“Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory,” Mama sings.
Glory?, Zayla thinks, wrinkling her nose, “Mama, we talk and sing about glory at church, but what exactly is glory?”
“Well, that’s a good question,” Mama says with a broad smile. “Let’s go look for it.”
These are the opening lines to my new children’s book, Chasing God’s Glory. When my three daughters were little, we started going on glory-chasing hunts together. This was the way we would lift our heads to see God at work on ordinary days and difficult days.
The word glory is mentioned more than 500 times in Scripture. If we study the scriptures that mention it, we discover God’s glory is the very essence of who God is, His character. Glory is what sets God apart. It’s the way God reveals Himself to us. It’s His presence.
Back in 2014, I chose the word glory as my word of the year. Little did I know that this single, five-letter word would be the thing God would use to transform me, inspire me, lift me, and carry me through the most difficult year of my life. This would be the beginning of tracing His glory story in the most unexpected narrative.
I had to train myself to notice God’s glory around me through tragedy and triumph. That was the year my husband was diagnosed with stage four cancer. That was the year my lover leaped into Heaven – the ultimate Glory – leaving me a widow with three small children. That was the year I experienced God’s glory in little girl giggles, home-cooked meals, and road trips. That was the year He showed up for us through our community who served us, fed us, collected money for medical bills, and lifted us.
God has shown me that glory is the very beginning of the story and also the grand finale. This one word is used throughout the Bible as another word for His presence, majesty, beauty, creation, and heaven. Many of the heroes of our faith from Moses to Mary, from Isaiah to Paul, came to understand His glory in profound ways.
I heard a sermon where the pastor talked about how we are called to be “glory chasers.” Pastor Mitchel Lee’s phrase sparked something deep inside me. He argued that we humans were put on this earth to discover God’s glory and reflect it back to God and those around us. We are to live and work and run for God’s glory.
Now nine years later, I’m still a glory chaser. I’m still looking for God in my every day. I’m tracing His faithfulness through every piece of my past. I’m leading others up the trail to unearth His glory for themselves.
I believe God’s glory is a frame, a way for us to view the Bible and, more importantly, our lives. Jesus tells Martha in John 11:40, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” This is His way of urging her to seek His glory.
Jesus knows He is about to perform a miracle. He knows He is about to raise His friend Lazarus from the dead. Martha, like so many of us, is focused on what is right in front of her.
Now when I am overwhelmed by the breathtaking colors of a sunset waltzing over ocean waves, I count it a picture of His glory. When I see the intricate beauty of a snowflake, I name it as His glory. When I am caught up in a heart talk with a dear friend, I believe the encouragement I find there is just another tangible example of His glory.
Glory-chasing has become a habit for me. It’s the way I breathe. It’s the way I move forward one step at a time. It’s my new life purpose. I find myself framing everything by these two questions:
- How can I trace God working for His glory in my present circumstances?
- How can I reflect His glory to others through my actions and attitude today?
Through this new children’s book, my heart is to teach kids of all ages to chase after God’s glory in the world.
“I think I’m starting to get it,” Zayla says. “Is glory all these things God created?”
Mama nods. “It’s a reflection of who He is and how He’s working in the world.”
“Chasing God’s glory is fun! Can we do it again tomorrow?” Zayla asks before she drifts off to sleep.
Award-winning author Dorina Lazo Gilmore-Young’s rich multicultural story and Alyssa De Asis’ vibrant artwork make Chasing God’s Glory both a celebration and an invitation as you and your children become glory chasers right where you are!
When Zayla asks her mom to describe God’s glory, Mama knows it’s time for an adventure! Together Mama and Zayla discover how sunrises and dancing, green peppers and daffodils, kind words and loving hugs, are all reminders of God’s glory around us every day.
We’re so excited for this adorable and much-needed message to get into your hands!
Order your copy today . . . and leave a comment below for a chance to WIN one of 5 copies*!
Then join Becky Keife for a conversation with Dorina this weekend on the (in)courage podcast. Don’t miss it!
Listen to today’s article at the player below or wherever you stream podcasts.
My daughter has started a Little Free Library, and this book would be a great addition. She is always looking for multicultural stories to include and inspire young readers. Of course, I would read it first. We too are Glory chasers.
I love that idea! Thanks for sharing!
And we do not have to chase long or far…for His glory is all around us! We just have to know how to look for it! This book looks like such a sweet way to teach my grandchildren (and to remind myself) how to chase after His glory. I can’t wait to read it!
I would be so honored if you shared this with your grandkids!
What a sweet message! I find children’s messages to be so helpful to this old gal more than the adult messages I hear on Sunday mornings! Thank you.
It’s true! This message is good for kids of all ages! 😉
I know I will love this story of glory- chasing. As a mom of two and a Sunday school teacher, I always find God’s glory such a fascinating term to describe. I am ordering one copy for my church library now.
