Did you know DaySpring has a magazine? It’s true! And the brand new spring issue just hit newsstands!
From cover to cover in each issue of Everyday Faith magazine, you will find stories and articles to inspire hope and encouragement and to remind you that you are His. In this spring issue, you will find tips on spring cleaning and how to start a book club, stories of difficult times, and stories of Easter traditions. There are tear-out prayer cards, scannable QR codes for freebie bonuses, and exclusive goodies tucked inside. You will find true stories of hope and encouragement, and you will find truth from God’s Word.
You care about your faith — that’s why you’re here today! — and we hope Everyday Faith will help you know and share God’s love in fresh, true, and inspiring ways. Keep reading for an empowering article from the spring issue of Everyday Faith magazine and a huge giveaway to win a copy!
My marriage was dying. It was like a slow, silent kind of dying at first, and then I nearly finished it off with what I did. I refer to that time as “the dark years.” We were out of hope, hurting and broken, living in the same house and unsure of what the future looked like.
I had once heard a radio DJ, who I’m sure got their information from somewhere reliable, say that if a marriage is struggling and can hold on for five more years, the couple will make it. But five years sounds like a thousand to someone in the middle of the journey.
But there we were, ten years into our marriage, facing an uphill battle. We both knew in our hearts that leaving wasn’t the answer, but while my husband tried his hardest to make things work, I met his efforts with complete resistance every single time.
He wrote notes and left them where I’d find them; I skimmed them and ignored him. He hired a sitter so we could go to the movies; I ended it with a fight. He gave me a marriage book to read; I told him all the ways I had tried before and how they didn’t work. I was a delight.
But little by little, parts of the wall I had built up around my heart began to crack.
I joined a prayer group with a friend of mine so she wouldn’t have to go alone, and it turned out the prayer group was specifically to pray for our husbands. Really? I thought, but I went anyway. God started to chip away at my icy heart as I kept going, and I found myself genuinely praying for my husband, wanting good for him.
Slowly, God changed me. He showed me where I was holding back, that my focus was misdirected, and He kept redirecting me back to Himself. He showed me forgiveness in a way I had never known it and restored my marriage, making it better than it ever was in the beginning.
On our sixteenth anniversary, I was reflecting on how it had been the best year of our entire marriage, and wouldn’t you know it? That was five years from our hardest time.
It’s overwhelming to reflect on the work God did on our marriage, and though marriages can be restored, I know they don’t always work out the same way. Marriage involves two humans and a lot of unique circumstances, but the part I want you to see most in my story is that God walks with us during our dark years and never leaves us. My story is about how once we see our depravity we can know more of the fullness of His grace. I sinned, yet He loved me still. He kept speaking to me, guiding me to make things right, to put me back where I was supposed to be.
Those dark years burst with the resurrection not only of my marriage but also my relationship with Christ, and that is a story I can’t quite get over.
I don’t know what your dark days or years are looking like right now, but know that no matter how they end, there is a beautiful story being written. He is with us every ugly step of the way, chiseling away at the cracks and making all things new.
This article by Jen Chapman is one that features beautiful tear-out prayers to share for husbands and wives and more info on a set of new devotional journals from DaySpring.
Everyday Faith magazine is perfect for tucking into your purse, setting on the coffee table, or sharing with a friend. And to help you do just that, we’re giving away FIVE sets of copies — one for each winner and one for each of them to give to a friend! Leave a comment telling us who you’d share a copy with, and we’ll draw five winners.
Giveaway open to US addresses only, and will close on 3/4/22 at 11:59pm central.
Listen to today’s article below or wherever you stream podcasts!
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would love to ready your magazine, every day faith.
I found everyday faith magazine at our local bookstore and read it cover to cover !!! I went back and bought a copy for my friend …. I had been looking for the newest one and didn’t see the it so happy to hear it’s available ! Very inspiring and a joy to read !!
I would love to see this magazine because I didn’t know there was one that existed! My 23 year old daughter is a new Christian and would love to share this magazine with her. She is quite isolated, living on her own, going to nursing school (mostly remote learning) and without a church yet or any Christian girlfriends to encourage her. Thank you.
I could share with my fellow church sisters, or my mom, or leave one in the workroom at the school where I teach. Thanks for the opportunity to win (and share)!
