About the Author

Dorina is an author, speaker, teacher, foodie, and trail runner. She helps people chase God's glory down unexpected trails and flourish in their callings. Her latest books include Breathing Through Grief, Kailani's Gift & Chasing God's Glory. Dorina and her hubby Shawn are raising three courageous daughters in Central California.

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  1. Rest we all need. Otherwise we all burn out. Some people think we can go on all the time. Work work. Like my Dad don’t get me wrong. I love doing my Dad’s Home Help for him. Monday to Friday. But I knew I had to take time of to go on Holiday to rest back in June this year. My Dad wouldn’t have cared if I didn’t take the time of. As my Dad only instreasted in me coming every day Monday to Friday to do his Home Help that I do for him. My Dad kept saying when are you of and when will you be back. I knew my Dad was hitting that the Home Help would not be done as well as I do when as was of. I was right it took me longer when I went back to get my Dad’s back into shape again. But I had to switch of when on Holiday in June for the two weeks and no worry what my Dad house would be like what I got back. After the two weeks I was of. Rest in the Lord and charge my batteries. As if I not taken that time of. I knew I get that I be no good to my Dad my health would really suffer as tiredness would set in. I had to think of myself and be like our Lord he took time to rest after a busy day we see that in Mark 6 verse31 when Jesus said to his Disciples “Come aside by yourselves to deserted place and rest a while” For there were many coming and going and they did not even have time to eat. We could get we could be the same. So it is important for bodies to rest and eat as well to strengthen them as we need it. I so needed that time of in June. Even though my Dad would have had me stay on work work. I do his Home Help on to Love of the Lord and for the Love of my Dad. My Dad is elderly and believes me at 52 he is 82. I am still young and don’t need that much rest. I can do his Home Help and really don’t need it as I am young. I have the weekend to rest. But I need more than just two days at the weekends or I burnout. So I will in December take more time of then too. As to rest in the Lord. As I couldn’t go on without it. As my Dad thinks also it just a Holiday. If I told him it was just time of to rest do nothing like have a lie in or go for coffee. He say but you only take of if going on Holiday. Sure your doing nothing you don’t need the rest. Your still young. You still come help do my Home Help. See some older folks don’t see we all need time of to rest and charge our batteries they think we can even at 52 years old can go. They don’t see we get tired. I have to say no Dad I need time of to rest he not see it. People in Jesus day didn’t see it either. That way Jesus said “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest” Because we all need it. So as not to burn out. If I didn’t do that my I be no good to my Dad. Love today reading Dorina Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx

  2. The mental picture of the small tears in stressed muscles having good blood & nutrients rushed to them for healing, struck a chord for me. 6 days a week we work & stress & then we’re given the 7th day of worship & rest. God bathes our souls with His good blood to save us from our sins & He continues to nourish & heal our stress points through His Word, Fellowship & Prayer. May we not take for granted keeping The Sabbath for His glory AND our good! Blessings (((0)))

  3. Thanks, Dorina for the reminder! I have this note on my refrigerator:
    STOP PAUSE WAIT I will now add REST !

  4. I am glad you were able to take some time to rest. To get perspective. To slow down. To enjoy life differently. What a gift. Thank you for sharing with us today.

    • It’s actually hard to take time for rest but so meaningful for our bodies and souls! I hope others will give themselves permission to step into God’s design for us!

  5. Thanks for this, Dorina. In June I retired from a 39-year career with only a break five years ago for unexpected surgeries and recovery time, and not a lot of vacation time over the years. I realized that I am burned out from pouring everything into my work for so long. It’s my season now to rest but it’s taking longer to recover than I expected. I also have chronic pain from nerve damage which limits what I can do. My prayer is to really use this new gift of time to focus on the Lord and His many blessings and not to spend as much time on social media and phone games, but also learning that it’s okay to rest.

    • Yes Lynne, you were created for rest. I pray you can give yourself permission to abide in Him in this new season of your life!

  6. Wow! Two things leapt out at me from your amazing post: 1. “That means the first day on earth for humans was actually a day of rest, not work.” What?! How have I missed that all my life? This is the first time I’ve read that or heard that ever. 2. “Rest gives us time to abide in Christ rather than chase after the affirmation of others.” This. If you should happen to think of it, please pray I will not chase after others’ affirmations but rest in God’s affirmations of me.” So easy to say. But not so much to do… Bless you, Dorina for this post. And may you continue to build a lifestyle of God-honoring rest.

    • Pearl, thank you for sharing what resonated and challenged you in my post. I am right there with you. Preaching to myself about the power of rest and truly resting in God’s affirmations of me.

  7. Dorina,

    This is a much needed post. Society tells us to do more, hustle, strive, achieve more. All that does is create stress, anxiety & other health issues. Lysa Terkeurst said it best in her book Your Best Yes “Saying yes to everyone & everything won’t make you wonder woman. It will make you a worn out woman with nothing left to give”. Some time ago there was a story of a fast food restaurant in Atlanta airport that challenged Chick-Fil-A to open on Sunday. After one week it was found that Chick-Fil-A did more business in 6 days than all the others combined. Which goes to show us that God was right all along.

    Blessings 🙂

    • That Best Yes book had a huge influence on me a few decades ago. I’m still learning to live in the embrace of rest and trust God for the times of productivity. Thanks for sharing!