“Ma’am, pull this black sock over your head and grab a red helmet.”
With the noise of speeding go-karts in the background, I grabbed a red helmet and smiled like I wasn’t about to freak out. My oldest invited me to join him and a group of military officer friends at an indoor go-kart track while I was visiting over Christmas break. I pushed the helmet down over the protective head sock while whispering a prayer for my crushed hair. Then, I breathed another prayer: God, I don’t know what I’m doing. Please help me not embarrass myself. Amen.
Once the helmet’s thick padding dampened the noise around me, my sight sharpened. I glanced around. An uncomfortable warm ooze of self-awareness spread throughout my body. I felt very out of place. I was the only middle-aged woman attempting to drive a go-kart that afternoon.
My inner self took this realization as an opportunity to amp up the random anxious thoughts:
Try not to drive like an old carpool mom…
You know they are all going to pass you…
Maybe today wasn’t the best day to wear boots with heels…
When it was time to fold myself into the tiny go-kart, all my self-doubts crowded in with me. I thought about climbing back out and standing on the sidelines. My helmet only amplified my choir of doubts. But I forced myself to stay in my seat. With tears in my eyes, I made the decision to believe that I could do this, even if I didn’t do it well.
As soon as the go-flag came down, I jammed my foot on the gas. That little go-kart shot off and I held on. The first curve appeared before I was ready for it, but I drove into the bend, narrowly missing the wall in front of me. I broke out in a thin sheen of sweat and took my foot off the gas for a second. I wanted to give up, but quitting wasn’t an option. I took a deep breath and pressed the gas again. Every curve was a learning curve. Throughout the twelve laps, I figured out what to do and not to do. Other go-karts passed me with more speed and more skill, but I kept driving, learning, and gaining confidence as I went along.
The final results… I came in last place. Not just barely last place, but most solidly and firmly in last place. But I did it. I was last, but I won the battle to believe that I could do it. I won the even bigger battle of not beating myself up for failing to do it well.
Too often, it’s our fear of failure or embarrassment that keeps us from stepping out in courage or faith. What would you like to do that you’ve never done before? What’s been stopping you from saying “yes,” whether it’s to something big or small? Perhaps you’re like me and you’re starting to wonder if you’re too old, if you don’t fit in, or if it’s too late. These are a part of that chorus of self-doubt that wants you to believe that it’s best not to put yourself out there.
Here’s what I want you to know today: I believe that God has a great adventure of faith and purpose for your life. That adventure never needs to be perfect. Stepping out in faith doesn’t require perfection. Stepping out in faith IS success. Period. Part of the adventure is that God gives you the grace of each day to keep figuring things out!
I appreciate the words of an ancient prophet, Jeremiah, who witnessed both epic failures and flashes of faith from God’s people. They’d failed to trust God and were struggling in captivity. But, their failures didn’t stop God’s faithfulness to them. Known as the weeping prophet, Jeremiah empathizes with their distress and offers the following reminder of hope to meet them in their hopelessness:
“Great is his faithfulness;
his mercies begin afresh each morning.”
Lamentations 3:23 NLT
Every day, God gives you a chance to try again. God’s faithfulness isn’t stymied by your fears, flaws, or failures. You can stand up and fall down a thousand times and God is the first voice whispering, “Trust Me. Try again. You can do this.” The brilliance of God is that He can, even when we cannot. His mercy meets you and me at the dawn of each day. Failure is never fatal with God. No matter how many times you’ve doubted yourself or failed, God offers a divine do-over. He promises that as you let His Spirit guide your life, freedom and victory are waiting for you.
Today’s question:
If you weren’t afraid to take a risk and you knew that God had called you to it, what would you do? Tell us about it in the comments and we can pray for you!
Life can be so painfully heavy. But you don’t have to carry it all on your own. Really. There is a God who is ready and willing to carry you! Your part is to simply unclench your firsts, stop grasping for control, and instead surrender all to God. We know this is easier said than done, so let your friends at (in)courage show you how.
Our new book, 100 Days of Strength for Any Struggle will be out in just 6 days! Order your copy now so you can start experiencing more of God’s strength every day.
contact a friend i haven’t spoken w/ in years. not sure if it is time yet and i don’t wish to be out of God’s will or timing if i were to do so.
Arian, I feel you on that one! I pray that you sense a clear leading from God on whether to reach out, wait or to trust God to guide you no matter what you decide to do.
Arian and Barb!
I just did this very thing. I reached out to a dear neighbor friend from childhood days. I sent her a book of devotions. She has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. She actually sent me a lovely note back. It’s worth it to connect. You don’t want any regrets as life goes on.
Lifting you up!
Barb, what a wonderful story you painted for me . I was in the car with you at every turn! Thank you for your encouragement.
Quieting down those fears and doubts.
Dee, thank you for sharing your courageous story of reaching out!
What would I do?
I transferred graduate programs on this same question to pursue the dream God put in my heart after losing three family members, and really sitting with this question and the concept that life is so short.
Now as I’m using my Master’s I’ve been pigeonholed in my career by someone I’m afraid to use my voice to speak up against- not using my God given talents and passions. I’m applying for jobs to leave but no doors seem to open – so my answer to the question is, finding a job somewhere else or even a position where I currently work where who He created me to be shines.