I would share them with five so-close friends of faith, Jennie M., Angi C. Star, Dawn and Amy V. who share this journey! What strength we gain from one another!!
This is the perfect story for me in reverse. I didn’t know you had a magazine. I would share a copy with my daughter.
Thank you
I recently lost my husband after 47 years of marriage. I have gone through some really tough times as I get used to a new normal and adjust to life without him. I have been so encouraged by reading inspirational articles and this would certainly help me get through this tough time. I would use the magazine to keep my faith strong, and share with others who are hurting, broken, and also experiencing difficult situations.
I would share a copy with a friend of mine whose marriage right now is literally on the brink. Her spouse has a substance abuse and he’s so bound by his childhood. They’ve been together since she was 16. She is a strong believer but so exhausted!! Also she’s having some health issues. So I believe she could benefit from this.
I would give a copy to my best friend. Her marriage has suffered because of step child who was into drugs. I’ve prayed many years for their marriage to be restored. My marriage has suffered as well due to health issues.
I didn’t know you had a magazine! I would LOVE to read and share!! It looks like a magazine I would read cover to cover!! Cheers!
My daughter
I love magazines! I’d share with Sarah, Allie, Dawn, Bahja and Kim. We do life together – they are my squad. Thanks for your work to put this together – print production takes a lot of effort!
I stated buying this magazine last fall and I love it!!!! I am still reading tha winter issue it is sooo good!
I would share it with my mom, sister, my daughter, my friend who is also going through a difficult season like myself.
Good Morning! Thank you for this devotion. My dark years are not due to marital strife, but mental illness and its effects on the entire family. As for who I would give a copy to, it would be a friend that is also dealing with a family member with mental illness and its devastating effects on their family. I am at a loss of words for my friend and feel a inspiring magazine may be a way to share my love and concern. Thank you for this opportunity.
I would share with our monthly book club ladies, knowing they would pass the copy along, as would I, to bless someone else.
Having experienced God’s hand of divine intervention in my daily life many times, I would pray for God to guide my choice to put pass the copy along to someone who needs the magazine’s message.
This would be amazing to share with everyone in the church, especially this article with newlyweds!
A friend gave me a copy of this amazing magazine last Christmas and I have never seen one this wonderful before I want to pass it on to so many young ladies that God has brought in my path and would love to place a copy in their hands ! I have been waiting for the spring issue to come out !!! I also forward al these amazing incourage devotions to them every morning! So thank u for them !
I would love to l for my 25 years old son.
I would give a copy to my friend Pat.
I would share with my 32 year old daughter who would then share with her five and seven year old daughters; my lovely granddaughters!
I would love to win and share with my mother. I read my incourage email every morning with my coffee and think a magazine would be so fun!
Thank you for your encouragement! Seeing how God moved in your marriage AND you is an encouragement to me in a new marriage
Oh yes! I would love to win I would share it with a best friend
I would LOVE to share a copy with a member of a Cancer Warriors group that I lead! In fact, after reading my copy, I would pass it on too!
As a 2 time survivor, I know the value of encouragement in difficult seasons. I’m so excited about this new magazine!!!
This I would share with my neighbors and my church family. How we all need that extra encouragement.
I would love to win a copy of this magazine and would give a copy to my sister.
I would love to share a copy with my daughter. We are faith partners together. She is going through a very hard season at work. I know this magazine would fill her with His Spirit, allowing her to stay steadfast as she works through a difficult season. We read devotionals and scripture together, and it helps us encourage one another.
I would share a copy with…one of my best friends, Meribeth. She lives across the country but our hearts, our friendship, remains strong in our bond with Jesus!
Thank you for reminding me that we can get through hard times, thanks to God’s ever- present goodness.
I’d give a copy to my dear friend Jane who is caring for her 95 year old parents.
I’m intrigued by the magazine! I haven’t invested in it as of yet. But I long to start my mornings with your blog, so I can only imagine the goodness coming from this magazine!
I am so blessed to have come across your magazine this past Christmas. It was the one with Candace on the front. Since reading the magazine it has spiraled me into SO many other faith inspirations. I now have the Healthy in the Hustle journal and the word search book, Becoming. I have so many instagram authors from (in)courage who I now follow all because of the magazine. I would absolutely share your magazine with a fellow Mom who just nearly lost her life to a stroke. She’s still recovering but it’s a long road ahead and she could so greatly benefit from
More encouragements of faith
I would give a copy to my friend, Virginia. I had no idea you had a magazine and would love to see and read it! Thanks for all you do.
