I can never escape from your Spirit!
I can never get away from your presence!
If I go up to heaven, you are there;
if I go down to the grave, you are there.
If I ride the wings of the morning,
if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
even there your hand will guide me,
and your strength will support me.
I could ask the darkness to hide me
and the light around me to become night—
but even in darkness I cannot hide from you.
To you the night shines as bright as day.
Darkness and light are the same to you.
Psalm 139:7-12 (NLT)
Wherever we go, God is there. What a gift of comfort and assurance.
We know that today’s anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks still stirs deep trauma and grief for many. We also know that on any ordinary Sunday, hearts are heavy with all kinds of pain and sorrow. This world can feel so very dark — but God. But God seeks us out in the darkness and offers us His strength.
Where does the darkness feel oppressive to you today? Where do you need to remember that God’s comfort is available to you? Leave a comment; we’d be honored to pray for you. And bless a sister by pausing to pray for the person who commented before you.
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We lost our sweet 15 year old rescue pup yesterday. Today we celebrate my brother & sister-in-law’s 50th wedding anniversary & a nephew & niece-in-law’s 10th anniversary. So like God to meet our heartaches with points of joy! The heart in a vice serves to highlight the depth of His presence & love toward us. We grieve hard because we were able to love well.
Ruth, I’m so sorry for your loss. I know the love we pour out on our fur babies and the joy they bring, especially the rescues. Praying for your heart this morning.
Thank you, Gail! Dane was a yellow lab/Rhodesian Ridgeback/Greyhound mix full of love & mischief. He provided many examples of God’s love to us that I frequently shared with my Titus 2 group so his life impacted many beyond our household.
Ruth, you said it well “we grieve hard because we loved and were loved well”. Praying for you in this time. And, yet, praising God for allowing the celebrations of joy in your life as well.
Ruth, to see your post was so helpful. As I read this blog, my first thought is no one would understand the continued grief of loosing our dear pup 8 weeks ago. She, too, was the exemplification of God’s love. Never judging, always thrilled to be with us, and she always acted as if we were just perfect.
I’m so very sorry for your loss. I have struggled so hard with the concept of what happens to dogs, after their life on earth. It makes me wonder how people who don’t believe in our God’s promise of heaven for believers, ever deal with death of loved ones.
Thank you for sharing.
Susan, I choose to believe our pets are with God. I kiddingly told Dane to go find Queen Elizabeth ll & show her Corgis aren’t the only special pups. Made the vet staff smile. ;~)
So sorry about the loss of your rescue pup. Animals are family just like humans. May God comfort you as you grieve this loss. Asking God to send His presence to you & give you big hugs.
Blessings 🙂
I’ve had many losses over the last two years. None more significant than the loss of my mother. She died suddenly on June 5, 2021. Since that time, I have felt like I’m walking in darkness, void of light. Void of hope. Void of direction. I have insulated & isolated myself (physically, spiritually & relationally). I’ve always trusted God is with me. But for some reason I still choose to walk alone.
Dearest Father be tangible to Sonya in her grief. Enable her to be comforted by the Comforter if the Downtrodden; Your character that doesn’t just pay us on the back saying “there there” but the GOD of all power & might that can make you brave in your heartbreak to take the next steps to not be isolated & withdrawn. I beg the Spirit to prompt someone in your path to be your cheerleader & instigator of using your life lessons of love & loss to minister to someone else. May God deepen your faith & give you a sense of His purpose for you. May He redeem this season of desert & wilderness all for His glory. May you see today a tangible sign that you are NOT alone & that you are LOVED. In His Almighty, enabling, redeeming name, Jesus. Amen! (((0)))
Dear Jesus, I pray that Sonya will know that she never really walks alone – that You will never leave her or forsake her. Help her to allow your body, your people who belong to you, to touch her as she walks through grief. You are near to the broken-hearted and bind up their wounds. You often use people to be your hands and feet.
Sonya God is with you. He told me give Jeremiah 29:11-13. Plus read Numbers 6 24-26 My prayers are with you too. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Sonia, I have been where you are . Don’t lose hope, your mother lives within your memories and your heart. Let the Lord carry you through this season of grief. Time does help although the pain is always there it does lessen with time. Don’t isolate yourself, find a support group for grief and trust that God is with you even when you don’t feel him
Abba Father make yourself know to Sonya in this time of grieving. Send the comforter to her & give her hugs. Send people into her life that can speak to her grief & encourage her. Help her to not isolate herself. Send your love down to her so that she knows she isn’t alone. You made us for community. Guide her steps back into church where she can be surrounded by loving friends.
