It’s not that I remember falling out of my car or hearing that small pop as I hit the ground. It’s the feeling of utter helplessness that I can’t forget, as my body tilted backward and my eyes found the sky. And I don’t remember how I got myself up and into the driver’s seat, with knees turned out the open door, and my wrist raised to reveal it bent unnaturally.
But I remember the bend.
It all happened early one Sunday morning. I should have been on my way to worship band practice, but instead found myself calling our keyboardist who happened to work in the medical field. In minutes she would arrive, wrap my wrist in an ace bandage, and whisk me to the emergency room.
How does a grown woman fall out of her car? Well, the whole fiasco involved a boot with loopy laces catching on the door clip in our Honda Element. (Yes, we still have the car. But I donated the boots. And, yes, I feel bad about that.) Breaking your arm as an adult is not only embarrassing but inconvenient. For two months, my life revolved around recovering, while much of who I was and what I did were put on hold. I focused on incision management, cracking eggs one-handed, and stretching until I cried.
I (literally) dreamed of getting back to my art studio, back to the drums on Sundays, and back to showering correctly. But life pivoted in unexpected ways after my fall. I would never wear loose-laced shoes again! But more importantly, my hand would never be the same.
When life flips like this, we tell ourselves if we can just get to the other side of the crisis, we can get back to normal. But, that’s not how life works.
It’s more like a pinball machine, with that little metal ball rolling along on its merry way until — WHACK — a paddle flicks out and knocks the ball in a different direction. And the ball rolls on just fine until the next WHACK.
Sound familiar?
We all have those WHACKS — the big interruptions in life when something knocks us in an entirely new direction and we are helpless to do much about it. Besides breaking my arm, my life was irreversibly interrupted by a miscarriage, a painful career change for my husband, and clinical depression, to name a few. I know you have your list, too.
Our monastic friends are teaching me about interruptions. I’m learning that in the monastery they keep time by bells that “interrupt” their activity to order them on to the next task. And, though the bells constantly disrupt events, they keep the monastic life in balance, with room for prayer, study, leisure, work, and meals.
“The bell is annoying,” writes Macrina Wiederkehr, a Benedictine nun, in her book, Seven Sacred Pauses. But, she also admitted, “The bell is good. I have learned to change the annoying sound of the bell into an instrument of invitation.” And she cautions us, “Hearing the bell and listening to the invitation are two different experiences.”
So friends — might we see interruptions as invitations, believing that sometimes good comes with what we cannot change or control? Br. Paul Quenon, in his memoir, In Praise of the Useless Life, writes, “My philosophy is to let the Lord teach me by interruptions.” Now, I am coming to believe it for myself. That, truly, interruptions can infuse our lives with meaning.
I look back to when falling out of my car knocked me like a paddle in a pinball machine. I ask myself, What invitation came wrapped in this interruption? In what ways did my soul expand while my arm sat braced and immobile? My months of recovery held the answers. For one thing, I learned that nothing in life is a given — our plans can change in an instant. Still, more importantly, I learned to receive help.
Life knocks us down sometimes. It just does. These unwanted interruptions alter our paths in painful ways. But interruptions can also be opportunities for growth and meaning. It is okay if we do not recognize the invitation at first. And it is also okay if we only understand it once we are out of the crisis. For, clarity comes when we trace the jagged lines of our lives and watch how we are shaped, what we learned, and how we expanded. These twists can do the work of God in us — if we let them — propelling us into unexpected places and, sometimes even, unexpected blessings.
Mandy, this was so incredibly helpful. I love the concept of looking at interruptions as opportunities. Thank you for sharing your experiences.
Madeline, thank you for sharing. I pray that in our best days we will see these interruptions for what they are, and in our worst days we can survive them!
Mandy, I almost skipped my “incourage time ” this am because sleep had been interrupted with pulled muscle pain & indigestion in the wee hours. This is so encouraging & beautiful! I’m so glad I slowed the morning routine to read despite the time crunch of today. Thank you so much for sharing! Blessings! (((0)))
Hugs to you, Ruth! Thank you for sharing how these words encouraged you. Prayers that, after a long night, your day will be better than expected.
Mandy, thank you for sharing these words with us today. They are beautiful and wise, and have spoken to me personally. It’s a joy to share your words at (in)courage. Much grace and peace and joy your way!