I’d love to have a copy of this magazine to have on my desk at work so I can look at it during my break! What a great way to be refreshed daily by the Word of God and testimonies of others!
I’d share the other copy with my Aunt. Since covid, my family hasn’t been getting together like we used to and it’s taken a toll on us. It is just so different because we used to get together once a month at least. Since the beginning of this year, my Aunt has went out of her way for us- she texts us to check in, send some encouragement our way, and has game nights for our family. She has given me such a wonderful support system in my health journey by introducing me to her friend (who has become such a great friend to me) and we talk daily checking in on one another. This would be a great way for me to say “Thank You” to her. 🙂
I’d share with my bestie – every woman needs lifting!
I would really enjoy this magazine and I would share with daughter who needs encouragement right now. She just started a
new job and is struggling with the adjustment.
I would share a copy with Corrie E
I have suffered with depression and anxiety off and on for 9 years. I am in another season of it and this time has lasted 9 months so far. I believe your magazine would be a great help of encouragement to me and also my neighbor who recently lost her husband of many years. I pray for her daily. Thank you and may the Lord bless you abundantly!
I would love to send a copy to my sister. She is in a place in her life that i don’t know if I could keep going if the situation was reversed and it was the one going through it. I think just having a little something special for herself would be very uplifting for her soul.
I would give both to whom God would place on my heart.
I’d share mine with a good friend who needs a boost of faith right now, and feels like God is far away.
I would give the extra copy to my friend Virginia.
I would love to win a copy and share it with my friend Roxanne. Jesus reunited us in November 2020 and I am forever grateful! We are helping each other along our journeys.
I needed this article, Through the Dark Years. Marriage is so hard and I can relate to Jen. I feel like that is how I am currently acting towards my husband. There is hope. BUT if I won, I would share it with my sister in law <3
I am so encouraged by your articles. Looking forward to reading the magazine and sharing with my sister.
I would love to win a copy and one to share! I had no idea you had a magazine!
I would share with my kindred spirit I have lunch with occasionally at a local restaurant called Corner Bakery. We solve all the worlds problems and laugh until our sides ache. She would love one.
I would share it with my sister in Christ and my BFF Stella M.
Good morning. I love encourage and I love the fact that God meets us every single time. He’s our champion. I would love to share a copy of the book with one of my dear friends who has been struggling for quite some time. We all need encouragement and we all need truth. I hope I have the opportunity to do so. Thank you for offering it!!
Sounds like a great magazine, nice to have for those with faith
Hello Everyone,
This section teaches me to share my feelings with others and to pray for others who may be experiencing emotional stress.
Females and males are made differently from each other. God is our Creator and He knows how He intended for our relationships to function within a healthy marriage.
God is our only hope for success. There is no set age, financial status, educational strengths or personal benefits that can keep us from being obedient to God to protect our marriages and families.
I would share information regarding peace, wisdom and guidance within the marriage. It’s wonderful to encourage others but remember, David encouraged himself in the Lord. We first have to get our heart prepared to receive the word of God.
Our hearts are just like a new garden and seeds need to be planted (The Word of God). We have to allow God to tend our hearts (Gardens). Be mindful to share the good news with others. Obedience brings God’s blessings always.
My prayer is for more couples to treat one another in love. Start with loving each other as Sisters and Brothers in Christ.
I love you all. Don’t let the enemy steal your joy of marriage.
God bless your steps.
Your Sister in Christ
I’d share a copy with my bestie Angie.
I would share with my DIL- Olivia Woodward.
In Courage,
I just love how you keep reinventing yourselves. For many years only a blog. Then as some writers moved on you
got new & more diverse writers. You’ve done more Bible studies, podcast & now a magazine. Wow!! God has certainly blessed you all. Keep up the great work. Love reading your blog each day. I have several friends I could share a copy with. Can’t wait to see this new magazine. God bless your work.
Blessings 🙂
I read incourage every morning and Im sure your magazine would strengthen and motivate my faith and growth in Christ during this Lent season. I would share with both of my daughters. One is married and the other one hoping to be married again one day. Thanks
I loved this article! I have a very special friend that I would love to share a copy of the magazine with. We all need to encourage and uplift one another during these uncertain days. God bless you for publishing such a wonderful magazine.
