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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. It’s like I told my brother…… Let’s agree to disagree… And move on. We still are close and full of love and faith. Thanks Jennifer!

  2. Jennifer thank you for sharing your heart. It good to share our thoughts at times. We will not always agree with everyone at all times. It like me and my Husband. I love him to pieces. Yes there are time we don’t get one. We agree to disagree. He has is option I have mine. But we stay friends and don’t fall out. Like me and my sister’s we do the same. We still love either the same. If something we do fall out about me and my Husband or me and my sister’s. We do what the Bible tell us make up and forgive do as it says in Ephesians 4 v 32 “And be kind to one another tenderhearted, forgiving one another even as God in Christ forgive you.” Do that before the end of the day. As it so important as you don’t know if the person going to wake up to see the next day. You regret you didn’t forgive and make up where not kind to one another. So it so important to do as the word of God say. I have known people who went to bed the next morning their loved one was not alive they regretted they didn’t tell them they loved them and they wondered where they kind to them. So it make me say alway do and if you need to forgive do before you go bed. Love this word Jennifer. Love Dawn Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. keeping you all in incourage in prayer xx❤️

  3. ohhhhh Jennifer \0/
    I love the feeling of “finally” meeting in the middle, or as you have “at the table.” My husband and I “butt heads” politically. And like you, I’m the one who sheds tears. I responds loudly and emotionally and if I’m honest, the one who continues to stir the pot when my husband is over it! Luckily, and by the grace of God we don’t go so far down that path anymore. Thank you wisdom! We’ve learned and decided “it’s okay to to disagree and move on…and we realize..
    “we loved “us” more than we hated what was different” AND we are really different!!! hahahaha
    I’m sooo grateful God is in middle of our differences \0/

  4. Jennifer,

    We were each made uniquely in the image of God. We all have our quirks, likes & dislikes. Hubby & I don’t always agree on the same thing. It’s alright to agree to disagree. We love “us” more than any disagreement. Next January will mark 20 years of marriage. Great post!

    Blessings 🙂