For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; they are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. God presented him as the mercy seat by his blood, through faith, to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his restraint God passed over the sins previously committed. God presented him to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so that he would be just and justify the one who has faith in Jesus.
Romans 3:23-26 CSB
Not long after we bought our first home, we discovered that the promise of a home warranty wasn’t nearly as great as we hoped. While we anticipated some immediate repairs, like the roof and fridge, we were in no way prepared to replace the boiler. Both the inspector and former homeowner never indicated there was any problem. We realized after it was too late that the leak between the chambers of the aging unit was the source of the water stain on the floor.
We were duped, not only by what we didn’t know to look for but also by the fine print. The promise of a home warranty led us to believe that should the boiler fail within a year of purchase, we’d have the whole replacement covered. Ah. Not so. See, the fine print in that warranty said, “Up to $1,500.00.” Do you know how much it costs to replace a boiler system? I hope you’re sitting down because ours cost over $8,000, and that was not the most expensive quote.
As I reflect upon how unprepared we were to be homeowners and the financial strain of owning a house, it often makes me think of God and the promise of salvation. I know that may seem odd, but stick with me for a minute.
When it comes to God and His Word, there is no hidden fine print that will jump up to bite us in the you-know-what.
His Word, when it is revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, is honest and true. We may not understand His ways, but we can always count on God to be faithful and true. He is never changing and always full of loving kindness.
Unlike owning a house and not knowing what it will really cost to maintain it until you’re in the thick of it, God takes care of all the charges when we choose to enter into a relationship with Him.
He bought us at a price, through the death of His Son, Jesus Christ, and He makes a way for us to be right with Him. To us, this is a free gift. To God, it cost everything.
With owning a house, there’s always this sense of, “Oh no, what’s going to break next and what will it cost us?” But with God, there is the promise of eternity, no matter what the earthly strain might be. In Christ, we have full confidence that the price has been paid for our eternal salvation.
Devotion by Elisa Pulliam, as published in the CSB (in)courage Devotional Bible
The CSB (in)courage Devotional Bible is an invitation for all women to find their stories within the tapestry of the greatest Story ever told — God’s Story of Redemption! Featuring devotions by over one hundred writers from the (in)courage community, the CSB (in)courage Devotional Bible provides resources for women to explore the Bible, dive deep into Scripture, record their own stories, and find themselves among friends. Readers will experience Scripture in new ways in the company of women willing to “go first” with everyday stories that bear witness to God’s grace in finding beauty in brokenness and hope in the hard.
The (in)courage Bible just celebrated her sixth birthday. . . and now has two beautiful brand new cover options! Along with the original covers, you can now also choose from the gorgeous Bordeaux purple or this lovely Sage green. Both leathertouch, both stunning. We’re so excited that this Bible continues to speak to hearts, that our own devotions alongside God’s Word continue to encourage, and that the reading plans, deep dives into featured women, and reflection questions continue to inspire.
Pick up your new (in)courage Bible today. . . and leave a comment to WIN a new one for yourself!
We’d love to hear what the (in)courage Bible has meant to you if you have one, and if you don’t, we’d love to know what you’re drawn to about it.
One thing speak out of this reading a word that a person that is saved spoke to my Husband one day about a month ago. He was doing only a few lawns not that many to make a proper living. So my Husband wondering how can you with the cost of living getting so deer. Pay all your bill eg House car kids etc. Even though we don’t have any all that went through my Husband head. This man turned around and said no truer words. Who will supply all your needs. His answer was “THE LORD JESUS CHRIST” How true that is if you have the faith in Jesus to do that. But we have to have the faith for Jesus to do that as his word says. We have to do as word say tithe a 10th of everything we earn back to our Heavenly Father. Pray and ask him where he wants us to put a 10th of our money if working back into his work. Then the Lord will bless us. Meet all our needs not our greed’s. It says to do this in Malachi 3:8-10 if we read it. So this shows me God’s word is honest and true. I never nor my Husband wanted for anything. We always tithe out if his wages and my money when I was working and any money I was not working. We prayed what God wanted us to give it too. To help his people. God showed us. Love today’s reading. Keeping you all incourage in prayer. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. xx
I have an (in)courage bible, that I really like. The CSB version is accurate and easy to read. My Mom has been wanting a new Bible, I would love to win this for her.
What a wonderful pairing . . . A devotional right beside relevant scripture. Would love to have one!
It would be wonderful to win this Bible. I’m going to check it out more, sounds like a good one.
Enjoy to read the in(courageous) email devotional and ponder it, particularly the “ viewed poster”
How exciting about the Bible designing to meet the women’s understanding! With that, using the daily devotional perspective is a necessity to share with the others.
“Speaking” of the podcasts, it would be nice to have a transcription for those who have special needs (I.e. Deaf, Learning Disabled, etc.) Not only that cause, it would be great to meet all needs of women’s studies.