Blessings 🙂
Laid to rest our dearest friend of 56yrs after a courageous struggle with Pancreatic cancer.
Dear Father, please come comfort Marina and other loved ones who are grieving, in Your beautiful ways. Be so close and may they find peace in this difficult time. Protect her and hold her safely in Your hands, Amen.
These verses so ministered to me this morning…thank you.
I could use prayer.
I have been facing a lot of health challenges the past couple years. It’s a lonely place to be, and just doing small things can be very draining, and am not able to care for people, for my family as I long to…And I often fight discouragement. But I want to cheerfully accept this season if this is where God wants me.
Lucia, May God fin you in your loneliness and lift you up. May knowledge income related not your health challenges to assist non your healing.ay peace surround you each day.
Dear Father, will You draw Lucia so close today? May she feel Your presence so tangibly and in a lovely way. May she receive full healing and restoration at Your good time. While she waits, please come comfort her and refresh her, send friends who will help her carry the burdens she needs to carry and who will truly understand. Be near when she feels discouraged and bring life to any old dreams she has had. May she find joy in the everyday. Amen.
I am struggling with coming to terms with previous dark seasons of my life. I am in a time of healing from depression and grief. God has done many beautiful things in this healing but some days like today, the past still feels quite heavy and it feels like I am still afraid to let it all go and truly embrace what is happening now and how I can glorify God in the good and the bad.
Dear Sonya, I’m so sorry for your losses. I pray that God would shine His light into your life and that you would be willing to open your heart to receive His healing. He loves you so much, please allow Him in and accept the help and people that He will send to minister to you. Satan, in the mighty, mighty name of Jesus, we break the darkness that surrounds Sonya. May you feel God’s love and peace a little more each day, and may healing begin its work in your life.
Barbara, thank you for the beautiful prayer. It seemed like you read my heart…it brought me to tears.
Father, I pray for Barbara. That you would be so near to her today. That she could embrace the healing, the joy that have done and are doing. And that she can let you carry the weight, the heaviness…show her today, how she can best bring glory to You through her life, through her story . In Your previous name Amen.
I am grieving miscarriage. It’s been 9 mos but it’s still such a heavy loss to bear.
Oh my heart aches for you, Andrea. It’s like the Lord knew who would read this comment. I struggled with a miscarriage years ago. Lord, I pray for your hand of healing on Andrea. You know her heart. You know the pain that she feels, Lord and I ask that you show yourself to her. Cover her with your Spirit, give her an insurmountable peace, so that she cannot doubt it’s even you. Surround her with your presence. Thank you, Lord for always revealing yourself to us, even when we don’t feel or see you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Andrea, I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve learned that culture and our own expectations have timelines but grief does not. I’m praying that you would feel God’s fierce withness as you walk through this sorrow.
Dear Andrea, I am so sorry for the loss of your child. It’s an unbearable loss with so many unanswered questions. 9 months or 9 years the loss is something that will always be with you . I pray for you. I hope that you find comfort in knowing that one day you will hold that beautiful baby of yours in your arms when you come together in heaven.
I pray that God will grant me the strength to continue on the path of righteousness! I am struggling on my path but I am trusting in you word to guide me and lift me up. May your word of truth inspire and fill me with abundant peace and comfort. May you dwell close among all who seek you. Amen!
Amen! Agreeing with you, Adrienne. ♥️
He is walking beside you. Stay in the Word. It is life sustaining! I pray you are covered in peace today and always.
It has been a tumultuous summer full of heartache and loss. First my relationship, then my job. I’m praying for reconciliation and as I begin my new job tomorrow, I’m praying for energy to face a new challenge and a good, non-toxic work environment.
