Praise the Lord, my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord, my soul,
and forget not all his benefits—
who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
Psalm 103:1-5
Some of the best conversations with my kids happen at bedtime. The thoughts and feelings tumbling around in their young minds and hearts tend to surface in the slow quiet of evening, and I’m always surprised by what’s on their mind or how they’re processing events of the day.
After a day filled with lots of highs and a few lows, one of my daughters sighed with gratitude in her two-year-old lisp, “Today was such a fun day!”
Content, she fell asleep. Only ten minutes later, I sat with another one of my young kids who had stubbed his toe, and the conclusion on the day was quite different: “Today was the worst day ever!” How like us to forget the heaps of happiness we’ve experienced when we encounter something unfavorable. Human nature tends toward negativity. Complaining, contrasting, and competing come naturally.
Perhaps that is why God told the Israelites throughout the Old Testament, “Remember!” On numerous occasions, God commanded the Israelites to build altars, signs, or symbols as a means to help them remember who God is and what He had done, and these signs were to serve also as a prompt to teach and remind their children about God (Joshua 4).
Remembering builds our faith.
We will face moments throughout life when we feel overwhelmed, confused, conflicted, or hurt. We might not know how to make it through the day, what is coming tomorrow, or the grand plan for our future. We might feel worried, afraid, or out of control, but even then, we must remember. We must preach to ourselves and stir up worship inside of us and remember what we know:
God is for me.
He loves me.
He has chosen me.
He will provide for all my needs.
Nothing is too difficult for Him.
Nothing can separate me from His love.
God is good, working all things for my good and His glory.
I can rest in Him because I can trust Him.
Through remembering, we open our eyes to see God — who He is and how He works — and set our minds on things above (Colossians 3:2). As believers, we must renew our minds daily (Romans 12:2) and think about things that are excellent, lovely, and worthy of praise (Philippians 4:8-9).
Believers, we must remember.
Remember God’s deeds. Remember His character. Remember the gracious benefits He gives to His people. Do not forget. Remember!
This devotion is by Erika Dawson, as published in the (in)courage Devotional Bible. It has been edited from its original form.
On Saturdays this summer, we’re sharing our favorite Psalms + select devotions from the (in)courage Devotional Bible. We’re loving our summer Saturdays (in) the Psalms with you!
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AMEN! I needed this today, “Remember” is what The Lord has been laying on my heart lately!
Thank you for this wonderful reminder! I am fighting my thoughts about all the evil that is going on around us, instead of thinking on all the lovely things of God! I so need to give my anger to God and remember all His benefits! Bless you! I needed this today!
Dear Kathy,
Read Philippians 4:4-8. Saint Paul presents us with a perfect remedy for living in a stressful world. We can rejoice in the Lord even when many around us are confused, overwhelmed or lost. If we only do as it is written we are promised peace of soul, heart and mind so deep it is unfathomable. If we will focus our thought on just eight (8) qualities, we are promised protection for our hearts and minds through Jesus Christ. WOW.
You know I need this and that lovely song came to my as I read today reading. “As The Deer Pants For The Water Oh My Soul Long For You You Along Are My Hearts Desire.” You get the full version on YouTube How true that song is no matter what we go through in life we have to always have a soul that longs after you no matter what we go through. Singing songs like that and reading God’s words builds our faith no matter what we go through. Even if we go through a bad day. Wondering how will get through it and how will we get through the next day. God will help us get through it. As it say in Kids song I also know. It goes “Be Bold Be Strong For The Lord Your God Is With You” You get the Whole version on YouTube. How true that is too. Remembering God is with us he never leave us. We have to trust even when we don’t see him at work especially if we have prayed asked him to help us. We still have to keep our faith and trust knowing God is working on our behalf and might not answer as quickly as we like be he will answer in his own time. We will get the answers in God timing not out. We look back one day say yes God was there. When God does answer we have to remember not to forget to thank him for answering us. If God doesn’t answer us. It becomes what we ask God knew it was not good for us. We had to believe God new best not give it to us. At the time we might not agree wit Good. But down the line we see God was right. Even when we were going through the something like a job interview because the job we where in we felt we wanted out. Because we had enough. God wants us to stay because he knows it best for. Our work out the problems we are going through. Being there with problems in the past and with Jobs I wanted out of I thought in the past. Then I stuck the job out and saw God was right in both. Looking back at all now. It has built my faith to trust God more. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Yes, much needed reminder at such a time as this. Thank you and bless all in the in courage community.
“God is for me.
He loves me.
He has chosen me.
He will provide for all my needs.
Nothing is too difficult for Him.
Nothing can separate me from His love.
God is good, working all things for my good and His glory.
I can rest in Him because I can trust Him.”
I might print these out to put in my classroom this year!
In Courage,
This is so me: Human nature tends toward negativity. Complaining, contrasting, and competing come naturally. There was a season when I would be going & doing activities all the time. Felt the need to be doing God’s work & giving back to Him. Last fall my job changed drastically. My complaining & negativity scale went up (way up). I began feeling more tired, needing down time, & I’m a bit older. Consciously I cut back on those activities. Even changed churches to one much closer to my home. When negativity hits me I make a thankful list. Everything from sins forgiven, Home in Heaven, Salvation to home, job, paper towels & paper clips are on it. My list can include 200+ items. Also make a list of trials God has gotten me through like my parents dementia & gero psych issues. Writing those out helps remind me of God’s faithfulness & goodness towards me.
Currently loving Chris Tomin’s song “Thank you Lord”. It is played on rewind in my mind & on my car stereo daily as a praise to God. Reminding me to Thank God for everything. The third & fourth verses speak volumes to me: Thank You Lord for the hard times For lighting the way in the dark times For pulling me in, forgiving again The times that I took it too far, I
Gotta thank You for keeping me humble For picking me up when I stumble And although I change, You stay the same
And I don’t say thank You enough
For my mama, for my friends For Your love that never ends For the songs that make us dance On this ol’ dirt floor
For my babies, for my girl For the way they changed my world (changed my world) Waking up today
Yeah, I just gotta say Thank You Lord I just wanna say Thank You Lord (oh yeah)
Praise up Eyes closed One thing I know I just wanna thank You Lord, thank You Lord (thank You Lord)
Praise up Eyes closed One thing I know I just wanna thank You Lord, thank You Lord
Blessings 🙂
Thank you. The Holy Spirit has been reminding me of what a miracle my youngest brother is. You see, he has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and thyroid cancer. His body is also fighting an infection that appears to be resistant to antibiotics. Quint, my brother was very tiny at birth, and was not expected to survive. His first 5 or 6 weeks were spent in an incubator. HIS VERY SURVIVAL IS A MIRACLE. My family is agnostic (at best) and I am sending him DaySpring emails almost daily. I am asking God for another miracle for Quint. I would also like him to read these emails because they contain the food his soul needs. Everyone needs to reflect back at the answered prayers and miracles in their life.