Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24
One summer morning, we accidentally got to the library eight minutes early. On the surface this doesn’t seem like a big deal . . . but with three spirited boys, eight extra minutes can feel like eight hours. At the time, my sons were seven, six, and four — the perfect ages for high curiosity and low impulse control. As we entered the small outer foyer and I realized the main library wasn’t open yet, low-grade panic set in. My kids were not cut from the “sit still and wait patiently” kind of cloth.
So they returned our bag full of books, slurped water from the drinking fountain, hid under the massive stairwell, and asked a gazillion questions. There was a trip to the bathroom and a thorough investigation of a row of cupboards foolishly void of padlocks. As the minutes inched on, more people joined us in the waiting vestibule. Staring eyes weren’t in short supply.
“Be aware of others. Stay near me. Quiet words, please,” I reminded them often.
My boys weren’t being bad. Just inquisitive, antsy, talkative, active kids. And after eight minutes, their mama was exhausted. When the clock struck ten, the large sliding glass doors finally opened. The small crowd slowly descended into the sanctuary of books. Jude jumped and Elias squealed and Noah started to sprint as I reminded them again to please walk and use inside voices.
An older woman who had been waiting nearby caught my eye. “It’s going to be a long summer,” she said.
“Yeah, it is,” I replied with a weak smile and a sigh.
Then her eyes brightened, and her smile warmed. “But you’re doing a great job. Thank you for being here,” she added.
I had braced myself for a stranger’s rebuke — parenting in public in the little years made me sweat with anxiety. But instead of judgment, I was met with the kindness of simple encouragement. All I could do was whisper thank you. She gave me a knowing nod and entered the library as I followed my sons — my back a bit straighter, my steps a bit lighter.
A small, unexpected thank you from a stranger. A word to make someone feel seen. Is there an easier gift of kindness to give?
So I pass on these sweet words to you: Thank you. Thank you for changing diapers and reading stories. Thank you for going to work and still making dinner when you’re dog-tired. Thank you for cheering at swim lessons and folding laundry and answering the billionth question to quench a little person’s curiosity. Thank you for helping your neighbor and listening to your coworker. Thanks for getting to church early to set up or staying late to tear down. Thanks for mentoring that teenager. Thanks for doing your mundane job with a smile. Thanks for putting one foot in front of the other.
Thank you for being you. No one else could fill your shoes.
TODAY: Choose someone to give the gift of simple encouragement.
Written by Becky Keife, adapted from The Simple Difference: How Every Small Kindness Makes a Big Impact
When the world’s problems loom large and your ordinary life stretches you thin, is it still possible to be a difference-maker? Absolutely! One small, intentional, extravagant act of kindness at a time. The Simple Difference: How Every Small Kindness Makes a Big Impact by Becky Keife will help you to stop getting buried in busyness and distraction and discover countless opportunities for impact right where you are.
Rather than trying to do more, learn how to see more: more of the people in front of you, more of God’s lavish love for you, and more of His power within you. Grab a copy of The Simple Difference now. We pray it blesses you.
Yes thank you for being Me. No one could fill my shoes. God me to be who I am and to be who he wants me to be. I don’t have kinds. Just not brave to ever have them. But was Registered Childminder for 19 years. I did so enjoy it. I did have like your kids Becky. Kids that never stopped from the minute they got up until they went to bed. They where all go and all business. I loved that and love at the same time to see them go home. To spend time with their Families and tell their Parents what they did in my house while they where are work. What fun they got up to. So as I go to rest and have relaxation to charge my batteries for them coming back the next day to me to enjoy more fun. We did learn all about Jesus in it as well. Psalty the singing song book came into the kids loved it. As well all the other fun stuff they did. I always encourage them to be themselves and thank God for everything and that they are all unique. God loves them so do I as well as their Parents their Mum and Dad. Thank God for their food at all meal times. Plus that their is no in the world like them. No has their own thoughts. No has their hair colour or eye colour etc. I used to sing that song Jesus Love me this I know for the Bible tell me so get the kids I look after to sing it too. Other kids Bible songs we sings too. To encourage them they are special and Loved. That God made the world. We sing that song He got the whole world in his hands. In his hands he got you and me Brother. I still sing the children songs to myself. Even though I not Childminding any more. Not brave enough to have kids of my own. I believe some of them are true for us as Adults today the words of them. They do encourage us as Adults as well as kids how to live right for Jesus. Love today’s reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Dawn, we’re so glad you’re here and you are YOU! God bless you today, sweet sister.
Sorry for the mistake meant to say not kind. Don’t have kids. Please forgive my mistake.
What a nice reminder of the power of our words. If only more people would speak up to provide those words. I pray for God to provide me the opportunity to impact another person today.
That’s my prayer today too, Susan.
Thank you! Becky, I will share this message of “simple encouragement” to my daughter. Mama bear to five children, including two teenagers, everyone one of them different, as God planned.
She would share ” the biggest surprise has been my teenage son. Although still helpful, he is soooo quiet and soooo moody!!!’
Blessings to “all you amazing mama bears” “grandma bears too! \0/
I guess we can throw some daddy’s and g-pa’s in the blessing too \0/
Janet, my three boys are not so little anymore and I now have a teenage son who sounds similar to your grandson. Beauty and challenges in every season of parenting! Thanks for being here and for the blessing. 🙂
Becky, what a word of nourishment that gal had for you. Loved this, “A small, unexpected thank you from a stranger. A word to make someone feel seen. Is there an easier gift of kindness to give?” Amen and amen!
Praising Adonai for your testimony. I carry Bible verse & faith stickers in my purse & I encourage others throughout my day. Only had few not want to look at the stack. To see someones eyes light up or brighten their day with a smile causes me to praise Jesus for all the joy He gives to me. I pray daily, “Lord give me an instructed tongue to know the words that will sustain the weary.”
How can you not want to encourage others who are downcast? I have heard it said it takes at least 15 words to overcome one negative word spoken over us. Words leave a lasting imprint on our hearts forever.
Praying our words bring the healing balm of Jesus to everyone we encounter on a daily basis. Praying each of us is richly encouraged through the kind words of others filling up our love tanks. We desperately need each other now more than ever.
What a beautiful prayer, Tanya. Thank YOU!
Even though my kids are all grown, I was encouraged by the sweet reminder of Proverbs 16:24. Thank you, Becky.
What a beautiful message! Thank you for the reminder and inspiration to pass along the gift of kindness in my words, and to see more opportunities to use kind words as a way to show Christ’s love. “Lord, open my eyes to see those opportunities” is my prayer. You have made a lovely difference in my life today!
Now more than ever people need encouragement. At work I will thank the EVS (cleaning crew) for doing a good job. Most of the time all they hear is what is wrong-negativity. I want to pour positivity into their work days. Dietary stockers hear my thanks also. Giving us the needed food for our patients. Central supply hears it also. They give the necessary supplies to help RNs & CNAs care for the patients & me to stock all the rooms.
You will see me encouraging patients in the ICU. if they are sitting in a chair or walking I applaud & say “hey you must be doing better”. Sometimes I will tell family God’s got this. He can heal your family. I will pray for you.
I want our sinful world to see the ight & love of Jesus.
Blessings 🙂