When I was eight years old, I crammed a stack of Monopoly game money into an offering envelope during a Sunday morning service. I followed the instructions on the front of the envelope, and carefully printed my name, address, and phone number on the lines provided . . . using a purple Crayola crayon. I happily dropped that envelope into the metal plate as it passed by. Each week, I heard our pastor talk about how God loves a cheerful giver and since I usually didn’t have money to give, I often felt bad. But on that day, I was pretty happy with myself.
My mom received a phone call later that afternoon. Back then, telephones were mounted on the wall and the length of the cord dictated how much one had to whisper to keep things private. Turns out the church treasurer got excited at seeing a plump giving envelope in the offering bag, but quickly got angry when my game money fell out. The phone call was to relay displeasure over what a few adults at the church considered a distasteful childhood prank.
After the phone call, my mom gave me a stern talking-to about not stuffing the offering plate with play money. I’m pretty sure that the corners of her mouth quivered upward while her words sharply emphasized the importance of taking all things related to God seriously.
My earlier happiness disappeared. I trudged to my room wondering if God was as disappointed with me as the church treasurer and the other adults were. As a kid, I didn’t know about legalism and crabby Christians. Instead, I was overwhelmed with feeling bad about doing something for God that I thought was good. Therefore, I came to a theological conclusion that would hover over my spiritual life for decades to come: Even if you try really hard, God may still be disappointed with you. That new belief was accompanied by a new sensation that would play a significant role in my spiritual journey: Guilt.
How often does guilt surface in your Christian life? For many of us, it’s far too often.
On February 22, known as Ash Wednesday, Christians around the world begin the annual observation of Lent. Originated by church leaders sometime after 325 A.D., Lent was created as a season of fasting patterned after Jesus’ 40 days of fasting in the wilderness. The intent of Lent is for Christians to put aside certain comforts or attachments to re-align one’s focus on God.
As I’ve talked with Christians about Lent’s 40 days of spiritual emphasis, many release a lethargic sigh. First, no one really likes giving up the things that they love. Second, Lent tends to stir up guilt because the focus on connecting with God usually stirs up failed attempts to connect with God, therefore a lot of guilt. For far too many Christians, guilt is associated with almost every function of the Christian life. There’s guilt around going to church, missing church, reading the Bible, as well as not reading the Bible. Have you ever fallen asleep while praying? Big guilt there, right?! But what if Lent could be about experiencing life-giving grace and hope instead of guilt?
Would you like a new path that guides you away from exhausting guilt to a new journey of freedom and grace?
In my new book, Finding Jesus in the Psalms, readers are invited to engage in a six-week Lenten book study that explores the heart of God and the idea that God wants more for us than from us. Each featured Psalm pointedly identifies a Savior, a Messiah, and a coming King. Since the Lenten season leads up to Easter, this book study offers a scripturally rich, spiritually-challenging, yet easy-to-read resource to equip you to focus on God during the Easter season. There are two takeaways that offer an opportunity for deeper faith and less guilt:
First, knowing that God wants more FOR you than from you.
Second, that Lent is a preparation season rather than a performance season. God wants to prepare you to receive more of His grace rather than grade you on how good you’re doing at giving up stuff.
As one of the most popular books in the Bible, the Psalms sing with the heartbeat of our humanity. Not only do the Psalms capture every emotion of our human experience, but the multiple Spirit-led authors of the Psalms teach us a divine language to communicate with God, especially when we’re in hard places in life.
One of the intriguing features of Finding Jesus in the Psalms revolves around the multiple layers of discovery. Even as the Psalms reveal Jesus, the same Psalms also reference King David, the author of approximately half of the book of Psalms and considered to be Israel’s greatest king. Readers will look at portions of King David’s life that point to more about Jesus.
Best of all, you don’t have to know anything about Lent to experience Finding Jesus In The Psalms. All you need is to have the desire to intentionally draw closer to God and deepen your faith. If you aren’t sure if that’s your desire, you can find inspiration in King David’s stories and be encouraged by his faith.