Thank you, Rachel! I’m so grateful to share with the (in)courage family today. May whatever interruption you’re facing bring unexpected blessing (or at least pass quickly!).
Such a great message today! I had emergency gall bladder surgery last month. An unwanted interruption to be sure. I live alone and all of my family are on the opposite coast. I had to ask for help! That was hard to do. Fortunately, the ladies from my church group really rallied around me. I’m new to the church and it’s a new group, but this interruption helped fortify those fledgling relationships. If I had tried to go-it-alone, as I am prone to do, it would have been such a missed opportunity.
Help is so hard, Angela! But what an opportunity to forge relationships in your new church community. Thank you for sharing the blessing behind the interruption.
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 KJV
Thank you for the encouragement, Amada. 🙂
Thank you for this it encourages me.
However, there appears to be no help for us in our situation.
The church here seems to abandoned us in our large interruption to life and we feel alone and abandoned.
I’m so sorry to hear this, Nicky. Prolonged interruptions bring a considerable challenge to our connections and our souls. The isolation can be disheartening. I’m grateful that my story encouraged you but I know that words only do so much when we need a significant shift in our circumstances. Thank you for sharing so honestly today.
Just prayed for you, Nicky.
Praying I will see some daywhat blessings will come out of this brokeness in our family. I can’t imagine anything good coming out of this. Still praying daily & waiting for Gods answer
Your faithfulness is a testament all its own, J. Feeling abandoned by God is one of the most excruciating experiences in the soul’s journey. I still don’t have answers to certain questions, and I don’t see good everywhere. But there’s enough good to keep me believing. And it sounds like you feel the same. May your faith sustain you while you hold the brokenness in your family. Prayers for you.
How this speaks to my current situation! I fell a week ago walking my beloved greyhound. I was knocked unconscious and broke 4 bones in my face. I had to return my dog to the adoption facility. She is now with a family who already has a greyhound with a yard to run free whenever she wants. With me, she was living in an apartment with no other dog to play. I am so thankful for her new situation.
As for me, I’ve had to stay with my oldest brother, who is 13 years older, and his wife. I’ve never really had the chance to know them. This has given me that precious opportunity. I always loved them and we’d get together twice a year but nothing is like being dependent on them for almost everything. All the wonderful conversations that I wouldn’t trade for anything.
I’m just at the beginning stages of healing. I still don’t have a final answer concerning facial surgery to repair the broken bones. I know it’s at least 8 weeks for the bones to heal. At some point, I will go home. For now, I’m thankful that God is showing me the good things that He has done for me.
Thank you for sharing this, Beverly. I’m sorry for all that’s happened, but grateful that you’re finding a renewed connection with your brother at the same time. Prayers for your healing process!
Thank you Mandy. My husband and I are in a very different season now and I am really struggling with the “I don’t know when, why, how and where”. I’ve been praying and asking….. then one day I realized in all my frustration and not knowing I had forgotten to thank God for all the extra time I had. Time to help my in-laws and friends. Time to gather with friends and family. Time to serve at church and go to my beloved women’s study. Time to go to Dr appts with my husband, work in my yard, walk my dog, to be grateful and to grow…..
Thank you for these words that remind me today that my season of interruptions are part of God’s plan \0/
“Life knocks us down sometimes. It just does. These unwanted interruptions alter our paths in painful ways. But interruptions can also be opportunities for growth and meaning”
It’s SUCH a blessing to be able to see the good in the midst of the struggle, Janet! It’s not easy to shift perspectives when life is really hard, but it often helps us see what is already there for us. Thank you for sharing how you recognized the abundance of time you could use to bless others.
Thank you for this today! Two weeks ago, I also fell and broke my wrist (the bend is not natural). And for the last 6 months I have felt that we have been in the pinball machine. Thank you for encouraging me to dwell on what I know is true—that God is still in control and that everything will be okay. Learning to accept help is very humbling, but has been a way that God has shown us through friends, family, and even strangers that the goodness of God’s people is amazing!
I’m praying that I will be teachable in this latest interruption and be more aware of what God would have me do each day.
The bend! It sounds like you are on the same journey, Judy, and it can be a long one. Prayers for your healing (oh my, the stretches…) and for seeing any invitations that might be coming your way.