Go girl go ! He walks with you. Just keep your eyes upon Him and Hw will protect and guide you on his path for your life.
Love this, Cheryl!
Logan, thank you for joining us on (in)courage and sharing with us. You’re right, life is short and we pray that You can see and feel God’s hand guiding your path and decisions for the future.
Praying for you sweet sister. Asking God to put you right where He wants you. May He guide your steps & give you a discerning heart to know His perfect will.
Blessings 🙂
Thank you for today’s podcast. I listen every single day and I just thank you for encouraging me every single day. I am about to do a scary move from Michigan to Africa to be with my fiancé. We want to get married and live there, and my family who claims that they care about me are all very toxic, unsupportive, negative, gaslighting judgmental, and I’m just struggling because your family should be the most supportive people, and they are the most negative about my move. It’s one of the reasons why I want to move. Just to get some distance even from my toxic family and I’m just praying every single day that this is what God wants me to do because I don’t want to miss His best for me. Thank you so much for your prayers and thank you all for all of your hard work and dedication to the podcast and this website.
Amy, congratulations to you and your fiance. What a big bold move for you. Praying for God’s wisdom, strength and courage in the next season of your life.
This was so good. I needed it today. I am 60 years old and working on my masters degree. Many days I question why I am doing this to myself. It’s so overwhelming. I know God called me to do this so I won’t give up. My boss says, “If God called you to it, He will bring you through it.” God is teaching me to trust Him more everyday.
I ask Him daily for wisdom and strength to complete this. He has never failed me yet.
Good for you Diane! You’re never too old to keep learning. Blessings as you go for it!
Hi Diane,
I’m older than 20, and I going back to school, too!
Every day I question myself, so thank you for knowing I’m not the only one with scary feet!
Wonderful words. Words I needed to read today. Thank you!
Wonderful! Thank you for joining us on (in)courage today!
I would visit my son, who has become estranged from me for over ten years. My many attempts to communicate with him have gone unanswered. I’m fearful of risking being deeply hurt and choosing anything which would disrupt God’s plans for the healing of our relationship.
Kathleen, we are so glad that you are a part of our (in)courage community. There are so many that can relate to your comment. Thank you for courageously sharing with us.
So encouraging!
I would start serving at my local church’s youth ministry, I have a heart for helping teenagers but am also terrified!
Hi Barbara, I’m glad that you were encouraged. Thank you for sharing with us. Praying for your next steps as you lean into the passion that God has placed in your heart.
Hi Barb -We met before the pandemic at Church Of The resurrection in Kansas City when I attended your workshop. By the grace of God, I’m presenting a workshop at that same conference this weekend!
You asked what we would do if we had no fear of failure. Because I wanted to please my dad I earned a degree in pharmacy and was in Community pharmacy, and pharmaceutical industry for 34 years.
Now that I’m retired I get to choose where my heart leads which is encouraging women and writing. Just published my sixth book each one does a little bit better than the last. To God be the glory.
love your encouragement. “Failure is not fatal and God allows for divine do-overs.”
Lisa, thank you for sharing your testimony! It’s wonderful that you’ve been stepping out in faith and boldness. Praying many blessings over you as you teach your workshop this weekend!
I want to be physically strong again. I want to be able to help my Mother who is 83 years wise if she needs me.
I don’t want Rheumatoid Arthritis to the reason I can not take water therapy again.
Thank You Lord for Your Strength.
That’s such good, Brenda!
I would reach out to someone to try and repair a broken relationship. The fear of rejection and further heartbreak keep me from taking that step.
Sweet Angela, thank you sharing with us. We see you and we’re praying for you.
Thank you Barb. Perfect for today \0/
Praise God! Thank you for joining us today on (in)courage.
If I weren’t afraid, I would speak at women’s events as an opener, comedienne type of entertainer. I feel like God has given me a vision of myself doing this and it being amazing and then I climb down from cloud 9. That same vision also has a version where 1000 blank faces stare back at me!
Christine, I’m SO proud of you for sharing with us! I pray that you continue to be open to where God leads and trust Him to guide.
I loved this post. Being ready to take the step into retiring from my current job and into a new chapter of my life when the time is appropriate.
If I wasn’t afraid and knew God called me to it, I would put a real effort in to finding a job or finish my degree or volunteer more consistently… Unfortunately, I live with severe mental health issues right now and get overwhelmed & scared before I even take a step. I don’t feel like I know what God wants me to do yet! Am I suppose to just sit here longer and wait? My guilt over not being productive is killing me!
I have been there Lanette. Praying for you. Maybe you can rethink what productivity looks like. Maybe this is a season to feel better and stronger. Hang in there!!
To teach a women’s small group Bible study in our church.
I love your story, that took courage!
I’m a retired teacher and working part-time subbing, but long to do something new and exciting! Of course I want to stay within God’s will, but I’m not sure what that is, or if I have the courage to step out on faith and do it! Please pray for me.
Fail stands for “First attempt in learning”. Thomas Edison, who failed numerous times, said “I have not failed 10,000 times—I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.” There is an old saying “If at first you don’t succeed, try try again.” God doesn’t see failure as fatal. Look how many times the Israelites messed up & yet He forgave them each time. He gives us new mercies each day. Like a fresh start or a do over.
Blessings 🙂