Thanks for sharing my book with your church! Grateful!
I am excited to get this book to share with my grandchildren! It was the theme of my quiet time today!
Perfect! Appreciate you sharing!
What a beautiful story you have and how the word glory has and is all around us. This book would be an awesome one for my grandchildren to have and know that there is glory everywhere and that God is glory!
I would love for you to share this with your sweet grandkids!
Hi Everyone,
I am the mother of three daughters. It’s wonderful to be reminded of those quiet times (mostly in my carpooling days) when no one could escape my hugs and smiles while I told interesting short stories to get my points across to my girls. I would usually start by saying, all buckled in our seatbelts? Then I would say something like, “let’s make this ride interesting.” My youngest daughter, Vanessa, caught on quickly to my agenda. Smile
She wouldn’t immediately say “no thank you mom” but she would listen quietly with much thought and then pose her version of things slightly differently. I would laugh and say, “ well, let’s really make this ride interesting.” Still influencing my child to choose the best outcome with a reward. Smile
“Chasing God’s Glory” sounds refreshing and rewarding for our children and reminders to the parents, grandparents and caregivers. I look forward to getting my hands on this book real soon.
Enjoy your day and keep your smile in place.
I love you all.
A Mother With A Plan
Love this, Brenda. You sound like a fun mom.
I love a mama with a plan! Love hearing how you engage your children!
I love this! I’m happy more books like this are coming into the world. I wrote a book titled God and Me at the Sea (Kregel), which also has an intimate feel, like yours. Praying for more and more books in the world like these. Kids need to know how joyful seeking God can be – how rewarding and beautiful and pure! God bless you and your books. I will make sure to request this one at my local library .
Thanks so much, Shelley! Requesting the books at the library is such a help!
I love this! As a mom, I don’t think there was anything I wanted more than for my children to chase after God’s glory and to know Him intimately. “Glory” is not static; it’s active. The verbs you use, challenge me to discover, hunt, chase, and reflect God’s glory. Today, let me be about tracing and reflecting His glory even when the moments are challenging.
Yes, Bev! I’m with you! We have to choose to seek His glory and reflect it each day!
Thank you for this message. I needed to hear this and I am so excited to take this to my grandchildren. Looking forward to getting this book and sharing it with my littles. As I was reading this I had another thought, that during my day I need to be more mindful to recognize God’s glory but I am going to reflect on those things as the end of the day. Maybe write those down in a journal or on a piece of paper and daily put them in a jar. At the end of the year, pull them out and reflect on God’s glory found and noticed, throughout the past year.
Writing down your glory sightings at the end of the day is a wonderful idea! Thanks for sharing the book with your grandkids!
Love this! I want to chase God’s glory too!
I am a former preschool teacher at Christian setting for 26 years, now care for the 3 grands and may soon be back in the teaching life again as the grands grow and do not need the all day care. I have so MANY Christian books, but never too many! Love this theme… Chasing God’s Glory! It’s every where, reminding us of the MULTITUDE of blessings He ABUNDANTLY provides us with each and every day! Thank you
Lord, help me to see Your glory around me today.
Wow! What a beautiful example of someone who has struggled but kept going, all the while looking for God’s Glory. I’m trying to figure out who I could give this book to, as my children and grandchildren are grown!
It’s beautiful! Thank you
I love this! I always stop and take a moment to thank God for the beautiful sky, flowers, water, etc so I guess I’m a glory chaser too! I try to point it out to others also. This book would be perfect for my 5 year old grandson to help remind him God’s glory is everywhere and always with us.
You are definitely a glory chaser, sister!
I love the premise of your book! I try to appreciate God’s gifts every day especially in nature. I guess I never thought of it as chasing God’s glory though! Now I have a whole new way of approaching it. Sometimes I think my children and grandchildren tire of me mentioning how beautiful the flowers, trees, or even the snow is, but I keep the comments flowing. Now I’ll remind them that I’m chasing God’s glory and hopefully this new spin on things will have them doing it too!
Thank you!
Yes, you are leading them to chase His glory too!
I love the way you express this idea of seeing God’s glory all around us. Here on the Florida Panhandle, our pines develop crosses on top every spring, right before Easter. I love that reminder of God’s glory. It reminds me to look up often.
I would love to win this for my church and read it to our Sunday School children!!
I would love for you to share it with them! Thanks!
Thank you for the reminder and challenge to discover and reflect God’s glory anytime anywhere. Reminds me of 2 Corinthians 3:18
“And we all, with unveiled faces, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”
One of my favorite verses about glory! Thanks for sharing!
This looks like a wonderful book to read with my grandchildren!
This sounds like just what I need and to share with others: a reminder to chase after God’s glory.
