I look back on that time in our marriage, and the memories still sting my heart like tiny cactus needles. We survived falling apart, but mending the mess was a slow, pain-filled process. We recognized how we had intentionally hidden parts of ourselves, assuming the other person wouldn’t understand and would therefore reject us. We noticed our patterns of communication, paid attention to what triggered our pain points, and examined the beliefs we had about ourselves, each other, and the world. We faithfully attended our therapy sessions, which included lots of tears, occasional yelling, and working through the same problems again and again.
I often wondered, then, if it was worth it — worth being in the marriage, worth putting in the effort for an outcome I wasn’t guaranteed, worth keeping at it when I couldn’t even imagine what a future together might look like. And the only thing that kept me grounded was the redeeming power of the gospel. If miraculous and impossible things can happen in Christ, such as resurrection from the dead, surely there was hope for us in our marriage. Surely we could change for the better, and it would be worth it to wait and see what God might do.
In Matthew 19:26, Jesus says, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Though this verse has been used too flippantly in the church as a way to gloss over difficult circumstances, during that season of marital hardship, I held on to it for the promise that it is. It anchored me in hope, giving me the sustenance I needed to try and commit to our marriage for another day, another month, another year.
Mending a marriage or any other relationship is not always possible, but when it is, the hardest part can be doing the simplest things, like having a conversation, asking questions, and staying curious about the other person to get to know them better.
Isn’t that what we all want? To be fully known? Wholly seen?
Even though my husband has thoughts and emotions beyond what he shows, it’s difficult for him to access them and find the words to express them. By asking him directly about his feelings, I give him the opportunity to stay present with himself, figure out how to describe what he’s feeling, and then verbalize his thoughts to me. By asking questions, I open the door for him to take up space, be himself as much as possible, and create connections between us.
The questions will vary based on different relationships and situations, but the key to asking the right ones is to stay curious, which is different from being nosy. Curiosity keeps us tender to each other’s humanity.
When we don’t know someone, it’s easy to dehumanize them and treat them as if they’re an object made for our judgment. We can make assumptions about their character, their background, their family, their life, and feel justified as we do so. But when we stay curious, we keep their humanity in view. Curiosity helps us remember that the person we share a home with and the acquaintance on Facebook are both individuals made and loved by God. We may not agree or have the same values. We may never become close with that other mom at school or that neighbor across the street, but we can genuinely care for one another. We might even find that we laugh at the same things or have similar passions. We might learn we have a shared pain or we’re on a similar journey in life. And perhaps then, even when all hope feels lost, we can take small steps toward mending the gaps created by our differences.
This story from Grace P. Cho is an excerpt from our book, Come Sit with Me: How to Delight in Differences, Love through Disagreements, and Live with Discomfort. In this book, 26 of our (in)courage writers help you navigate tough relational tensions by revealing their own hard-fought, grace-filled learning moments (like in Grace’s story above).
Whether you’re in the middle of a conflict without resolution or wondering how to enter into a friend’s pain, Come Sith With Me will serve as a gentle guide. Discover how God can work through your disagreements, differences, and discomfort in ways you might never expect.
Want to hear Grace read her full chapter? Click here.
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Grace thank you for today’s wonderful reading. I remember in my Marriage we are married me and my Husband 30 years in June this year. We where I can’t remember how many years married. But a bad row came up between us both. Because my Husband. He never went with anyone else. He always had in his mind because he not much money. I would leave him for someone else. I want a better house and life style. I had quite a time telling him. I made my vows until death do us part as the saying goes. My Husband wouldn’t have ever married me only I asked him to married me. Because he thought I don’t have much money to keep a wife and pay house hold bills too. I knew in my life I always wanted to be with him. We had bad row once. I looked up at my Marriage photo in our living room. I said to him that day. No way are you getting rid of me. I made my vows to stay I love you to much. So I do. So I did. Ever since that day we prayed to God told God this marriage is for life. Nothing going to brake it up. We looked at either and cried. Gave either a big hug and made up said sorry. My Husband said God has meant us to be together. I was being insecure. Because I thought you’d want better. Because I not a person with plenty of money who can give you nice things and a big house. I said I didn’t marry that. I married you. I we have the Lord and that’s all that matters. The Lord will provide all our needs. We have this we house. We got either and that’s all that matters. I don’t want the big flashy lifestyle. So all theses years later we are still together. We never forget to tell either we love either and put God first in our marriage. We read God’s word together. As we tell either especially my Husband God put us together. We remind either we will never let our relationship get that bad ever again. We are thankful for the Love God gave us to give either and the we house we have. Plus we say there are people in the world who are homeless and don’t have what we have. So we are thankful to God. We say Amen to that. Love today’s reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx keeping you all in incourage in prayer xx
Congratulations on 30 years of marriage. It takes a lot of hard work to keep a marriage going & it appears you both have done it. Happy for you both!!
Blessings 🙂
Beautiful testimony. Communication is key!!! God Bless.
Thank you for sharing the tender parts of your life. Next year will mark 20 years of marriage for hubby & I. We’ve had more than our share of ups, downs, twists & turns. But through it all we kept God at the center. Most men tend to hold their emotions close.
When I sense my hubby is troubled I ask a few questions. Tell him I love him & thank him for working hard for us. We pray for each other daily. Looking over the past 20 years I know God put us together. Matthew 19:5-6 ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
Blessings 🙂
I’ve been praying for and believing God will restore a broken relationship for over a year now. I was feeling discouraged the last few days, thinking reconciliation may not be coming, it may not be God’s will. Last night I prayed, asking God to give me a word of encouragement that I’m going in the right direction. When I woke up to this devotional… well… Thank you God for blessings great and small!
I to am praying for brokenness in our family. What is impossible for us is possible with God is something I cling to.