I woke up with a heaviness on my heart. Not only was my body feeling tired from a restless night, overthinking a stressful dilemma I was facing, my heart felt burdened about my friend who has been suffering from cancer and another weary mommy friend with three little ones under six years old who was also going through a hard time.
As I put my shoes on for my morning walk, I felt anxious, unable to rest my mind on any peaceful thoughts because the burdens I was carrying weren’t the kind that get resolved easily. The day had just started, but I already felt weary.
Do you relate to waking up to that anxious feeling, when you’re facing hard things with no clear path to resolution?
As I walked on a trail, I whispered a breath prayer, “Jesus, I don’t know what to do.” This wasn’t a prayer spoken in despair, but a cry to my Loving Savior for help. I walked on in quietness, simply breathing in and slowly out to bring calm to my body, and reminding myself that Jesus was walking with me. I waited with expectation for His encouragement to reach me in some way.
That’s when I noticed there were some tiny butterflies fluttering around the wildflowers that lined my path. I’m sure butterflies have always been around on my walks, but that morning, it seemed like I looked at them for the first time.
I’ve never been a “butterfly person”, but I felt drawn to stop and watch them that morning. As one rested with its delicate sunshine-yellow wings on a flower, I was reminded of what I once learned about the butterfly: a butterfly first begins as an egg, then becomes a caterpillar, and then cocoons itself in a chrysalis throughout autumn and even winter before it finally becomes transformed into a beautiful butterfly in spring!
When a caterpillar has to go through the challenge of change, it spends time hidden. But just because it hibernates for a season, doesn’t mean it’s doing nothing. The butterfly that eventually emerges from the chrysalis reminds us that in our most difficult moments, God is also building our wings.
Although there are no simple answers to so many of life’s difficult problems, it doesn’t mean God cannot transform those hard moments into something beautiful.
As I stood there, marveling at God’s amazing artistry in creating a butterfly’s beauty, a prayer came to my heart. I realized that although I may not be able to change the hard times or suffering that my friends have to go through, I can pray for them, knowing God is in control of the journey we each must walk through and He is not letting go of our hands.
Today, I’d like to whisper this prayer that I prayed for myself and for my friends to lift you up too:
Dear Jesus,
Draw near to my friend and place your hand in hers. Reassure her of your gentle love and touch her with your peace and presence. Thank you for all the beautiful treasures that you’ve prepared ahead of time, just for her. In Jesus’ name,
Breathe. You are God’s delight.
Today, when you feel anxious, stop and breathe. Look down and see God folding your hand into His, holding you close to Him. God will carry you through.
Hear God’s loving whisper:
Cast your cares on me.
I will take care of you.
I will carry you.
Hear God’s promises for you:
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1Peter 5:7 NIV).
“Even to your old age… I will carry you” (Isaiah 46:4 NIV).
Just breathe. God turns towards you, opening His arms to hold you close. He will take care of you!
What is helping calm your anxious soul? Share today’s prayer with a friend to encourage her today.
For more calm to lift your anxious soul, download Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Lower Anxiety and Restore Peace by signing up here.
May God touch you with His peace and loving arms of care for you today, Bomi!
It’s only been a few days since I lost my husband of 30 years. This spoke to the pain I am feeling. Thank you for addressing all of the anxiety I have faced and the fact that the Lord is going with me in this journey. I love reading everything that Bonnie Gray writes. What a wonderful guide through the hard times! Thanks so much.
I’m so sorry for your loss, Michelle!
thank you, Elizabeth, for you offering your caring words of comfort to our sister, Michelle. May God’s love touch and encourage you, too!
I’m so sorry for your loss Michelle. The grief journey is a difficult one. Remember where there was deep love, there will be deep grief. Jesus will be with you every step of the way.
thank you, Chris, for you caring words of comfort to our sister, Michelle. May God’s love touch and encourage you, too!
Dear Michelle, I’m so sorry for the deep loss and unspeakable pain of your beloved husband of 30 years. May you be gentle with yourself as each loving memory surfaces of the beautiful memories you created together with your beloved husband and with each tear you shed, may the comfort of God’s loving arms carry you through one day at a time. Thank you for sharing this very vulnerable moment of grief with us here. You are so beloved and I’m grateful we can be a caring community for you with these loving words from our gentle Saviour who cares for you and understands your pain. Hugs from me to you, sister!
Sweet sister asking God to comfort you & give you a peace beyond all understanding. May you feel Him walking beside you holding your hands & hugging you. Cherish the memories you have, remember the good times. Know that each tear shed will be put in a bottle up in heaven.
Blessings 🙂
May God touch you with His peace and loving arms of care for you today, Ruth!