I’m glad I saw this post and read it. I have been going through a different time in life after an asthma attack in May and not able to go back to work. I have had problems walking but at least I rarely use my cane now. My (adult) daughter is going through a health problem and she lives with us. Long story short, I’m know that God is with us and He never leaves or forsakes us. I need to write in my journal as well. Thanks for sharing your story in life ❤️
Your journal is an excellent place to pour out all the frustrations and questions in this difficult time. I’m glad you and your daughter have each other, and that your faith is carrying you right now. Prayers for all of you
Mandy a few years ago I broke my ankle. See I do home help for my elderly Dad. I used to go do it 7 days a week for my Dad. This day I was going down to Washing machine which was in the outside shed. The grass was wet I slipped on it. When I fell away I went. Next I remember snap on left ankle. I had to have pins put in it at a Hospital over 2 hours away from our home town. But I heard God say Dawn you have to let your sisters do more to help their Dad your Dad as well. See our Dad now 82. This was 3 years ago back in October even if they are working you not working because of other health problems you have. They can do we bit more to help their Dad to your Dad. Not expect you to do as much. This opportunity for you do a bit less. Take time and care for you and well. As I rested in my day to when on earth. You have to take time out for you. Your sisters do take time out for themselves. If you don’t you end up with burn out no good to your elderly Dad or your Husband. I had to listen to God or my health would have go worse. Life did knock me down then as I wondered how am I going to tell my Dad and my sister’s I be out of action for few months as broken my ankle. Plus only be doing our Dad’s home help Monday to Friday. Taking every Weekend of to rest. Now my sister’s do weekends. Taking their turns for our Dad helping him. I more rested and not tired to do his home help Monday to Friday. I am alot happier doing it plus I enjoyed doing it more. I do it for the Love of the Lord and the Love of my elderly Dad. God told me that he was pleased I am talking the rest. I thought before I had to do it saying had no kids and had no other job. Not like my sister’s. So it did knock me down when I had to rest when I broke my ankle. God said you have to rest now your ankle broke. As before I was all go for doing my Dad’s 7 days a week. Until God said no Dawn rest less days at your Dad’s when ankle gets better. Love today’s reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
Hello my Northern Irelander, thank you for sharing! (At seminary, one of my dearest friends & ministry partner was from N. Ireland. I’m imagining her voice as I read your words.) What a blessing that all of you girls get this time with your father. You were in a complicated spot, but it sounds like you knew the invitation and you took it. Prayers for you as you rest, and as all of you navigate your father’s final chapters.
My knock-down list from 2020 would include a broken ankle (2+ months in a “boot” and on crutches) besides my husband’s on-the-job injury and another family member’s ongoing health issues since then. Certainly learned reliance on others and on the Lord!
“knock-down list” This is the perfect phrase, MP! You have quite a list, but I’m grateful you took the invitation to receive help.
Thank you. Your words ring true and are so beautifully written. I hope your wrist is doing way better!
Way better, indeed, Pearl! 🙂 Thank you for your words.
Mandy, this is an amazing piece! You’ve given me much to think about. Hopefully, the next time my life is interrupted, I will face it with a better attitude.
Thank you for reading, Gail. Prayers that the invitation will be obvious for you!
Oh. I have always resented “interruptions.” Somehow I still feel smashed, up ended, and not always the “bloom where you are planted” type person. This certainly gives me food for thought, especially the quote you shared from the sister: “Hearing the bell and listening to the invitation are two different experiences.”
Now why didn’t I understand that before now!!
Thank you for sharing your story. You are a blessing.
Thank you for your honesty, and yes, Shauna. I’m with you on the up-ended smashy feeling. I’d rather not deal with any interruption if I don’t have to! 😀 But, if they come, I pray we both embrace the invitation wrapped in the interruption.
You have given me much to ponder. I, like most people, don’t like change or interruptions. You have shown me that good can come out of what we cannot change or control. A few years back while my aging dad was in an assisted living I quit work to be more available for him. One day I visited him at lunch. He was having trouble feeding himself. I asked him if I could help. He nodded yes. There were two other men at the table. The one to the right said “You will get stars in your crown for this”. God can use anything to grow us spiritually while bringing us back to Himself.
Blessings 🙂
What a beautiful memory, Beth. Such a blessing for you to see that invitation for what it was!