“I will turn their mourning into gladness;
I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.”
Jeremiah 31:13
When we are in a season of mourning or when we’re weighed down by sorrow, it’s easy to believe life will always be that way. Grief can feel like a led blanket we’ll never be able to take off. Sadness and heartbreak and discouragement can feel like a dark cloud blocking out every glimmer of goodness.
God knows these feelings and experiences are real . . . but He also knows they are not the end of the story!
We serve a God who can (and will!) turn our mourning into gladness. He WILL give us abundant comfort and joy in place of deep sorrow.
You can confidently trust His promise today!
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What a beautiful word of hope and encouragement, not only for the for the grieving, but for the depressed, etc. as well!
Knowing our heavenly Father experienced loss and sadness through the death of His only Son is a source of comfort to us knowing He really does understand and cares!
I also love the truth beyond the sorrow that death is not the end of the story but only the beginning and that we will see our loved ones again.
– Diane Wright
I’ve been in this season of sorrow for a long time with the brokenness in our family , still waiting & praying for joy again
Praying for you as you go through this sad time in life. God’s mercies are new every morning!!
“Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you.
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10
When you desperate for a change. You can get you believe nothing will change you have not got the strength to change it. It’s go to know you have. Especially in the Lord. In this saying. “The Joy Of The Lord Is Your Strength” how true that is. The Joy of the Lord Is your strength to help you get through anything you are going through no matter what it is. If you just Pray and read your Bible and ask God to help you through it God will. It might not be the way you want. It might be God’s way. But why you like at your suitation in a few days or week or two you see God ways was best. Even though you thought your way was right. But on the whole looking back at God way is always best as God knows what is best for us. Sometimes that is to stay where we are. Eve. Thoe we want to swap and run away from what we are going through. God says no stay were you are it best and better for you than swapping it for something else. You look down the line see God was right. Love todays reading. Thanks incourage for it keeping you all in my prayers. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
This scripture verse goes well with me right now. Losing a dear friend and being at her memorial service on Saturday was semi-sad. But am thankful for the promise of heaven. Memorial service was good to be with beautiful music, scripture and communion at an evangelical church. Lovely pipe organ was good to hear a few times. Good to see friends that I have known for years and talk with each other at lunch after the service. Even writing this makes my tears and sadness touch me but I know that we will meet again when I leave earth, one of these years or Jesus returning to take us all home to live with Him forever in Heaven!! Good memories that bless my heart. Thankful that she is no longer in pain. Relieved. I will be there “when the roll is called up yander!!” (song)
Much appreciation for these daily available readings!
On the third day of any cold or illness I felt weighed down and believed life would always be miserable. Your description fit me to a T. I believed I would not recover. So even small sorrows can take on a life of their own. Any negative thought can cause one to feel like a lead blanket has been placed on him or her and that it will never be lifted off. Or like a dark cloud blocking out every glimmer of goodness or joy. Good job Becky!
In Courage,
Being in a sad/depressed state can feel like a heavy weight on your shoulders It often seems like this season will never end. That is just a lie the evil one whispers in your ears. I’m here to tell you that God can & will take your sadness & give you comfort & peace as you endure. Your situation may not change. God can change your perspective of the situation. He can show you the good. He did this for me this year. I was in a funk/depression last Fall & now I’m seeing the good in my job & life isn’t all that bad.
Blessings 🙂