I am blessed with nine grandchildren and two great-grands!! What precious souls that God has entrusted me to share Jesus with and guide them to know Jesus! I can’t think of anything better to give the new great-grands this Easter than this book “Glory Chaser”!
I am excited to order it for them.. thank you for your wonder work in this children’s ministry!!
Debbie! Thanks for sharing this with all your grands! What a gift!
Dorina I don’t want to win the book. It does sound a wonderful book. Chasing God’s Glory. I have no kids. I would know someone to give to. But allow you give it to someone you like. We see God’s Glory every day when he wakes us to enjoy another day in his beautiful world. No matter who we are. Should it be a baby toddler kid or an adult. No matter what the weather doing we can see the beauty in every thing we look at. Like the sky the birds the trees and after it been raining sometimes. We get to see the beautiful Rainbow and all it’s beautiful colours. Then we get to see the grass and if we live in a place like me we have fields all around us. In those fields we can see sheep and cows etc. Plus like me have water and see the swans and ducks. All their pretty colours. Plus all the flower like daffodils that grow up in the forests. Plus all the other pretty flowers. All this is to me is chasing God glory of the beauty of his world. That he wakes us up that can see to enjoy every day. That we take for granted. It reminds me of song I learnt at Sunday School when small. It reminds me that he our God made this world and that he got me and you in his hands too. It is. “He Got The Whole World In His Hands And In His Hands He Got Me And You Brother” how true that song is. He has us in his hands and the whole world. As he made the world our Lord. As it tell us that in his word the Bible. In Genesis 1 v 1. So we’re Chasing God’s Glory every we look. We have to thank God for the beauty of it and waking us up every day to enjoy it. I say Amen to that. Thank you Dorina for todays reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Thanks for reading and resonating, Dawn!
I hope to be a glory-chaser! My husband and I are in the adoption process and would love to begin to build our little one’s library with this beautiful faith-centered children’s book.
My heart swells thinking about your little one with this book!
What a sweet, simple, amazing way to teach our children and remind ourselves of God’s perfect glory that’s all around us!
I love this! It feels familiar, like always thankful, but with more passion! I would love to read this to my grandson 🙂
I would love for you to share it with him!
This is an awesome way to show children God’s glory in a beautiful and exciting manner. God bless you and your children.
Thanks to you, Debra! I love showing kids of all ages His glory!
Will read it first! Had Glory as my “word for a year” a few years ago, but could use it every year, forever, as His glory is never ending. Plan to give this copy to the grandchild of a friend.
It’s so true! Glory was my word of the year and now it’s a lifetime pursuit!
Such a powerful book for teaching and shaping the hearts, minds, and souls of children everywhere!
Thank you for that encouragement!
In 2020, when we experienced the Pandemic, my husband and I began taking more walks in our neighborhood. It was during that time that I noticed and appreciated more the Glory of God’s creation – the flowers, the blueness of the sky, the lawns beginning to green. In my busy life before the Pandemic, I saw these things but didn’t really notice. I am happy to say at that point, I truly became a Glory Chaser!
This sounds like a wonderful project!! Would love a copy for my granddaughters!
Congratulations on yet another book! It will bless many a young family! What a unique idea being a glory chaser. Like you I need to train my brain & eyes to look for & see God’s marvelous glory all around me. It can be hard sometimes when all seems dark & dreary. Recounting the times & trials He has brought me through helps to know that He is working on my behalf now-even if I can’t see it right away. Reciting Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you.” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you & not for harm. To give you a hope & a future.” Is yet another tool.
Sending a “how are you?” text, phone call or a simple smile & hey are ways to share God’s glory with others. I volunteer with Loaves & Fishes food bank. When handing out meals I often tell them God bless you-praying for you. That means so much to them. It shows that people really do care for them. Sometimes people tell us their stories & we pray for them right there. It’s in the little details that make the biggest difference. Count me as a glory chaser!!
Blessings 🙂
Thank you for sharing a difficult story of your loss and grief “But God”… That is what I add when sharing my loss thru divorce. I also raised 3 kids alone , with often no money BUT GOD always provided for us in creative ways. For example, a friend who spent hours teaching me how to buy and prepare meals cheaply; my Bible Study providing gift cards and cash and prayers to heal my broken heart; my church giving a new bike for my daughter; my sons getting scholarships for school and clothing. Chasing God’s Glory, seeing His path through!
Thank you for sharing a difficult story of your loss and grief “But God”… That is what I add when sharing my loss thru divorce. I also raised 3 kids alone , with often no money BUT GOD always provided for us in creative ways. For example, a friend who spent hours teaching me how to buy and prepare meals cheaply; my Bible Study providing gift cards and cash and prayers to heal my broken heart; my church giving a new bike for my daughter; my sons getting scholarships for school and clothing. Chasing God’s Glory, seeing His path through!