It’s my prayer that as you experience Finding Jesus in the Psalms, you are blessed by a renewed connection with God. His dream is for you to experience the life-transforming gift of salvation and break the chains of guilt, shame, and religious rules once and for all.
Make your Easter season more meaningful this year! Join Barb Roose for a journey into one of the most popular books in the Bible with Finding Jesus in the Psalms. Each chapter includes opportunities to apply life-giving spiritual themes — like worship, prayer, confession, forgiveness, courage, and faith — to your life. You can do this book on your own, with a group, or sign up for Barb’s free online Finding Jesus in the Psalms Bible study beginning February 22nd and going for six weeks.
We’re so excited for this very needed message to get into your hands!
Order your copy today . . . and leave a comment below for a chance to WIN one of 5 copies*!
Then join Becky Keife for a conversation with Barb this weekend on the (in)courage podcast. Don’t miss it!
I’m definitely going to need to pick this one up!
This looks awesome! I’m looking forward to reading and hopefully sharing with friends.
Psalms has also been a go-to book for me and I’d love to study them deeper with a copy of your book! (Loved your Monopoly story, so tender. Amazing how God redeemed that for you!)
Thank you Barb, this was so very needed!
I love your Monopoly money story. I wish they had cut you some slack and asked you more about it. What a difference that could have made!
I’m excited for the study and the book!
Guilt is Satan’s tool to distract us from knowing Jesus fully. Great to have a tool to combat his foolishness! Blessings!
I love everything about this study and would love to share it with 4 women I meet with for Bible study at the nursing home.
Guilt is Satan’s tool to distract us from knowing Jesus fully. Great to have a tool to combat his foolishness! What a shame the treasurer & other adults didn’t see the sacrificial giving in your Monopoly money, BUT GOD did!!! Blessings!
Hello, Guilt, my constant companion!
Without anyone even helping me, I carried my perfectionistic tendencies into my walk with the Lord. I would love to find freedom from this once & for all.
Thank you for this opportunity.
Thank you, I will order this and I would love to win a copy to share.
I love reading the Psalms and would really enjoy this book.
Thank you for this opportunity.
I love listening every morning, what powerful and meaningful messages. I believe we all do feel guilty. I get busy with life sometimes and instead of putting God first and having time reading the Bible, praying and listening to encouraging words, I will clean the house or do yard work. I have intentionally been putting God first every morning. I love doing Bible studies and it makes each day more positive and refocuses what’s important. God Bless all of you at (in) courage. You are a Blessing to so many of us.
Sweet story Barb, and I hate the adults chastised you for it…I would have taken it as such a sweet thing for a child to do. Reminded me of the poor widow who gave all she had to give.
(Mark 12:41-44)
I know without a doubt, God knew your monopoly money was given with a pure and happy heart. You gave all you had to give, and that is always enough for God! And I love the Psalms. I have read through all of them so many times, but always find something new that touches my heart. And if my name were to be drawn for the 5 free copies, please let the sweet lady named Sherrill, who commented above, about sharing them with her nursing home friends. That would be a blessing for her and for me! Blessings always, beautiful Barb!
Guilt is something that I’ve struggled with a lot growing up. It’s a constant battle, and something I that I’ve gotten better with letting go of, but it’s still a work in progress!
Thank you for sharing thus encouraging devotional reading to draw us closer to the Lord & know Him better! The book & study sound excellent!
Love & prayers for all God’s blessings!
Thank you for the beautiful devotion. I would love to win a copy of your book in order to draw closer to God.
I’m very excited about this book – I read the Psalms everyday as part of the Liturgy of the Hours and I’m usually sad afterwards – not uplifted like lots of other people. All I read is war, suffering, and sadness. Looking forward to finding joy, peace and love.
