For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
Psalm 139:13–14
How amazing is it that you’re here today? The Scripture from Psalm 139 rings with such truth. God has a plan for you and for your life. You are not here by mistake! You were fearfully and wonderfully made. You have great worth! But when others’ opinions creep in, they can make you feel unworthy. It’s easy to find your worth in what others think of you or what they say to you. When you let their opinions or words define you, it breaks you down. This is when the negativity and pain creep in, telling you that you aren’t worthy of happiness, love, and more.
When you start to hear those negative words creep in, hit the PAUSE button. Your worth shouldn’t be found in what others say or think. You are a child of God, born for so many amazing purposes. Don’t let others define you. Don’t let the worry, the comparison, the mean words break down something perfectly curated from above. We all can have bad days, and cruel critics try to fill voids in their own lives by breaking others down.
Remember that they are broken people; instead of fighting back, choose to pray. Ask God to soften their hearts, and pray that they learn to know Him as you do! Often we can think up false truths in our mind of how others perceive us, fueled by our own insecurities, and the evil one knows what those are and reminds us of them. First Peter 5:8 says, “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” Know the source, question when these pop up in your mind, and ask yourself if God would really say that about you. In all of these situations, know your worth isn’t found in these things but in how God sees you! And He loves you just the way you are.
Cling to Him and hold strong, knowing that you are worthy.
Repeat after me: “I am who He says I am. I am a child of God. God has amazing plans for me! I am not what others say or what the negative thoughts say I am, but I am a child of God. He loves me, He knitted me in my mother’s womb, and I am loved. I am worthy!”
Thoughts of the future can quickly bring us anxiety or discomfort, simply because so much is outside of our control. In Go For It! Boldly Live the Life God Created for You, author Melissa Horvath poses the important question: What if we fully trusted the One who does have control? Throughout this book, readers will be deeply encouraged by the reality that God will fulfill His purpose — which means that they can boldly live the life that God has uniquely carved out for them. This book is for all those who want to leave fear behind and step courageously into the future God has lovingly prepared for each one of us!
This new devotional will empower and encourage you to live the life God created for you. Go For It will inspire you to be the best version of yourself, encourage you with uplifting thoughts, help you focus on the good things God has already given you, reveal His promises for your life, and show you how to boldly live them out in your daily life. Designed with 90 devotions to help you go for it, each devotion begins with a Scripture passage followed by an inspirational message to challenge and encourage you in your work, life, and faith. Devotions end with engaging questions to help you apply the spiritual and practical principles as you partner with God to boldly live each day empowered and equipped by Him.
Order your copy of Go For It! today . . . and leave a comment below for a chance to WIN one of 5 copies*!
Then join Becky Keife for a conversation with Melissa this weekend on the (in)courage podcast. Don’t miss it!
Listen to today’s article at the player below or wherever you stream podcasts.
Much needed words at a perfect time! 1 John4:16
Yes! I need this mantra (and the book)!
“I am who He says I am. I am a child of God. God has amazing plans for me! I am not what others say or what the negative thoughts say I am, but I am a child of God. He loves me, He knitted me in my mother’s womb, and I am loved. I am worthy!”
Thank you for this devotional! It was very timely and needed for me!
Thank you Melissa for these encouraging words – “I am who He says I am. I am a child of God. God has amazing plans for me! I am not what others say or what the negative thoughts say I am, but I am a child of God. He loves me, He knitted me in my mother’s womb, and I am loved. I am worthy!”
So needed today!
Thank you for the opportunity to win this book.
God is my strength and with Him I will not fear. thank you for the wonderful message. Elaine Sohlo
Thank you for reminding us who we are. I needed it this morning!
Great post! Is the book available on audible or any listening app?
Great book! Love the audibook!! I
Thank you. I’ve always said that it’s really none of our business what others think and say about us, but oh, it’s so much easier to say that than to actually live it out. I need to leave fear behind and live more boldly, this sounds like an amazing devotional.
How true — the enemy knows our Achilles heel and will go after it all the time in an attempt to steal our knowledge of our self worth. All the more reason we need to be in God’s word which reminds us of Whose we are.
Melissa, I have no words but thank you for this much needed reminder! Bless you!
