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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. I love the Psalms and I’m enjoying this series. Another reason to look forward to Saturdays!

  2. This is probably my favorite song. What a blessed assurance we have, knowing that jesus is ours, and that he is the vine dresser and he is the one that helps us to bear good fruit. Fruit that we cannot blossom into on our own, but for His glory. Thanks be to God!

  3. This encouraged me. At 68 and learning to live as a widowed woman, I do trust God fully but I need renewed purpose. God lovingly continues to fully provide for all my needs. I want to spend more time rejoicing in His love and less time “wandering,” waiting for His guidance in my journey. I would appreciate prayer for guidance and renewed hope.

    • Oh Joy, I am sorry to hear that you are now a window…I still have my husband and I will be 68 this year and still I can so relate to where you are and how you are feeling. My husband works long hours in the golf business (especially during the summer) and I see everyone going and doing all those summertime things and I have become stuck! Wishing and longing for a purpose, but feel so alone in the waiting. I will pray for you, dear sister in Christ. May God send you sweet blessings of renewed hope and purpose soon! Your words touched my heart and soul today!

      • Also, sorry about misspelling “widow!”
        My brain and fingers sometimes don’t work so well!

    • Joy,

      Abba Father, Give Joy a renewed purpose. Show her how you can still use her. Send renewed hope, love & joy to her. Bring people into her life that can be a blessing to her. Shower her with blessings on blessings on blessings on blessings. In Jesus Name AMEN!

  4. In Courage,

    Loved this: Life’s droughts and storms can’t stop Him from bringing forth His miraculous work in and through us. There are times when we are the blessing to others. Times in storms when we are the ones being blessed. I have been in both situations. Now that a lot of my storms have passed I can be the blessing to many. Volunteering at Loaves & Fishes Food Bank is one way to do that. I help prepare, box & hand out meals or food boxes one day a week. It puts my life into perspective & I know many are blessed & some have come to Christ.

    Blessings 🙂