God, please hold Angela tight in Your loving and giving Arms. Bless her with peace and comfort. Help her to see you moving in her life. Please watch over her to really enjoy her new job. May it be a healthy work environment and may she truly enjoy the work she does. Thank You for hearing and answering our every prayer. Thy will be done. In Jesus’ Name, amen
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for good and not for evil, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11
Praying for you friend ❤️❤️
It’s my birthday today. Darkness just surrounds me as I lived 1.5 hours from NYC 21 years ago. I feel guilty wanting to celebrate my birthday every year. God can make beauty out of the ashes. I pray for this beauty. Thank you in courage ladies.
Dear God, Please fill Dee with your peace this day. Help her to know deep down that you love her and it is good to celebrate her life. Remind her that joy and grief can exist together, and that you are Lord of both, and that you bear both our joys and sorrows. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Our Father, may Angela find moments of your peace and feel your support as she navigates all these changes.
9/11 very sad. Including all bombs and things that happened in our world. Like us in Enniskillen on 11th November Poppy day we had years and year ago a bomb that went of that day as people came to remember loved ones who went to war for our country. People in that Bomb that day lost their lives on that Poppy day all thoes years ago to like people in the 9/11. Both very sad. People left in Sadness because of what happened in theses to different situations. In different parts of the world and families left saddened because they lost loved ones. If we look at world and go back in History we can if we want recall over times when people lost their lives because of bombs in our world. We can ask ourselves but it gets us know where. Why God did you let all theses things happen in our world and people die and loved one left in sadness. Because of Man who wants to do harm and does not care about life that God gave us to enjoy. Does not care about the sadness and pain they leave behind man that does this. But we can’t blame God or say why did you let all theses happen in our world and people die because of Man. Ours is not ask those questions as it was not God’s doing in all these things in our world. We have to still pray for people that do things like this especially if saved. Pray they will repent of their wrong. Come to know Jesus as their saviour. We have to know matter how hard it is love them also like God loves them. As he sent his only son Jesus to die for them on the Cross of Calvary. As well as he did for us and the rest of man kind. No greater love was that. Why God send his son to die so as our sins would be forgiven if we believe that. As it says in Romans 6 v 23. “For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is enteral life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” How true that is and John 3 v 16 “For God so Love the World that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” These are God’s promises to the world. We are to love the world and all in like God did in John 3 v 16. Especially if saved. Even the man that does wrong and does not care about God’s people and does not care about the pain and hurt they cause. So let live our lives in love for all people and even those that do wrong. Show we are different and pray for them. Pray for those in our world that have lost loved one because of people who do not care about the sadness they leave behind. Like today 21 years ago to do with 9/11 and in other part of the world at different times. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx keeping you all incourage in my prayers.
Please pray for my son, to lift up his confidence and that his new business may be a success. That he will be able to afford health insurance so that he can take care of his diabetes. To help him gain financial security, as he works two jobs and can barely make ends meet. He cannot afford medical care so he has uncontrollable diabetes.
In Courage,
Our church lost a dear friend while Heaven gained an angel. It will be hard on the husband as they were married many years. They were both the light of each others lives. She had cancer for a while & it just got the best of her.
Praying for everyone today. Father please help everyone today as they grieve. There is no timeline for grief. Today is the day we remember the horrific attack on the US by terrorists. Please be with those who lost loved ones & those who lived in or near the attacks. Bless this nation & bring us back to you.
Blessings 🙂
Please pray for my mom’s and our relationship.., it is a bit strained right now. Thanks
I am struggling for a month with a stubborn sinus infection after sinus surgery, can you pray for healing? Thank you so much!
Abba Father please send your healing touch to Susan. Take away this sinus infection & make her feel well again. In Jesus Name AMEN!
Good morning
Praying all my sisters in Christ feel the presence of our Almighty God. Feel the safety of His wings covering their sorrow and grief and pain.
Ring true anew to our hearts the sacred truth that Jesus loves us and lives!
I am Struggling far from home in Europe on a much needed holiday, with terrible anxiety (from work and flying fear). Now my husband is feeling ill! Very frightening and we have a long way to go.
This complication is compounding my fears and I am unable to rest, think, and I need to be vigilant and lead us forward on this journey.
Praying God’s hand will intervene and restore his health immediately with no lasting affects. That my thoughts will come under God’s obedience and be calmed and peaceful.
Please lift us up. (((Hugs))) to all.
Please pray for my family and I. My dad is about to have his second stem cell transplant and I will be his donor this time. He does not know the Lord as personal savior.