WOW! I NEEDED THAT! So much of those thoughts have been going on with me lately. Thank you for the reminder!
Thank you for such a timely devotion. After losing my fiancé two years ago, I still find myself
wondering about my purpose and plan. This book and daily devotions will help me to stay in God’s Word and to keep my thoughts on Him instead of earthly things.
I’m preparing to move overseas so this book sounds like it would be encouraging in this transition!
This is so needed and sounds wonderful. Speaking God’s Truths over our insecurities!
Oh how I needed this today. I quit my paralegal job in December after almost 34 years with the same company. I had a good job. I did a good job. I loved the people but when the company was bought out and there were overwhelming and impossible expectations and new management, I couldn’t do it anymore. My husband and I prayed and he encouraged me to quit . I have just started looking for another opportunity and really haven’t found anything yet. The devil tells me I am not valuable. I am a quitter. I am worthless. No one will hire me. But God tells me (as you say in your devotion), I am fearfully and wonderfully made and I am worthy and valuable. He called me into the speaking and writing ministries 23 years ago and maybe that is just where He wants me to focus now. Only He knows and time will tell. Thank you for this much-needed reminder that I am a child of the King.
You hit the nail on the head with this one. The devil knows just where & when to attack us. I feel the devil has held me long enough. I’m ready to go to my war room & fight for my own self-worth. I am who God says I am. A child of Almighty God loved & cherished by Him. Need to remind myself daily of those truths.
Blessings 🙂
I needed to hear this today!
Thank you for the reminder of Who to listen to. I would like to be stronger in my faith and acting on it. Thank you for reminding me to go for it. I hope this book will help me and others. God bless.
This book is exactly what I needed today. Having a rough day at work and this gave me the pick me up I needed. Would love a copy of this book
Abba Father, Please walk with Jennifer as she is having a tough day at work. Guide & direct her steps. Send your unfailing love & grace to her. Help her to have better days. Bless ALL her endeavors.
Blessings 🙂
Sounds like an inspiring book. My soul could use some refreshing. Thank you.
Great post. This sounds like the perfect book for me! I am usually afraid to “boldly” live out my life.
So looking forward to this. Super excited!!!!
Thank you for this! I needed to hear it today!
This sounds like the perfect devotional for me! Though I know I’m saved and daily receive Gods Grace, I never feel adequate. Never enough. Never enough for my family, never enough for my job, never enough for my friends. I know my Jesus holds me, without him I’d be nothing. I desire to be confident and bold, maybe this book could help me be enough.
This is true. We should believe in ourselves as God created us wonderfully and beautifully. We should have faith in God, His purpose for our lives will be fulfilled iJn. Let’s hold on to faith. Thank you
Most often, those closest to us witness our meltdowns and broken places firsthand. Sometimes, they love us and encourage us through these moments of weakness and failure. Other times, the enemy of our soul uses them to reinforce all that we are not. Then we can allow shame’s roots to strangle our already hurting heart. Hurting, because we are not what we want to be as God’s daughter. Yet in these seasons of being less than we were created to be, God’s arms are open wide saying, “Don’t give up. Try again tomorrow. You are my beloved child.”
I would love to win a copy for my 13 yr old granddaughter who is finding middle School tough to navigate. She is listening to and believing lies about herself. I will be sharing “You Have Great Worth” devotional you emailed me this weekend and be praying that God prepares her wounded heart for the truth she will be reading
Morning! So often the church tells individuals with mental illness or intellectual disabilities they are not worthy. In fact most churches don’t even reach out to these folks. God has uniquely designed each person and part of our responsibility is to make sure those with disabilities feel accepted and appreciated by those who call themselves Christians.
Fear and our inner critic rob us of moving forward and sometimes contribute to disobedience to the Lord. Go For It sounds like a wonderful devotional book and definitely one I want to invest in!
Thank you for the article.
Psalm 139 has been a repeated theme for me of late. Such an important truth to shape our daily perspective. Thanks
What a fantastic title. Nike has just do it ; however, where’s the encouragement? This title makes me believe I CAN DO IT, whatever it is
This message is exactly what I needed to hear, thank you!
Just listened to today’s podcast –
From Him, through me, to you… This is so helpful in so many ways. Thank you for sharing all your wisdom and faith insights!