May one be blessed for receiving a new Bible by you and not receiving it. All Blessings goes to everyone with an AWE-Beautiful Love !
Thank you for this opportunity to win this Bible. I appreciate all the work that goes in to these recordings and look forward to listening each time they are posted.
If I should win the CSB devotional Bible, I would give it to a friend who is going through a difficult time right now. What a wonderful way to share God’s love by sending His Word.
Thank you for letting us have this opportunity! I love this idea and thanks for all you do to encourage us your readers!
What a beautiful bible.
I am putting this on my Christmas list. I love the idea of having the reading plan and devotionals to help relate to scripture more. It’s one of the best ways to learn.
These are so beautiful! I’ve been reading more of the CSB version and would love to dive deeper!
No small print…I love that because we each have been duped by the small print. God’s love is unconditional.
I’ve been searching for the right Bible for myself and haven’t found it yet. My girls have found theirs that fit them so I’ll have to check this one out, thanks!
I love to compare different Bibles and think this one would really help in understanding God’s word. I so much enjoy the daily blogs on my email that my sweet sister hooked me up to. Thank you.
I don’t have an (in)courage Bible but I enjoy many of the articles I read here. I’m a pastor’s wife so I think this would be a great resource to have and share the truths with other ladies.
What is this the Bible that is featured in the photos that accompany today’s post?
The Bibles pictured are the CSB (in)courage Devotional Bibles! Same interiors, different covers.
I don’t currently have one but the new color/style options with the soft touch leather makes me think I may need to get one! Lovely.
Love the new Bibles!
I’d love a copy! Thank you for the opportunity to share \0/
My women’s study would be thrilled to dive into the CSB (in)courage Devotional Bible. To study and discuss. To learn and share. We can journal as a group and then go back and reflect. Hug, pray, wipe tears and jump for joy.
Thank you (in)courage sisters for always reminding us always God is everywhere
Have wonderful blessed Thursday \0/
The podcast has quickly become one of my favorite pieces of my morning routine. Thank you for curating such life-giving content.
Thank you so much, Isabel! What a great encouragement.
God’s word is my nourishment! It inspires me & draws me closer to God! It encourages me & gives me strength to keep on living & sharing Christ & His gospel message of unconditional all forgiving Love, Grace and Mercy with everyone. It empowers me to endure the pain I go through each day as I endure several health problems. Nehe.8:10 “the joy of the Lord is my strength!” Please enter me in the drawing for the CSB (In-Courage) Version! All God’s blessings ,
Sherry, your grateful sister-in-Christ
I have the (in)courage women’s devotional bible and I love it! In addition to scripture itself, I also look forward to reading the entries of women just like me who relate scripture to their personal life. I have shared my feelings about my bible with friends and family members. If I win one, I would pass it along and share God’s word!
Thank you for the gift of a devotional Bible that is beautiful inside and out. I would like to try one.
I have been looking to buy a new Bible. These look beautiful and the concept definitely sounds interesting. I love following Incourage.
Definitely I’ll pick the green cover. It’s my favorite color. Also it’s my favorite Bible I have own.
What absolutely beautiful Bibles!
These new colors are beautiful!
I am currently working my way through an incourage devotional and enjoy starting my day with it.
A Bible with devotions in it is a great idea! Thanks for the chance to win one!
I don’t have that Bible, but I’m interested in reading encouraging and uplifting testimonies of God going through things with us, as well as turning hard things into good.
This looks like an amazing book!!! It would be an amazing blessing to me.
I actually am hoping to win this for a deserving friend. She was just asking me about a Bible and has recently returned to church. Thank you for the opportunity.
I moved to a Washington forest a year ago, living in a teeny travel trailer until we can build, with most of my belongings packed in shipping containers! While my “Essential boxes” included blank praise journals, I packed only my smallest basic Bible…
Septic, wells and solar expenses have funneled my funds into a stash of Bible studies (8) for the long dark winters of the PNW.
Totally blessed in our beautiful forest, the CSB Bible would enhance God’s gift of this new chapter of life! Thank you for considering me as a recipient.
I purchased the Blue one about 3 years ago. I’ve read through all the devotional series and they were very encouraging. I loved having the planned readings (I didn’t have to think about what to read next). I also enjoyed being able to look up more for an author who shared something that resonated with me. The new colors are so lovely but of course it’s the content that touches my heart.
Thank you for the opportunity to win this Bible. Love the personal stories to dive deeper in understanding. The reading plan looks great too.
I have so many bibles but each one seems lacking in something. Maybe this is the perfect fit!
This is a beautiful devotional Bible. I would cherish it.
I would love to win the sage green cover version of this.
How very true what an amazing devotion.
Devotion time each morning is crucial to my day. I love to learn about new resources available. Thank you!!
I absolutely adore my Incourage Bible, and I use it religiously (no pun intended ). I love having multiple translations to meditate on and pour over.
