Show us your faithful love, Lord,
and give us your salvation.
I will listen to what God will say;
surely the Lord will declare peace
to his people, his faithful ones,
and not let them go back to foolish ways.
His salvation is very near those who fear him,
so that glory may dwell in our land.
Faithful love and truth will join together;
righteousness and peace will embrace.
Truth will spring up from the earth,
and righteousness will look down from heaven.
Also, the Lord will provide what is good,
and our land will yield its crops.
Righteousness will go before him
to prepare the way for his steps.
Psalm 85:7-13
“How many times have I told you?”
“Why should I believe you when you’ve said the same thing before?”
“Don’t you remember how nice I was to you today? And then you do this?”
“I’m done! I mean it. This is it. I can’t take anymore.”
I’ve said these words. I’ve said them so many times I couldn’t begin to keep track of their frequency, much less their effectiveness. For all their use, you might assume they must do the job. Those searing sentences must cut their recipients to the quick, poking them right in the conscience, right in the deepest part of their hearts. Clearly, my word-arrows strike their targets and initiate repentance and change.
Right? Because if I keep saying these things, it must be because doing so accomplishes something important. Not so much.
Over the past few years, I’ve realized that I am guilty of loving conditionally. As my daughter has grown older and my marriage has grown stronger, I’ve been forced to face head-on some of the challenges I bring to my most dear relationships — and one of the biggest is the ball of strings I have tied to my love.
Looking in the mirror is hard, friends. It’s hard when my jeans are tight or my face is broken out, and it’s hard when my sinful nature is shining brightly through the cracks. It’s hard when I see the expectations I place on people I call beloved, when I see the score sheet I keep against the very people on my team, and it’s hard when I realize how far short my love falls from the love our Father gives us so freely.
In Psalm 85, the author begs God for forgiveness, for another chance, for one more redemption story. He’s remembering all the times God has forgiven His people completely, and he’s believing that God will do it once again. God promises that He will, and our God is faithful, as the psalmist says.
He will forgive us every time, and no matter what, He will love us with unfailing love.
Today, I am thankful for God’s faithful love and the example He gives us in loving unconditionally. When I read through the Old Testament and into the Psalms, I can’t help but shake my head at the Israelites — those fickle, faithless Israelites, who I might have more in common with than I want to admit. Yet God never shakes His head at me. He never shouts in exasperation, “How many times have I told you?” and He never, ever says, “I’m done.”
Thank You, God, for Your faithful love. Teach me to love faithfully too.
Are you placing strings on your love? To whom do you need to offer grace or forgiveness? Do you need to accept God’s faithful love? It’s right here for you, no strings attached.
This devotion is by Mary Carver, published in the (in)courage Devotional Bible. It has been edited from its original form.
On Saturdays this summer, we’re sharing our favorite Psalms + several devotions from the (in)courage Devotional Bible. We’re loving our summer Saturdays (in) the Psalms with you!
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Yes, I am 100% guilty of needing God’s forgiveness over and over again every single day. Yes, I seem to act like the Israelites in the Wilderness (as stated in our Bible) and I am complaining in my head and I am forgetting the blessings that have already been afforded to me. Why do we act this way? Why do we love each other with strings attached? God sets the example of “no strings” attached, so are we acting more like our enemy? Do we trick ourselves into believing that we are treating one another just like we want to be treated? Yes, we are deceiving ourselves very often. Luke 6:21 (I hope this is correct) states that we should treat others as we want to be treated. I really enjoy and believe in “kindness” this is how I want to be treated and how I want to treat others. Lord, please help me be kind to others with “no strings” attached.
Our immediate family members know so much about our personalities and we can’t hide from them. We need to ask God to help us start at home loving by example as Jesus taught us. Let’s pray about everything so that we won’t sin by worrying about life. I’m so sorry for the grief or pain I may have caused my immediate family members over our growing up years. I can pray for guidance to learn to love well (without strings attached).
Thank You Lord for teaching me to run to You for everything I need in life and for evaluating my heart to remove the wrong things in my heart.
Your Sister in Christ
Oh my, how this struck a nerve for me! My prayer is, Oh God, have mercy on me! I am completely undone but also so encouraged by your words.
A difficult but important reminder. Thank you for reminding me that it isn’t just a luxury but a necessity to marinate in God’s love for me first since I can’t give what I don’t have. May our Heavenly Father help us better understand how we are loved and help us better love those around us!
Guilty as charged. I need to love my husband & God more unconditionally. Neither deserves any harshness from me. God has been so faithful to me. Forgiving me over & over again. That’s why I’m loving Chris Tomlin’s “Thank You Lord”. Here is the third & fourth verses plus chorus that speak volumes to me:
Thank You Lord for the hard times For lighting the way in the dark times For pulling me in, forgiving again
The times that I took it too far, I gotta thank You for keeping me humble For picking me up when I stumble
And although I change, You stay the same And I don’t say thank You enough
For my mama, for my friends For Your love that never ends For the songs that make us dance On this ol’ dirt floor
For my babies, for my girl For the way they changed my world (changed my world)
Waking up today Yeah, I just gotta say Thank You Lord
I just wanna say Thank You Lord (oh yeah)
Praise up Eyes closed One thing I know I just wanna thank You Lord, thank You Lord (thank You Lord)
Blessings 🙂
What reassurance of HIS LOVE
Oh boy… and ouch ☹️ Thank you so much for this, Mary. Oh man… I’m going to have to bookmark this and read it often.