Thank you for this valuable share. I too spend restless nights of worry when prayer should be my go to………
Dear Christine, thank you for sharing your heavy heart with us. God understands you completely and open His arms of love to hold you close. Lord Jesus, reassure my beloved friend Christine, of your care and your gentle whispers of rest. You understand her completely and you are faithful to carry her through. You love and accept and welcome her into your embrace, just as she is. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
So encouraging for those tough times. Cant thank You enough sister
Dear Ariel, thank you for sharing your tender heart with us. Lord Jesus, touch my beloved sister Ariel with your loving hand of peace. Reassure her of your care and your gentle whispers of rest. You understand her completely and you are faithful to carry her through. You love, accept and welcome her into your embrace, just as she is. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Thank you Bonnie…
thank you, sweet Janet. Lord Jesus, draw my beloved friend Janet into your loving embrace today. Reassure her of your care and your gentle whispers of rest. You understand her completely and you are faithful to carry her through. You love, accept and welcome her into your embrace, just as she is. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Bonnie thank you for what you wrote. You know it is ok to feel anxious about your friend. Especially when she has family to care for and not well herself. I heard of people who have had love ones with cancer even kids. They have passed away far to young. Family saddened. Wondering why their love on or child died or even have cancer. They had their whole lives ahead of them. No matter what age any one is a serious illness not nice. We can blame God say why especially if they were not healed by the treatment they got or God direct. Especially if the family believers and the sick person Child or Adult. Then others healed. Ours is not to ask way. In all just keep trusting God. Know that God knew best if he took them home. Even though all heart broken. We can still pray for the families and show them the love of God if they are still here the sick person should it be child or adult or there not here. Know we can tell them we will get all our answers to all our questions when we go to Glory if we don’t get them this side of earth. Like they will and we will be asking. Like why did they Child or Adult get Cancer or get ill or why did they take ill way to young especially if a child. We that are well can be thankful on to God that we are well. We all have alot to think God for each day. Especially if we’ll. We can say a loving pray for the people and kids we know and their families that are going through a hard time with a love in the family not well. Ask God to put his loving arms around them. As we have a loving God who loves us. We at this side of earth might not get the answers to the questions why people and kids take ill when we believe they shouldn’t have. But we have to know God is close to them and the family giving them the strength to cope with it all. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
thank you, sweet Dawn for sharing your experience with us. Lord Jesus, continue to bless and lift up my friend Dawn on her jourey of faith with you and all those she love and friends you have placed on her path. Thank you for the fruit of kindness and tender heart of love you have placed in Dawn’s heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Beautiful, Bonnie. Thank you! Yes, I have a daughter-in-law facing tests for possible breast cancer, and a business partner going in for surgery for cancer removal, and a son facing a court battle for custody of his children, and …. the list goes on. So many concerns. An aging mother who insists on living alone though she’s in her upper 80s now, an ex with mounting health problems, a daughter with back problems, my own back problems and lack of transportation — if I focused on all the problems, I’d have an ulcer before dinner time! But God is SO GOOD. And He DOES take care of ALL things. Perhaps not always the way we expect or in the timing we’d like, but He does meet all our needs, and His way-His timing-is always perfect.
Dear sweet Deborah, thank you for sharing your tender heart for so many you love and care for. Lord Jesus, we lift up Deborah and you that you touch our beloved sister with your loving hand of peace. Reassure her of your care for all those she has on her heart and release her from any burden she is carrying that is too heavy. Help her see that you are right beside her and each person she is thinking of and praying for and you will not grow tired or weary of helping each person in her family. May your gentle whispers of rest carry her through one day at a time. Help her to prioritize her wellbeing as her wellness is first priority in your heart for Deborah, as she pours out to so many. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
This prayer could not have come at a better time. My youngest daughter (54 yrs old) was just diagnosed with breast cancer. I will be her support as she travels this journey which I know will be long and difficult. Mostly difficult and challenging for her but also difficult for me as her mother. I have already pleaded with God not to take my child from me. But I also know that He has a plan for each of us and I must trust Him.
Dear beloved Chris, Thank you for trusting us to share your burdens with me and this community here today. Lord Jesus, we lift up Chris and her beloved daughter to you – that you touch mother and daughter both with your loving hand of peace and healing touch as they walk through this journey of treating breast cancer. Reassure Chris of your care and ease her from any burden she is carrying that is too heavy. May your gentle whispers of rest carry her and her daughter through one day at a time. Help her to prioritize her wellbeing as walks with her daughter through this journey, for Chris is precious in your sight. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
This article is so beautiful Bonnie. Thank you for sharing. It touched my heart and calmed me down. I was upset because I had ordered some books on Amazon last month and they never turned up, yet my money was never refunded. I was so angry. But when I listened to Grace P. Cho reading your article in her mellifluous voice, I felt comforted knowing that my Saviour was looking after me and that the Lord is always with me. Thanks so much Bonnie Gray!
Thank you, Bonnie, I needed your words and the prayer you wrote today. I shared it with a friend who is going through a very difficult time of health issues and being forced by circumstances beyond her control to move away from her home this month.
Hi Bonnie! I loved the heading that’s why I came to read the entire write up! May the Lord bless your friends well and fare. And May HE bless you darling!! For being you first! Yes, and,
I didn’t quite get your point of view on this line in the prayer you wrote, Bonnie. Could you please help me see it?
The line is- “Thank you for all the beautiful treasures that you’ve prepared ahead of time, just for her.”
Thank you for a superbly written blog post. I love learning & hearing about breath prayers. They are so helpful to me in my new job as ICU Clerical at large hospital. I stock up 28 rooms, help 14+ RNs, a handful of CNAs, & patients with anything they need. It can be stressful at times. Those breath prayers calm me down & help motivate me to keep on going.
Blessings 🙂