Hi Mary, thank you for sharing your comment. Finding Jesus in the Psalms is centered around our eternal hope and peace in Jesus. I pray that it uplifts and encourages your heart this Lenten season.
This study sounds wonderful, Barb! I’m signing up and ordering the book!
We’re thrilled that you stopped by the (in)courage page today, Irene. I pray that God uses the Finding Jesus in the Psalms book to bless and encourage you on every page!
Wow, what a beautiful post today. I feel guilt all the time and would love to win a copy of the book to get past the guilt Blessings to you.
Hi Stacey – I love that God knew exactly what you needed to hear today!
Thank you for this
Hi Dana – and you’re welcome! Thank you for joining us today and sharing your comment to enter the giveaway!
Oh Guilt! I have fallen asleep saying my prayers but I now think it is ok. It tells me I am safe and comforted in God’s arms. What better way to drift off – thinking about God!
Hi Madeline! I like how you think, my sister!
This book sounds perfect for our women’s group!
Wonderful! Thank you for entering the (in)courage giveaway!
Yes! This book is set up for group study – and there is are teaching videos available to go along with each of the six chapters, too. Enjoy!
Thank you for the reminder that Lent is more a time of preparation than anything else. I plan to let my Bible study group about this book, and would love having a copy to read and share.
(To tell the group, not let).
Oh yes, Jane – you’ve got it! Lent is a preparation season. Thank you for joining us on the (in)courage blog today and good luck in the giveaway!
Hi Jane! I’m glad that you enjoyed today’s post and good luck with the giveaway!
Just reading this post felt like a step of relief. I’m definitely going to need to remember this study.
Wonderful! I’m praising God that He sent you the encouragement and hope that you needed today!
I love Barb and always get so much from her studies. I can not wait to get into this one.
Thank you for those kind words, Danyel!
Looking forward to reading this very informative book!
I pray that God uses Finding Jesus in the Psalms to bless and encourage your on every page!
Thank you for this opportunity!
You’re welcome and good luck!
Thank you, Barb! This spoke directly to my heart, right when I needed it most.
I love that God knew what you needed to hear today!
Thank-you, would luv to have a copy, God Bless!!
This would be a great book to win!
Would love to join everyone but seems this book ships to CANADA after Feb 27 th ..a little late.
Great story.. I can see my grandson doing the Monopoly money too..
I so love your incourage.me. I know I will be blessed if I receive your free book “Jesus in the psalms”. Thank you Barb Roose!
I appreciate this perspective on guilt. It provokes you to draw closer to God and stretch your faith.
Thank you for that aspect on Lent. I do feel that same way sometimes. The Psalms are a constant great reminder of how King David wasn’t perfect and neither are we, yet he still sought after God with his whole heart. ❤️
Love Barb Rose studies! I can’t wait to get this one and study during lent. ❤️
Thank you for these words of encouragement especially during the difficult emotional time right now for me. Sorting out priorities spiritually professionally.
Thank you for sharing your story… the Psalms showcase our daily joys and struggles.. I find comfort and hope in the timeless words.
Most churches today don’t talk much about lent. There is no emphasis on giving up stuff to get closer to God. Personally I love the Psalms. It is amazing how David can pour out his heart to God. You can really get a sense of his heart for God.
Blessings 🙂
I’ve read Chapter 1 and I’m really excited to do the Facebook live studies!! I love Psalms
Thank you Barb for another great book I cannot wait to receive! I just ordered mine today- But in the season I am currently in- I am hoping it will give me some Hope that with what I am going through….A: I’m not alone B: He already knows the outcome C: That I can find peace in knowing the first two and make the best of the outcomes.
If we as adults, gave our love and talents with the heart of our eight year old selves, we could change the world.
I’m doing your “worry/Joshua” study and it is helping all the women in this study with me.
Prayers for your success in achieving your writing goals this week even though your plan was changed by God to redirect your plans. There is a reason he redirected your path, enjoy the journey. “Don’t hurry=less worry!” (Quote of YOU)