and he will find another pair of hands to help . I wish you all the best and look forward to your new book .
God bless you .
I have to say that I am sad to hear this, but I understand. You’ve taught me how to graciously disagree with someone else. This is something that I struggle with. Thank you for your tender, loving, encouraging, teaching voice here. It will be missed but I’m glad you provided a way for us to stay in contact with you.
Thank you so much, beautiful Heidi. I learned so much here at (in)courage–including how to disagree, but in love. I didn’t expect that lesson, but I’m grateful it happened here, in a loving place. My kindest thanks for your loving farewell. I hope to see you in other places and spaces! Missing you already! Much love, Patricia
Thank you for all the beautiful messages you have spoken to, for and over us. Keep your eyes on Jesus, and find your rest in His loving arms!
Thank you so much, beautiful Lisa. Thank you for that strong and lovely reminder–to keep my eyes on the Lord, always resting in Him! I pray the same for you. Missing you already! Much love, Patricia
Please don’t ever feel you need to apologize for setting boundaries on your time and energy. Your voice will be missed, but I know God will use you in many other ways. Grace and peace to you on your journey.
Thank you so much, beautiful friend. I’ll be following the Lord, indeed, to His next assignments and pathways. Thank you for affirming my next chapters. His blessings on your beautiful life steps, too! Missing you already! With His wonderful love, Patricia
Its been a wonderful journey you undertook and I know that you have fulfilled part of your calling. Stay blessed and stay safe.
Thank you so much, Isaac. My warmest thanks for your kind farewell. With God’s wonderful peace and hope! Blessings and joy, Patricia
I can somewhat relate. I’m trying to step down from my ministry I’ve been doing the last 5 years. But there is no one to take my place that I’m aware of. Hard decision to leave because I love my older widows/other senior ladies.
I’m happy you are doing what’s best for you.
I just wanted to ask if you’re still releasing your next book this year? Hope so. I so enjoyed All That is Secret.
Blessings to you.
Patricia, I have LOVED all your writings for (in)courage! Fare thee well, and enjoy allllll that extra time you’ll gain 🙂
P.S. I signed up for your newsletter!
May God grant you rest and still use you abundantly in the world
I have enjoyed your posts and hope to one day read your book. I wish you only the very best as you follow where God leads you!