Oh how I would love to receive a copy of your magazine. It would give me the opportunity to share it with my best friend & sister in Christ.
Much love ❤️
My favorite magazine, I’d share with my mom.
Encourage goes along with my breakfast and coffee each morning. A magazine would be the extra bagel! I live in a very dark part of New England where christians are few. I’ve been trying to find a way to minister to my post office clerk. This would be a breakthrough way. Ladies, my heart is so full when you appear on my screen! Thank you.
I would love to share a copy with my sister. She is going through dark times with her health. Thank you for being a blessing to all.
I would love to view a copy of your magazine. I have a friend who lost her husband, I lost both
My Mom and younger sister last year, a friend who’s husband left her who had mental issues and abusive, friends suffering from Fibromyalgia and other pain issues, low self esteem friends, and anyone who get on our Prayer Warrior list for prayer. So many hurting friends. Love the daily devotional.
I did not know you had a magazine. I would love to win a subscription for myself and my friend Kelly. We walk through our lives of faith together – cheer each other on. I know she, and myself, would be blessed by your magazine. Thank you for the chance.
I would share with my best friend who is not attending church right now. She stopped going during the pandemic and hasn’t gone back yet. I would hope that reading inspiring stories (I share the Journey and home life magazines with her) would encourage her to get back involved in a church with other believers.
I have to friends who are both going through unspeakable circumstances; one with a runaway teenage daughter who has snuffed the life out of her parents, and one with a chronic illness that has made her life unbearable. If you could possibly honor them with this it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I’d love to share a copy with my best friend Pati
I have a friend that is a little lost right now, trying to figure out what she believes. She’s in recovery from alcohol addiction and also working through some relationship struggles, and I believe this may call her to prayer and bring inspiration as she tries to find her way.
Your story is encouraging even though my marriage ended badly. I’m now on my own trying to figure things out. I’d love a copy of Everyday Faith magazine. I believe it would help me during this transition, give me hope and guide me in the right direction.
I thank God daily for my dearest friend of 20 years, Sue. God brought us together at a very dark time in my life. She has brought me closer to Him than I ever imagined possible.
I would love to share a copy with her.
Great !
Thankyou ! I am always encouraged by your posts
I would share with my college roommate. Neither of us have sisters and 40 years after college we are still good friends and moral support for each other.
Praise God for Jen’s story, offering hope to others who may be struggling through dark years of their own. If I receive the magazines, I’d share one with our daughter-in-law, a pastor’s wife. Not only might she find encouragement, but is in a position to share it with others.
As a wife who has done many of the same wrongs described in this story, I’m truly thankful to be now 6 years ahead of our battle with divorce. It can be a grueling fight, but the victory is oh so sweet! We have 4 daughters, 2 of which are young women in their college years living together. I would love to know that they have this magazine on the coffee table for themselves or even for their friends to get a dose of encouraging truth. Most days we could all use it!
I would share mine with best friend who is like a sister to me. She has walked and prayed for me during my dark times. I just recently came through a dark time that lead me back to faith and relationship with Christ.
I would share with a few close girl friends ,
As they have been truly walking beside me, for such a time as this.
Peggy Malchow
Carolann Rosenthal
Deb Flaherty
Beverly Anderson
Wanda Spading
I would share it with my sisters in my weekly Christ-based Twelve Steps group.
All I know it that I cannot wait for the next issue of this inspiring magazine; and I read each one cover to cover. I only wish there was a way to subscribe so as not to miss the next issue. This story resonated with me in that when I’m in a dark time, or uncomfortable place, I have to remind myself who is really in control & it’s always God who is in control, not me or anyone else, and if I don’t listen to what He is saying or directing me to do, I am lost.
My best friend!
I would love a chance to read the magazine and I would share it with my sister.
I would share with my daughter-in-law and my son. This magazine has a lot of great articles and the cards are so beautiful to share. They are an inspiration and truly can make someone’s day.
I would share copies with my small group who are currently learning how to grow other small groups. We are always looking for relevant, relatable and Spirit filled God led resources.
I just received this message on March 6, so it’s after the deadline. Thanks for your inspiration. It’s a blessing. God Bless You