I love studying with my (in)Courage Bible! The devotions throughout have drawn me closer to God. I love all the space to take notes and reading and reflecting on all of it. The quality is amazing 🙂
The two new designs are beautiful. What a great way to bring Gods word to someone.
The (in)courage bible is what convinced me to take my faith seriously. It was the first time a bible spoke to me and reached my heart. The devotions in it are so timeless and profound, this bible absolutely changed the trajectory of my life and I think it’s amazing. I tell everyone about it and how wonderful the community is. Everyone is so filled with Jesus’s love and light and that has helped me heal so much from past trauma. This bible is beautiful but also healing. I love the new covers and incredibly excited that there’s so much demand for this to be printed! Keep up the amazing work guys!
I am so drawn to the beautiful cover, but then the reading plans look so doable and purposeful! This quote from the blog caught my attention, “ with everyday stories that bear witness to God’s grace in finding beauty in brokenness and hope in the hard” I love stories and I know our stories are powerful when shared.
I can not wait to own one!
This would be an incredible and invaluable resource in my life. I’d love to own it.
These are beautiful! I’d love to win one, especially the sage green!
I don’t own one and I like the layout of it. I also like the ministry and content of the devotions and events.
I do not have an (in)courage bible, but I would love to have one. I have a thirst to know my Father God, to grow in his word and to do his will. Having this bible will guide me along my journey. Thank you for the opportunity.
Stumbled onto a post about sitting at a table of one if we can’t find common ground. Needed to read that desperately this morning. This world has become so divided and polarizing. Thank you for bringing light where there is so much darkness!
What draws me to this bible is the note taking space. I like that there is room to write a full sentence on one line. There aren’t many note taking bibles with this layout 🙂
I have been enjoying bible journaling for a while now! As a journaler, I am thrilled to learn that there is space among the pages for my thoughts and notes! I feel that I retain more of what I have studied, for future reference, when I am able to jot down the high points right alongside where I studied it! And, that bordeaux purple – lovely!!
In Courage,
Here are my take aways: “God takes care of all the charges when we choose to enter into a relationship with Him.” There is no fine print with Him. His word is active & true.
“He bought us at a price, through the death of His Son, Jesus Christ, and He makes a way for us to be right with Him. To us, this is a free gift. To God, it cost everything.” Just meditating on the thought of Jesus leaving the splendor of Heaven & coming down to sin darkened Earth to die a horrible death puts me in awe. I cringe every time I mess up, yet know that He will continue to forgive me. That’s why I love Chris Tomlin’s song “Thank You Lord”.
I have a devotional Bible. I thoroughly enjoy each one. They help me dissect the scripture to understand it better. Would love to win a copy.
Blessings 🙂
I think this Bible sounds amazing. I love that there are stories of courageous women that have been tucked into the pages.
What a wonderful Bible. Thanks for the chance to win one
I am drawn to the idea of a Bible study built right in!
This Bible is amazing! Would love to win this. Thank you for this.
I really enjoy the CSB and the (in)courage devos. These new cover options are perfect!
This is beautiful! God knows the timing of everything and has already “paid” for us. Oh how we don’t deserve the abundance of grace he gives to us!
I do not own the CSB (In)Courage Bible but am looking forward to all the devotional content. I’d love the burgundy one – so pretty!
I don’t have an incourage Bible but do have a planner that I really like! This year along with my boyfriend and others from church, are studying God’s word from the beginning. I have grown so much in 5 months and looking forward to studying the rest. I enjoy reading from different translations and study Bibles.
This Bible is beautiful!
In love with the sage cover!!
What a beautiful, and relatable, post as someone who purchased their first home 3 years ago and had to replace the water heater. Oh boy is the cost of being a homeowner more than expected. So many think being a believer of Jesus Christ will cost them so much – joy, freedom, love, etc but that is so far from the truth. If anything all of those things multiplied in my life when I decided to accept Jesus Christ. I am by no means a perfect Christian but I am trying my best. And one thing I am trying to do now is engage with God more often through His Word, prayer, and my church community. We are doing the Experiencing God study with our church and it is encouraging me and inspiring me to lean in and to welcome Him into my life more, whatever that may look like.
Love the colors and the CSB. Look forward to reading the extras in it as well.
I love a good devotional Bible! And the pretty cover is a bonus.
I have been wanting to get a CSB bible and I love that this one has devotions and study pieces along with the Word!
What a beautiful, enticing book! I may order one in each color to share with my sister as an accountability plan!
Love the idea of a devotional alongside the Bible. Love the sage color too!!!
What a beautiful bible to study! Thank you for the opportunity to win it!
The (in)courage Bible has been the only Bible that I’ve felt truly drawn to with not only the Word of God but all of the stories from wonderful women which enhance scripture and the entire experience. I’d love to win another. They’re stunning!
I love the purple!