If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who “worry their prayers” are like wind-whipped waves. Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.
James 1:5-8 (The Message)
These might be some of the most relief-giving words in the Bible. “If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help.” So often in life we don’t know what we’re doing! We don’t know what we’re doing with our career, with parenting a difficult child, with finding the right treatment for a daunting diagnosis. We don’t know how to help a friend understand our perspective or how to move forward from past trauma.
What Scripture is assuring us today is that it’s okay not to know! Because God is here to help.
The NIV translation says it this way, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5).
Raise your hand if you’re lacking wisdom today. Ask God for what you need! He is so kind, generous, and faithful to give it.
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Thank you incourage for today reading need it. We need wisdom. Not to be afraid to ask for it in prayer like Solomon did in the Bible. God love to hear us in speaking to him in prayer. So as he can help us. If we have a need take to the Lord in prayer. Through his Holy Spirit he will speak to us tell us what to do. Like a child who goes to his Mother or Father for advice. They tell them what the need like a prayer. The child’s Mother or Father gives them the best answers they can become they love us. Our Heavenly Father does the same when we go to him in prayer. Because he loves us too. But if we are honest I be honest here at times when I need wisdom in the past or God advice about something. I have not sot it. I taken my own advice or someone else’s. It sometimes not been right or it been wrong. I said why didn’t I go to God in prayer first. Now I learning to go God in prayer first. God said to once or twice. Dawn you had to learn the hard way by not going to me in prayer first. God has given me then a word I looked it up it has helped me. I had to say sorry to God for not doing it in the past. God has said Dawn I forgive you. Love today reading it has help me. Keeping you in prayer. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx ♥️
In Courage,
I love the book of James. It is filled with so much everyday wisdom. People believe that only “big, important” trials should be prayed about. God cares about every aspect of our lives. Having minor aches & pains, child has test coming up, have job interview then pray. God wants nothing more than to communicate with His Children. He will answer those prayers in His perfect timing. Don’t worry about what to say or using fancy words. God wants honest earnest prayers. The kind children pray.
Blessings 🙂
P.S. Going to see orthopedic doc this week about trigger finger. Plus had good interview for job I really want last week. Should know results mid week. Prayers please for both! Thanks
Beth, I will be praying about your finger and the new job! And I always enjoy reading your comments! They are so sincere and heartfelt! I read a few comments back that you live in Tennessee! I too, live in TN! In Kingsport! And my maiden name is Williams! Isn’t it amazing how our paths have crossed through InCourage! Blessings for your prayers to be answered!! Sending you a hug, dear TN neighbor and Sister in Christ!
I think I’d be worried if I felt like I knew what I was doing…lol.
Amen Kimmie! I could do nothing successfully or otherwise, without my Lord and Savior’s guidance and help! Remember the old hymn…
Take It To The Lord Prayer!
Have a happy and blessed day!
I find this all so confusing! I want to pray believing, and I do… but I want to pray leaving “all options on the table” too, because I realize God’s will may not be my own and I just want to be obedient! I pray daily for my will to come into alignment with God’s. Again, I just want to get it right (for once).
My problem is so
Complex & the brokenness in our family is so complicated & severe I wonder how God himself can fix these issues. With the faith of a mustard seed I give them to Him & pray for healing
I do understand, have similar concern for very dysfunctional family members, some grandchildren who are special needs and just so much that only God can help with. I am desperately wanting and needing His help and thanking Him for sustaining me thus far. I pray that you will see His hand of deliverance soon.
thank you ❤️
Beth I will pray for your Finger for God healing and if it God will you will get the job. If not you get the Job God will want you to get. Psalm 103 verse 3. God gave me for your finger. Dear God be with Beth Finger heal completely. You are God of miracles. Nothing is impossible for you. I am believing you for complete healing for Beth Finger. I believe it is healed in your precious name. By the stripes of Jesus Beth Finger is healed. No matter what why you heal it should it be through you direct or treatment. It will be healed and Heath will stand on that verse for it also. Plus Lord you have your will to do with job. If it your will she will get the job. You help Beth not to worry. Know you are with her in everything. I ask this and believe it for Beth in your precious name. Amen. Love Dawn Fermanagh N. Ireland xx